Opps! It seems that Mira and Ao failed the exams. In other words, they have to study for a makeup exam. Also, Ino does a certain activity with Suzu. I wonder what it is?
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Opps! It seems that Mira and Ao failed the exams. In other words, they have to study for a makeup exam. Also, Ino does a certain activity with Suzu. I wonder what it is?
After RAISE A SUILEN performed in front of Roselia and Poppin’ Party, ChuChu shares her intentions to recruit Rokka. However, Rokka seems so embarrassed that she can’t bring herself to do it. Or does she?
Last time, Mari arranged a weekend activity with everyone in the club. Also, it seems that Mira is having trouble coming up with ideas for a report.
With Poppin Party pulling off a successful event, it seems that RAISE A SUILEN is still looking for another guitarist. ChuChu might have found the girl she was looking for.
Mira finally starts her first day of high school. When she joins the astronomy club. The only problem, they merge with the geology club. After Mira visits, she finds out that her old friend she made a promise to is in it.
A young girl named Null has the desire to revive her deceased older sister into a robot. However, things look different than she realizes besides how her older sister behaves.
Now that Crimson Vow (sort of) defeated a Wyvern, they are now famous. Will their overconfidence get them in trouble with the next and difficult quest? Maybe.
Mile and her friends throw a birthday surprise. After hearing about Mile’s memories of her old friends throwing a surprise birthday party, Pauline, Mavis and Reina wants to throw one for Mile too.
Javelin and Laffey saved Ayanami from the abyss. Ayanami finds herself in bed and “taken prisoner.” What will she do in the meantime?
With the girls helping out with the inn more than earning enough gold to leave the inn, they need to do something. They decide to do the impossible. Yes, it’s hunting a Wyvern.
Apparently, a guard kidnapped Pauline. What will Mile, Mavis and Reina do to rescue her?
After working so hard to deal with those bandits, including fake ones, Mile and her friends decide to take a break. You know what this means, right? Beach episode?
At last, the Crimson Vow took care of all the bandits and made it to their destination. However, it seems that they overlooked something.
I don’t normally review anime shorts until the end. Still I think it’s worth sharing my thoughts on Null and Peta since it’s funny. It’s a comedy short anime that focuses on a super genius girl who revives her older sister as a robot.
After Reina nearly killed the bandit’s boss, we finally find out her dark past. Of course, Pauline, Marvis and Mile shares their own too.
Now that Mile, Reina, Marvis, and Pauline formed the Crimson Vow. With that, how will they will earn money to get a better place as their base?
Six months passed since Mile and her friends started their studies in the academy. Now, graduation nears and the academy is threatened with a shutdown. A certain perpetrator is behind it. What will they do?
Now that Mile’s roommates are the ones who witnessed her great powers, how can she spin this? Not only that, the principal is testing everyone’s skills.
Hikari finally starts school at Chidori High School. Her disappointment settles in when she heard the news that the Rifle Club is being disbanded. What will she do?
KiRaRe finally made it to nationals for Prism Stage, but will they be able to beat Stella Maris?
Now Momo knows the truth about what happen to Shamiko, she feels that she is Shamiko’s mortal enemy. Can Shamiko convince her otherwise?
As nationals nears, Mana and her friend with Kae’s help try to figure out their probability of winning. Sadly, it doesn’t look pretty.
Shamiko is motivated to learn more about Momo. She decides to enter her dream again. Sadly, it doesn’t go well as planned.