From last time, Tsubasa finds out that she couldn’t host her baseball practice at the school. This is after she got into a clash with the student council. However, all hope is not lost since Momoko found them a place where they can practice at.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
From last time, Tsubasa finds out that she couldn’t host her baseball practice at the school. This is after she got into a clash with the student council. However, all hope is not lost since Momoko found them a place where they can practice at.
Last time, Bocchi finally made friends with Nako despite having some trouble. However, Nako became angry for some reason and Bocchi wonders why.
In recent months, things have been very frustrating in regards to the state of my blog. The past few episodic and editorial posts received no comments at all, which adds to the frustration. If you have been following me on Twitter, the lack of comments has been my torn in my back for the past few months. Rather than keep my frustrations in, I want to share them. Also, I want to ask for your suggestions on how to motivate readers to comment on my posts.
Tsubasa wants to form a girl’s baseball team. The tricky part is trying to finding some members to recruit.
Believe it or not, there is someone shyer than Miyako. It doesn’t come at a surprise given the main character’s name.
It has been a year since I started reading manga of series I enjoyed. This mostly consists of Manga Time Kirara series in Japanese. To me, it’s a good way to practice my Japanese language skills without the time commitment compared to other mediums such as video games.
Of course, there is more I want to touch upon the manga reading experience besides what I covered already. It includes the debate over buying physical or digital formats and of course the whole piracy debate with manga.
Sometimes, main franchises receive spinoffs that are light hearted. We have seen this with Hidan no Aria AA and Hina Logi with the cast mostly female with the yuri turned up to eleven.
Mysteria Friends is one of those spin offs from Cygames’s Rage of Bahamut. Cygames originally planned to make this spinoff in 2015, but they shelved it until 2018. Yes, it’s that same Cygames that created Granblue Fantasy, which is far more popular gachamobile game than Rage of Bahamut. They also make Uma Musume as well, which received its own anime in April 2018..
Now that I finished most of the winter anime, it’s time to take a look at what I plan to watch for spring. If you guessed already, it’s not much unfortunately.
Also, there are no April Fools jokes in this preview as I don’t pull pranks anymore. Everything is real.
Last time, Mao screws up by revealing that she is the Demon Lord in front of Yulia and her friends. Now that she kidnapped Rona and Meigo, is she a goner?
At last, Poppin’ Party’s self-sponsored show finally comes. Will it be a success?
At last, the play begins and you might be wondering about how did it go? We’ll find out soon enough.
It has been a while since Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica first aired in 2011. Since then, there have been two movies which is a recap of the anime series with better animation. Of course, there are also two console games released, bunch of manga spinoff series, a dedicated Manga Time Kirara magazine filled with Madoka stuff, and recently, a smart phone game, Magia Record.
Of course, there is also a sequel movie, which starts where the anime and the first two movies left off. That movie is of course the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3: Rebellion Story.
Now that Hana received the leading part that she doesn’t care for, she somewhat blames Miyako for it.
For most people, watching anime is the most convenient form of entertainment for most people. It’s not too surprising since the voice acting, music and visuals make it a lot easier to experience the story opposed to reading it.
The reality is, anime productions are very expensive. In other words, some of the story will be left out so it can fit it in twelve or twenty-four episodes. When the show ends, you might want to experience more of the story since in most cases, most shows won’t receive another season. With that, there are some reasons why you want to read a manga or light novel.
From last time, ChuChu won’t give up and asks Kasumi and her friends to hand over Tae. Will they give in or will Tae step in and share how she feels?
Somehow, Hana asks Miyako to go to a sweets shop to buy special cream puffs, which only 30 is made every day. Will she be able to do it?
From last time, Tae didn’t quite make it back on time to perform with Poppin’ Party. Obviously, she was upset. With that, she decides to do something about it that will make ChuChu angry.
Believe it or not, Noa’s dream of getting even closer with Noa has become true. If Hinata’s reaction towards Noa cosplaying as Miyako wasn’t enough, this will.
The cultural festival has finally arrived, but does it go to plan? You should know that answer already.
If you recall in 2011, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica took a different spin of the magical girl genre focusing on the darker aspects. With that, similar anime series such as Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku and Mahou Shoujo Site followed the leader in the genre, especially the former. I have to admit that I still have to see the Rebellion movie and will do so someday.
Of course, the Madoka Magica franchise had two licensed games such as Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Portable and Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica The Battle Pentagram, which I reviewed. Besides these two games, there are actually a good number of mobile games based off the franchise as well. While they are only available in Japan only and short-lived, mobile gaming has evolved since then.
In 2017, eventually a new mobile game called Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Side Story, which released for iPhones and Android smartphones. It features new characters along with other magical girls from other spinoffs. Currently, there is a stage play and manga adaptation with an anime adaptation coming later this year.