I know that it’s probably a meme that everyone mentions by how fast a year can go by. With that, I finally turned 32. Yes, I am that old already. Obviously, I felt that I didn’t do much since the pandemic has forced many to stay home.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
I know that it’s probably a meme that everyone mentions by how fast a year can go by. With that, I finally turned 32. Yes, I am that old already. Obviously, I felt that I didn’t do much since the pandemic has forced many to stay home.
As expected, time flies by so quickly. Now, I finally turn 31 years old. I have to admit, by 30th year was definitely a year of redemption. Yes, last fall, I finally received that job offer for a different federal IT job and the rest is history. So far, I find my new job a lot better than my first job since it’s closer to what I want to do and such. Also, my health improved, especially now that I lost close to 20 pounds and going back into the healthy weight range.
Of course, the whole Covid19 pandemic has affected my plans on what I wanted to do. Moreover, the whole pandemic gotten worse in the United States due to gross mismanagement from an obvious leader of ours. Not only that, this kind of impacted anime releases as well due to the pandemic. It brought some challenges of my flogging motivation to blog and lack of the titles to cover. Hopefully we will overcome the challenges.
As mentioned earlier, my blog’s domain finally turns 10 years old in two days. It took about a year and a half of not having one to eventually obtain one. Either way, it shows how far we come in the longevity of my anime blogging career.
While this birthday post is short, I just want to thank all my readers, followers, and people who comment on my blog for supporting me for these years. Let’s make the next year a great one, hopefully once the Covid19 pandemic is finally under control. Also, feel free to say Happy Birthday in the comments below.
Oh my gosh, I am already this old? Today, I turn 30 years old, which shows how fast time passed by. However, it shows how far I come in terms to my tastes in anime along with how much I watched. Hopefully my life situation will improve very soon now that I now have my Comptia Cybersecurity Analyst certification. I plan to earn more certifications soon (e.g. MCSA and eventually CISSP).
While this birthday post is short, I just want to thank all my readers, followers, and people who comment on my blog for supporting me for these years. Let’s make the next year a great one. Also, feel free to say Happy Birthday in the comments below.
As expected, the whole year went by so quickly. Today, I turn 29. Yes, I still struggling in regards to real life, which I won’t go into detail. Luck hasn’t been on my side in the past few years. Despite the set backs, I still hopeful that things will become better in the future. Sure, the struggles I am facing are only temporary, but it doesn’t mean it will stay that way.
This reminds me that my blog will turn 10 years in 6 more months. It’s surprising that I have been writing about anime along with video games and eventually video games. It definitely kept my sanity by allowing to share my passion for them, improve my writing skills along with interacting with others. As always, I plan on continuing, unless I run out of shows and things to review of course.
With that, feel free to say Happy Birthday in the comments below.
In the past, I have attempted to create an anime community back in 2015. Of course, that attempt failed mostly due to the lack of focus. After some consideration, I would like to give it another go.
Now that Thanksgiving is over, 2015 is almost coming to a close. With that, it’s time to focus on the plans I have in store along with my thoughts on the recent announcement regarding Love Live.
As the spring anime season comes to an end in a few weeks, I may as well share my picks for the summer along with some plans I have in store.
Believe it or not, there is only 4 1/2 more weeks of the Fall Anime Season left until the new year…
As the dust finally settles on the first week of the fall anime season, it’s time to share my remaining first impressions for Ore, Twintail ni narimasu and Shirobako.
If you haven’t already, check out my first impressions for Amagi Brilliant Park and Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works I shared earlier in the week.
Since summer starts in a few weeks, it’s time to share my thoughts on what shows I plan on watching for the next season along with some plans and updates regarding this blog. (Image Source)
Its kind of funny that Murphy’s Law always kicks in at the worst possible time. At first, I thought grass was greener on the other side with Virtual Private Hosting having better uptime and security (if set up properly). Unfortunately, that is not the case. In short, the server started having high load times this morning. This is probably the reason why you had a hard time loading any page on my blog. Believe it or not, I experienced high load times in the past that lasted all June before dropping to normal levels despite not impacting performance. The only difference this time is that the website could barely load and readers kept getting 500 Internal Server Errors. Because of this, I decided to change servers.
Believe it or not, although OpenVZ is cheaper than Xen hosting, it has its share of problems. Since it’s not actual virtualizing or can be viewed as running a computer that is shared by everyone although you can use it at the same time, it caused more stability problems with overselling. Since Xen hosting is not that much more per month, I decided to switch to that. At least with that, you get a dedicated slice of resources (CPU, RAM, SWAP and HD), ability to use the latest OSes and more isolation. For that, I dived in and luckily, I got everything up within a few hours of getting the new server since I have backups. While it will cost more than the last one and I still have to move more stuff and tweak the server settings, I hope there will be less problems so I can spend time blogging and do other things besides messing with the server.
Also, if you experience any problems or have any thoughts, please leave them in the comments below.
For those who celebrate, I wish everyone a healthy and Merry Christmas. If you haven’t read my Secret Santa review of Kuragehime and my second part to the 12 Days of Anime, I suggest checking it out.
Just as a note, I will not blog tomorrow since it’s Christmas. Therefore, the post for the Fate/zero Episode 13 will get delayed to Monday… but for now, so along. Enjoy the holidays and of course, Yukiho’s birthday!
For those who are in America, I wished everyone had a great Thanksgiving. As this holiday passes by, the end of the year finally approaches us. From there, I have many things in store for this blog now until the end of next month. (Image Source)
Having a site go down for more than a few hours is every blogger’s nightmare and it seemed that it became reality this weekend. Yesterday, the site went down and I complained numerous times to the host on why it’s not fixed. This was not the first time it happened this month as my blog faced downtimes, some lasting a few hours.
Apparently, a few sites on the shared host got compromised in a XSS (Cross site scripting) attack, most likely from an outdated TimThumb library that compromised many Wordpress blogs. Still, the poor communication with support and the inability to detect this problem before it was too late kind of shows how irresponsible WPWebhost is. They talk about how good Wordpress is, but they care less about their customers. I felt that I received subpar hosting for them to the point where I’m furious at them for not fixing these problems before. To make it worse, this wasn’t the only problem I faced with them in the past. My site had numerous short downtimes, slow loading times and database not working properly because the tmp folder is full. From what I have experienced this weekend, I feel that their support staff and the people who manage the server needs to get fired and replaced with competent people since their response in this situation was horrendous.
Needless to say, I’m still going to send a complaint letter so maybe I can get out of the contract and get a prorated refund. If I’m successful in doing this, I will transfer my domain to another registrar and move my site to an affordable unmanaged virtual private server like Burst.net. If not, I’ll stick it out for another year, take daily backups and then move to a new host. Either way, there is no way in hell they will ever get my business again and heed the warning… Never get hosting from WPWebHost.
Aside from that, the post for Fate/zero episode 7 will be up in a few hours.
It’s the end of 2010 and it was a nice year for Anime Blogging considering how many events that occurred during the year. With the second year milestone on the horizon, things can only get better. So, this post will basically take a look back on the major events that are influential to Anime Blogging and myself during the year. (Image Source)
It’s that time of year again and with the Christmas cheer coming around the corner, there is something I wanted to do to spread the holiday cheer. In the past, there is a Twelve Moments in Anime Project started by canon-chan since December of 2007… It’s an aniblogosphere project that has bloggers to share thoughts about Anime related things during the year. I didn’t participate last years since I didn’t have much to talk about since it was my first year of blogging Anime.
While he hasn’t announced anything for this year, I have decided to do it myself and share my 12 moments of this year. In my opinion, 2010 was a very interesting year ranging from the 2010 Anime, AniBlogosphere Torney and shows I have reviewed this year. So stay tuned to the moments I will share the 15th until Christmas Day.
Update: Official Announcement is here.
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving Day with his or her family. If you have noticed already, I have finally moved to a new host. I decided to move the blog since the immense growth that was happening in this month and it was loading a bit too slow. The former host I was on had other sites hosted that it brought the performance down…
After hours of hard work in trying to reupload the files and restore the database, the site is now back online and load faster than before. It took several hours to get the account activated, but eventually got it working around 9 PM.
Originally, I was going to go ask Michael (mellow_bunny) to host me, but unfortunately, he didn’t answer back. This is why I ultimately chose WPWebHost since it was optimized for Wordpress. Hopefully it will continue to work just as fast as years to come…
Lastly, I want to thank Netto for hosting me during the whole duration. He was generous to give hosting to my blog.Hopefully this paid hosting is worth the money I paid will continue to sustain the continued growth.
In short, if you are subscribing to my blog at chikorita157.com/feed/, I recommend everyone to change it to chikorita157.com/feed/ in an event that the former URL goes down. That way, you can continue to read this blog on Google Reader or any RSS reader you use.
Also, if you experience any problem or have a suggestion, comment in this post and I will check it out.