After Sorawo and Toriko managed to escape the creepy and terrifying beach, Sorawo thought she was in the clear. Sadly, not so much since there are those cat memes and internet legends.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
After Sorawo and Toriko managed to escape the creepy and terrifying beach, Sorawo thought she was in the clear. Sadly, not so much since there are those cat memes and internet legends.
Now that Sorawo and Toriko made it out of the Urasekai, they found themselves in a tropical paradise. It’s obvious what they will do after they got there.
Now that Sorawo and Toriko are now stuck in the Urasekai with American military unit, now I wonder how they will get out. I think Sorawo will find a way.
Now that Sorawo finally saved Toriko from falling into a trap, you thought that she would learn her lesson. Sadly, she asks for more, but of course this time, it’s unintentional.
It seems that Sorawo became a bit scared over seeing a strange man telling to forget about a girl and go home. If they return, they become stuck in the Urasekai. This causes her to become worried about Toriko. Of course, this led to a reaction that Sorawo didn’t expect.
As expected, it seems that Sorawo may be falling for Toriko as she drags her deeper into the Urasekai for some supplies.
After Toriko and Sorawo barely made it out a live after defeat, things are never normal again as in their appearences.
While I am late on the winter season preview, no problem. The show must go on as we focus on one of the anticipated for this season. That is Urasekai Picnic.
After Yuna defeated the Kraken, it seems that Fina is feeling a bit lonely. Is Yuna neglecting her?
Now that Yuna caught the thieves, this only leaves her one thing she needs to do. Yes, it’s defeating the kraken.
At last, Yuna decides to go on a new adventure. Judging from the title of this episode, it’s obvious she wants to go to the sea.
It seems that Yuna is finally taking the suggestion of opening a restaurant. After coming to the bakery, she sees an opportunity.
If you are wondering the evil person who is sending a horde of monsters, we find out who is behind them.
The lord wants Yuna to escort Noa to the Royal Capital. I wonder how that will turn out, especially Fina coming along.
Now that Yuna figured out the egg problem, it seems that Gentz finally proposed marriage with Fina’s and Shuri’s mother, Tirumina. But the happiness didn’t last as they start getting into an argument. This gets Fina and Shuri worried.
After Yuna meets with the lord and manages to cure Fina’s mother, Yuna thought about getting some eggs. After buying some eggs and using a teleport portal, she comes up with an idea. Yes, it involves raising chickens.
You might be wondering about the little blond hair girl from last time. We find out about her this time.
Now that Yuna discovered her new powers, officially become an adventurer and formed a contract with Fina, she finally does her first real quest.
Yuna finally enters the virtual world after paying her parents off. When she logs in, she is in for a big surprise.
Obviously, there was an early airing for this show, but of course I wanted to wait until the official stream comes out. Aside from that, Yuna finally appears to do the impossible. Yes, defeating a big black viper.
Now that four groups perform their own orchestras to protect the city from magical monsters, Tiara finally makes it back. Will their efforts be enough to protect the city?
After Rosetta, Lynette, Ashley and Lavie lived in luxury at Tiara’s castle, it seems that they have forgot what they wanted to do. Also, it seems that Anna spilt the beans regarding Eliza’s plans.
Last time, Lavie, Lynette and Ashley find out that Rosetta intends to visit Tiara. With that, they decide to sneak into the castle. We also find out Eliza’s intentions to bring Tiara home.
After Tiara and her friends fell short of meeting their goals, the academy expelled them. Now that Tiara makes a return trip back, Rosetta and the others don’t know what to do next.