Last time, a tree Kaii went out of control when a demonstration went wrong. Nikoyama is in a pinch as his computer is not fast enough to transfer the newly developed magic circle. Can he pull through?
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Posts that don’t fit.
Last time, a tree Kaii went out of control when a demonstration went wrong. Nikoyama is in a pinch as his computer is not fast enough to transfer the newly developed magic circle. Can he pull through?
Last time, Kurumi Yuzu and the others investigated a wonder during break. They got themselves into some trouble. Can Kurumi finally do magic to save them?
Now that Awayuki can monetize her stream, she will stream some fitness video games. Hilarity ensues as she finds out how relentless it is. Also, there is that music video as well.
Finally, Shizuru and her friends arrive at Ikebukuro. The question is, can they bring Yoka back and stop 7G?
When Kano finally got her biking license so Mahiru could ride with her, she found her reason to sing. She wants to do a live performance for Halloween, the day JELEE went official.
Sayo seems to be feeling down as Tres Magia is having difficulties lately against Enormeeta. Sadly, Soyo can’t shake that feeling for some reason.
Content Warning: Mention of BDSM, may not be safe for work.
With the Rocket Launching Preliminaries underway, can Umika’s team pull through? As you see, Umika starts to doubt herself.
With Lene exiled, Claire feels a bit down. However, a particular young lady who is also interested in Rae transfers into the academy. Well, Rae gets a bit jealous.
With 2021 finally ending, it’s time to look at some of the shows I plan to watch in Winter 2022. As always, this list is subject to change.
If you don’t believe it, the whole summer flown by very quickly. During that the whole time, I have watched and written a lot about Anime. The sad thing is that summer break isn’t here forever and I have to go back to college for another semester for learning. As Summer ends, it’s another season of new anime.
Fall 2010 Season unlike Winter, Spring and Summer seasons is very lackluster. The lack of comedy/drama/slice of life Anime pretty much turned me off for the season. Then again, I may be wrong if I manage to pick something up this season as it goes on. Therefore, there is always the currently airing shows from Spring/Summer to finish and the backlog.
Fall 2010 Season
Compared to last fall season, I was able to pick up two Anime titles (Kobato and Seitokai no Ichizon) to cover and they turn out to be good. This season, its filled with hot blooded shouen anime that I have no interest in or rather make me yawn real loud. Anyway, if you really want to see a list of Fall 2010 anime, head over to The Cart Driver or on Melative (incomplete at the moment).
Now for some site and personal stuff:
This is pretty much what I have to say on the Fall 2010 season and plans… I wish everyone will do well in school or the Fall Semester (if you are still in college) and hopefully enjoy the fall season.
Last Updated October 6, 2010
Note: Fanart used in this post is made by 華々@ツイッターに挑戦中。
I know I screwed up the posts, but that is least of my concerns since 99% of them are restored. If you noticed, I have done some changes to the blog itself and I want to explain why I did them. Here it goes!
If you noticed that chikorita157.com now redirects to chikorita157.com. That is because I bought a new domain name for the blog. The domain name will help give the blog even more exposure by dissociating the blog with NotCliche. However, they are still hosting us, it’s just that the name is no longer in the blog’s address.
Also, once I get Kronblr fixed, Kronblr will be accessible from kronblr.chikorita157.com and people can add me easily. Also, Kronblr will be easier to manage since I don’t have to fiddle with it for a directory installation.
Lastly, the domain name is highly portable. If I decide to host myself in the future when I get a job, I can just move my stuff on the new host and the existing URLs will still work.
This change happened back in June 2010 when I decided to pull the trigger and buy the Pro version of WPTouch. This version of WPTouch is different from the free version since it has more features such as threaded comments, advanced menu system, customization, WebApp mode, Retina Display support and other goodies. Since there are a good number of mobile users and I use the iPhone extensively, it will benefit the site more by using the Pro version.
This is something I haven’t done in the past, Guest Editorials. Since I’m going to be pretty busy during the fall and spring semesters, I won’t post as I normally do once summer ends. To fill the gap, I decided to allow other bloggers or members from Anime Forums like AnimeSuki to write Guest Editorials. Guest Editorials can be a review of a show I haven’t see (which pertains to the genres I cover in the blog), opinion piece on an Anime or related comment or the fandom/industry as a whole. Guest editorials must conform to the following:
To send your submission, you can either send me a Private Message over AnimeSuki under chikorita157 or send me a email containing the post in rtf or doc format at chikorita157(at)thecolorless.net. When I receive the submission, I will review it before posting it. The submission will be identified as a Guest Editorial.
Anyway, that pretty much wrap up what changes I have done to the blog. If you have any suggestions, comment below.
Fanart used in this post is made by 若葉猫
Well, there are always accidents in life and I did one of them. When I try to replace the old URL with the new URL for all the posts, half the posts were missing. This meant that most of the recent comments are gone and the posts too. It just proves that nobody should mess around with the Wordpress tables, unless they want the whole blog to break.
Luckily, Google Reader, the cache and Mac Journal have the posts back up. However, I felt that its just best to start over. Because of this preventable boo boo, I will have to rewrite some of the posts like Nanoha Ep6-7 post and the pages… but it’s no big deal since losing all the content will be even worse.
What I will try to do is restore all the posts from the Fall 2009 season to the present. I won’t be restoring any posts before then since they were junky anyways… In the future, I will have a better backup tool so that something like this will never happen.
It seems the whole year since I post my first birthday post back in my first year of Anime Blog. Within a whole year, I have accomplished a lot in terms of blogging and participating in the Anime Blogosphere and it went by really quickly.
Anyway, my parents celebrated my birthday last Friday by taking me out for dinner and it was good. I have already gotten my present, which was an iPad a few months back, so yeah. The reason it was celebrated early since my mother went away today to California to attend classes for her job and wont be back until Friday of next week. Also, even if I am 21, I will never drink a drop of Alcohol because I do not want any diseases or cancer and my parents will kill me if I do so… so its better off without it.
Feel free to say Happy Birthday in this post… and I hope the future will bright in the coming months. ^^;
The fanart used in this post is made by 榛名ヒスイ
Will be away for two weeks on vacation… so see ya until those two weeks are over. I will still be updating this blog, although the post rate might go down a little. I will be back on the full schedule once I come back.
If you want to keep track what I am doing on vacation, check my Twitter profile or my sideblog, Shiori’s Diary. I’ll try and keep up to date with my Anime watching since the hotel have free wireless internet and I can just download the fansubs on my remote computer and SSH them back to my laptop. In the meantime, I will be lurking around the interwebs on my iPhone 3GS, so stay tuned.
For now, so along. 🙂 (and this is NOT a hiatus since I never do those.)
Also, fanart used in this post is made by ななつ
Since, most of the 13 episode shows will end by the last week of June that includes Angel Beats! and Working!!, I decided to post my Summer 2010 plans. Kaichou wa Maid-sama and perhaps K-ON! by the looks of it will be 24+ episode shows that will air throughout the summer. Therefore, I am pretty much occupied without getting into the Summer 2010 Season. Before I go into detail in what I will be focusing on this summer, I want to give my overall thoughts about the Summer 2010 Anime lineup.
Fanart used in this post is made by 月蔵.
With a good response to the last Audiosurf contest, I decided to hold another Audiosurf Competition since Spring Semester will be complete in a few days and now leaving time for more activities with the blogosphere.
Audiosurf, if you don’t know what it is, Audiosurf as the name describes is a music adapting puzzle game where you match blocks according to what music you are playing. There are different modes you can play with such as Mono where you collect only the colored blocks and avoid greys and Eraser where you match blocks, erase a certain color block and restore them later. This competition where we pick a few songs that all participants play on separate leader boards to see who have the highest score. With the last competition, we decide on what songs we should play in the competition. Now, I will up that to 4 songs. You don’t have to play all 4 songs, but it is best to play all 4 songs to have a better chance of winning. This time, I will allow the playing of the Elite level, but only with the puzzle characters. If you don’t own the game, Audiosurf is very affordable and can be get off Steam for $10… Sometimes it is on sale, so yeah.
In the Casual Tier, Mono only with Ironmode on because most casual players won’t know how to play the puzzle characters. Pro and Elite levels are Puzzle only, but I’m sure you will get the hang of them easily with Eraser being the easiest character.
In this competition, we will choose 4 songs either from Winter and Spring 2010 seasons. They can be insert or open/ending songs. No other songs outside from these seasons may be used. The voting process will end on May 20th and the competition will start on May 21st and last two weeks from that date. To avoid confusion on artists, make a copy of the song and rename the Artist to Spring 2010 Anime Audiosurf Competition so that we won’t have any conflicts with different artist names and such.
As you see here, Anime have been always my hobby I do on my free time along with creating clients: MAL Client OS X for Mac users to manage Anime/Manga lists on MyAnimeList and Melative Library and related projects for all platforms (Mac/Windows/Linux) to manage Melative. I enjoy anime blogging as most people and I find it fun to share my thoughts about Anime and its related materials and some issues with fandom and such. This can be judged by how many long and lengthy editorials I wrote that are mainly my opinions and what I believe in.
The AniBlog Tourney is not all about popularity or how pretty the blog looks… It’s all about the content and the person who put the most effort in making the blog as enjoyable and interesting as possible. I work hard to achieve this goal. I blog when I’m at home, at school in-between classes and even on vacation. I am passionate on my hobby and you should to by voting for me… Just head over here and vote for me! Not only that, check out the other blogs that have their polls currently open and vote for the best one…
Even if I lose, I’m not going to loose sleep over it… so in my closing statements… vote and support us!
The next digest will be posted next week when Round 2 starts.
Well, it have been decided that I was going to ditch the old theme and make a new one. The last theme, Wicketpixie seems alright, but the problem is that it uses alot of images and it seems to load slower than it would on top of the glitches on top, so I decided to gut the theme. We are still using the same banner, but I made alot of mods and tweaks to the Thematic Theme Framework with the help of the Web Inspector in Webkit to figure out what CSS to edit and all that good stuff. I managed to maintain the top bar from the old theme, except for minor glitches that I need to fix. Overall, the theme seems to be very appealing to the eye and also loads alot quicker than the old theme… Several seconds quicker since now everything is done with CSS, not with images and such… I haven’t tested the theme in Internet Explorer since it is the worst browser ever made, but everything seems to work fine.
Anyways, tell me what you think about it and I will take some suggestions… No, the color scheme is here to stay, so yeah….
Also, I got rid of Wibiya… so people who are reading this blog don’t have to tear their hairs out when they see that annoying, floating toolbar. And yes, this theme has threaded comments!
Update: Subscribe menu should now view properly. Something was up with the positioning of the menu in the CSS.
Yes, I did pull a pretty hilarious April Fools joke… I wouldn’t go too far and try to make the website look like Danny Choo since it takes too much work and then I have to reverse everything which is more work… Anyways, if you can tell already by past posts on my side blog (Shiori’s Diary), on Twitter and Melative, I do not like Danny Choo at all, which is the truth thanks to Otaku Elimination Game that brought out the Danny Choo copycats that pollutes Anime Nano (a main reason I use a RSS reader now ;-;) Also, I would never give up Anime blogging just to post some random crap on my blog. This is not my intentions on myself writing this blog, but to share my thoughts on Anime and opinion editorials on some issues with Anime and stuff and yes, Danny Choo’s new anime PV is just bad… so just leave it at that…
Also, the upside down tag, which supposed to read “do you know what is today?” It was quite obvious… but oh well… I hope you got a laugh from it.
Anyways, since I got that out of the way, time for some future updates. As I told some of my fellow bloggers on XMPP, Yes, I will be going away on June 28, 2010 to go on vacation to Wisconsin… Yes, I know it is a very boring state, but at least its better than being stuck for almost two months in Colorado. I will be away for a good two weeks and being on the road for the first two days and the last two days, so I will try to be online for those two weeks sine I have a iPhone to tether for instant internet access. By then, Angel Beats and K-ON!! (Except the last episode) should have already been completed. If not, I will just try and obtain it when I get wireless internet and download it from my Mac mini running 24/7 at home. Also, that that time I’m planning to buy some DVDs and cover some older Anime series and blog them. If you want to see what I’m covering in terms of old anime, check out the “Upcoming Anime” page on the top of the page.
Ok, thats all I have to say now… For now, Sayanora…
Today and for now on, I will now forth today will become a Danny Choo follower and post only about Japanese stuff I don’t even know about… That means, you won’t see any more anime content or any editorials anymore, but I will post random shit like… well, you know… eating ramen and Danny Choo will be my idol and I will worship his new anime production, Chinka. I may be harsh to him in the past, but I seen the light… I’m going to be like him like others failed to do… WATCH OUT, Otaku Elimination Game, I will be eliminated next!!!
On this day forward, on April 2nd, this blog shall be renamed to Chikorita157’s Otaku Blog… Take that OEG! ALL HAIL DANNY CHOO!!!!!!
In addition, I will no longer take part in Melative and I will stop developing any projects I’m working on to catch up. I know it sucks, but thats life…
Well, yes, it’s another game that is terribly addictive. This is a remake of the Pokemon Gold and Silver games that came out nearly 10 years ago on the Gameboy Color. I remembered playing this on the Gameboy Color and well, nostalgia will hit again once I start playing this remake on my Nintendo DSi.
Alot have changed during the last 10 years with game mechanics and also the capabilities the Nintendo system had. Back in 2000 with the Gameboy Color, it could only show a certain amount of colors and there was no wireless features except the IR censor on the top of the system, but now with the Nintendo DS or the DSi, alot of change, thus more features were added.
Inside the box reveals instructions for the PokeWalker, which allows you to send a Pokemon over for something and use it without needing a DS and well, the game that comes in a separate package from the box.
Inside the game package is obviously the game and instruction manuals. So that is pretty much it. Anyways, if you are interested in my progress, I will write entries over at my Sideblog, Shiori’s Diary with some screenshots. For now, I’m just going to get started with the game, so I will post a little later. :p
Anyways, what do you think about the remakes?
Also, I will still continue to blog about Anime despite playing this game…
Well, yesterday if you haven’t noticed, the blog went down suddenly and I was wondering what happened. Well, the host Notcliche is hosted on, midphase had decided to move the site to a more reliable server. Because of that, my comments that were made in the last two days were lost, but I was able to recover the posts and comments from the last three days. Hopefully, this won’t happen again, but it’s one lesson learn from this. Always make backups of your posts and that Murphy’s law is in full effect, which states that “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.”
We know, sh*t happens, but it’s not end of the world. :p
Now excuse me, I have to restore the snapshots on my Sora no Woto Episode 7 post and blog about Kobato Ep 18.
Fanart used in this post is made by そら. (source)
Time flies when you are having fun and blogging. When February came, I went… Oh shoot! It have been a year since I have started blogging about Anime exclusively. The blogging started in February 17, 2009 when I decided that putting my Anime stuff with all the rest of the stuff on my old blog isn’t a good idea. I have split the anime section of the blog from the main blog, but the main blog ended up dying since I didn’t felt like maintaining two blogs and there is alot to talk about Anime and it’s related stuff like visual novels, related songs, etc. Of course, this blog won’t be possible if I haven’t rediscovered Anime when I started freshman year of college in September 2008 (more on that story in About chikorita157 page)!
Well, when I first started this blog, I decided to use WicketPixie as the theme for Chikorita157’s Anime Blog since it looks clean and stylish. I just removed the text logo and the Twitter stuff on the top since it wasn’t necessary. As time went on, the banners improved in quality, but the theme stayed pretty much the same. I could of use the same theme as everyone else, but that would look boring and not so unique.
As of Feb 17, I will probably make close to 260 posts, and thats good since I wanted to always update the blog. I’m dedicated and love blogging about Anime because this is what I enjoy doing. Watch Anime and blog about what I thought about it. So dedicated that I even blog when I’m on vacation, because there is nothing to do around the hotel room except sleep and watch TV. I am hoping that more people decide to look up at my model and start blogging more often than just leaving their blogs collect dust for more than a week.
2010 will be another great year and as always, I will keep blogging… until I get tired or lose interest on Anime, which isn’t happening anytime soon. So I give these two words as I go onto the second year of blogging.
2010, fighto~
Fanart used in this post is by 透子 (Orig Source.)
I have always wanted to update the blog style, but I haven’t got the time with my programming projects (MAL Client OS X and Melative Library), college work and spending time watching Anime and Audiosurfing that I neglected to update the theme for a long time. Now, it have been almost a year and I have decided to change the theme.
I didn’t want to ditch the current theme, Wicketpixie since it’s a very clean theme and I want it to stand out since bloggers use the same theme over and over again… I wanted to be different, so I just updated the banner, icons you see on the top and the color sceme. The image is obviously themed on Furukawa Nagisa, my second favorite character from the anime Clannad. I used my Wacom Bamboo Tablet (very useful and they are inexpensive now) to quick mask the whole thing to have a clean cut from the original image and paste it into the banner with some touch up. The graphics tablet made life alot easier to make the selection possible and I haven’t discovered the quick mask tool until I learned how to use it in Intro to Digital Photography, one of the electives I’m taking this semester. Also, threw in some snapshots with some effects and I was done.
The color scheme is now purple and it used to be bright yellow. I was getting sick of the yellow, so I replaced it with a darker color that is easier on the eyes… Well, it comes down to preferences.
However, if you compare this current theme to the one used since February 2009, it’s a big difference. It really shows how much effort I put into this blog because I really enjoy blogging on Anime and expressing my thoughts. Hopefully, this will be another great year…