Now that Kana has finished her project with Riri, Kana reunites with the rest of the team as they attend the Magical Expo. However, an experiment goes wrong during a demonstration. It’s obvious who needs to jump into action to suppress it.
As expected, Kana finally returned. Hitomi ran to her and hugged her tightly. It’s pretty funny and cute. As expected, Kana learned a lot as they were at a Magical Technology Expo. They are showing various outfits and technologies.
Of course, Kana noticed that AST is on the lecture list. However, she is interested in the presentation by Satisfac Corporation on Mutations in Kaii. After all, it reminds her of the Kaii at the demolition site she faced with Riri. Nikoyama seems to know them as ranking behind AST in tech capability. However, this makes Shigemoto seem angry for some reason as he takes a call.
Of course, Kana and Hitomi got the attention of two engineers who were impressed by Magilumire’s original magic they used at the shopping district. After all, it’s not in the catalog. Of course, Nikoyama hid behind Hitomi as she received their business cards. After they left, Nikoyama discovered they were project managers from Direct Core. However, given his nervousness, he couldn’t talk to them, and Shigemoto told him he shouldn’t worry as they were a team.
With that, they saw the presentation from Satisfact. They injected something into a harmless tree-type Kaii to mutate it to increase. While it’s asleep, the magical girl tries to demonstrate the GOG Magic Bullet to deal with mutated Kaii. Well, while it looked like it was going to work. As the Magical Girl shows and tries to deal with the new bullet, it doesn’t quite work, as the bullet causes it to grow instead.
The situation is getting dangerous, with the tree Kaii growing out of control and multiplying, and the AST CEO playing a game doesn’t intend to deal with it. After all, there is no money for it yet. Nikoyama is excited to work on defeating Kaii with Hitomi, and Kana deals with it. But yes, it seemed like everything would plan as the trees multiplied and dealt with the seeds from growing new plants.
However, there is one that has fruit that can explode along with the tentacle one. However, Niko only has ten minutes left to get the code sent, but his laptop is too slow as transmission to Hitomi and Kana is too slow. Nikoyama panics as he realizes he has taken on something he couldn’t. If only he had a faster laptop that doesn’t run on Intel processors. Maybe it would handle everything he needs. Not to mention, it’s running hot, so the heat is probably slowing down the process. He blames himself as he spaces out what Kana and Hitomi are saying. Can he get out of this situation? We have to wait and see next time.
(Also known as Magilumiere Co. Ltd.) This week’s villain: convention wi-fi
Or 5G, but otherwise wireless communications is always the bane of anyone’s existance using technology of course.