After the hard work in setting up a new server, I’m pleased to tell everyone that it went smoothly. Compared to last time, downloading the backup from the old to new host didn’t take that long since I can just grab the whole backup and download it directly to the server.
Considering the troubles Scamp had with WPWebHost (visit if you want the worst hosting experience) for being too popular and the downtimes in the past, I decided to initiate the move immediately to get away from these jerks (although the account is still active since I can’t transfer the domain at the moment). After painful hours in the SSH terminal to optimize and harden the server, I finally got it up and running smoothly on an affordable Virtual Private Server located in the Midwest. Besides the increased speed, you can now access my blog via IPv6 if your ISP supports it.
Aside from that, if you encounter any issues or have any feedback, just leave them in the comments. I’m new at managing a server, so there are probably a few bugs in the system. With that, I should have the Fate/zero Episode 17 post done by 9:30 PM EDT. (Image Source)