Almost every year, I do the 12 days of Anime thing every year. With that, we will focus on more yuri pairings of course. As expected, they are in no order.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Almost every year, I do the 12 days of Anime thing every year. With that, we will focus on more yuri pairings of course. As expected, they are in no order.
Now that Toriko and Sorawo found the gate back to the real world, a strange creepy lady awaits them. Will they manage to escape the Urasekai and save the US forces?
It’s obvious that from last time, it appears that Toriko and Sorawo wants to rescue the American military from the Urasekai. Can they pull it off?
After dealing with creepy old ladies wanting to collect teeth, it seems that Toriko wants a BBQ dinner. Of course, Akari gets herself into more trouble after she becomes lost in a building.
Now that Sorawo and Toriko got rid of the ninja cats that are bothering Akari, she of course has another request. Yep, it’s yet another creepy internet folklore. This time, it’s affecting her childhood friend.
After Sorawo and Toriko managed to escape the creepy and terrifying beach, Sorawo thought she was in the clear. Sadly, not so much since there are those cat memes and internet legends.
Now that Sorawo and Toriko made it out of the Urasekai, they found themselves in a tropical paradise. It’s obvious what they will do after they got there.
Now that Sorawo and Toriko are now stuck in the Urasekai with American military unit, now I wonder how they will get out. I think Sorawo will find a way.
Now that Sorawo finally saved Toriko from falling into a trap, you thought that she would learn her lesson. Sadly, she asks for more, but of course this time, it’s unintentional.
It seems that Sorawo became a bit scared over seeing a strange man telling to forget about a girl and go home. If they return, they become stuck in the Urasekai. This causes her to become worried about Toriko. Of course, this led to a reaction that Sorawo didn’t expect.
As expected, it seems that Sorawo may be falling for Toriko as she drags her deeper into the Urasekai for some supplies.
After Toriko and Sorawo barely made it out a live after defeat, things are never normal again as in their appearences.
While I am late on the winter season preview, no problem. The show must go on as we focus on one of the anticipated for this season. That is Urasekai Picnic.