It is that time of year again, it’s time to share my 12 anime moments for this year, a tradition I do every year. Since I am busy with work, I decide to do it in one shot.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
It is that time of year again, it’s time to share my 12 anime moments for this year, a tradition I do every year. Since I am busy with work, I decide to do it in one shot.
Since Nisekoi became very popular, it is expected that a second season will eventually be made, especially since three original video animations got released since then. With that, does the sequel lives up to the original? Somewhat.
As expected, a Chitoge episode is definitely a nice way to end the second season of Nisekoi.
While Kosaki is not my favorite girl, this episode definitely got me to appreciate her character a lot more.
Note: This is the last week for Anime Weekly Impressions, at least for spring. Next week, I will be sharing my final impressions for each show separately.
Despite Bell being overpowered, it seems that luck was not on his side this time.
It’s already June and half of the year is gone. I have to admit that Haru is now the best girl, besides Marika of course.
Yep, that magical girl parody was hilarious, especially with the idea of having Kosaki becoming one.
Yep, I have to admit that I’m addicted to Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka knowing that there is a second season on the horizon. I regret not watching when it first aired after watching 7 episodes all at once since there were a lot of cute and enjoyable moments. While I enjoy most of the cast, I have to admit that Rize and Sharo is the best couple. Once I finish it, I will eventually write a full review on it.
At last, there is finally light at the end of the tunnel as the job search comes to an end.
At last, they finally made up!
Hopefully next week, I will be finally caught up with Nanoha Vivid.
Surprisingly, Chitoge’s mother is scary.
Note: Nanoha Vivid coverage will be delayed by two weeks due to lack of quality subs.
Since all shows I planned to watch has finally premiered, it’s time to take a first look at all the shows I decided to watch for the spring.
At last, the spring anime season as finally started. Unfortunately, Nanoha and Yuki-chan is not being simulcasted and because of the lack of subs, I can’t cover them yet. I will eventually share my thoughts once they are out.
For now, since the second season of Nisekoi airs next Friday, I may as well cover all the original animation specials, which consists of 6 sub stories. While I enjoyed them all, what were my favorite moments? I’m here to share them.
Since spring is almost here, it’s time to take a look of what shows I plan to watch for the next season. From the looks of it, there is a good amount that I look forward to seeing.
As always, this list is subject to change from now until the next season starts.
It’s almost the end of the year and since I have shared my thoughts on what games I enjoyed in 2014, I will focus on the top 5 shows that I enjoyed and completed during the year.
Ever since I started this blog, I shared my 12 Anime moments that happen during the year as a tradition. Since I don’t feel like writing twelve individual posts before Christmas, I decided to do it in one shot.
In the past few years, I have been bothered by most of the male leads from romantic comedies since most of them lack a backbone. After watching the first episode of Nisekoi, I knew it was going to be different.
Since Raku and Chitoge finally resolved their differences, it’s time to see them perform.
At last, finals are finally wrapping up! (Image Source)
Finals week finally arrive and of course, the best way to start that week off is with moving animal tails.
As mentioned previously, I will only be sharing Anime Impressions for this week only for obvious reasons.
I admit that last week was a pretty exciting week, at least for Anime. (Image Source)