As Riki and Rin leave the world that Kyousuke created, what harsh realities will they face?
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
As Riki and Rin leave the world that Kyousuke created, what harsh realities will they face?
Since the world Kyousuke created is coming to an end, how will Riki and Rin fare when they have to face reality?
As Riki successfully recruits Kengo, what is the secret that Kyousuke has been hiding for a while?
Riki now faces his first obstacle in reviving Little Busters, defeating Masato.
After Kyousuke’s complete failure from last time, the ball is now in Riki’s court as a loop takes shape.
Kyousuke deceives everyone and shows that he is evil.
At least, the person behind the mysterious notes reveals his identity as Rin’s and Riki’s intimate relationship gets cut short.
As Yuiko fades away, Rin finally takes center stage.
Since Little Busters is now back, Komari decides to throw a pancake party.
It seems that Riki is not confident enough, but he gets some support from some girls.
Who is the 9th member on the baseball team? It’s closer than you think.
Rin is actually helping a boy to hook up with her rival, Sasami? I thought they were archrivals?
Although Kud is adorable, I still felt bad for her.
Hate may be a strong word, but one can’t simply hate each other forever.
Well, things can’t possibly get any worse for Haruka.
While not much happens, the sleep over was very entertaining.
Finally, Riki finds the truth behind Mio’s suffering and her desire of wanting to disappear.