From last time, Yoko came to Yu’s place as she really wants her to join Dream Monkeys ice hockey team. Will Yu take the bait?
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
From last time, Yoko came to Yu’s place as she really wants her to join Dream Monkeys ice hockey team. Will Yu take the bait?
It seems that Jahy’s lucky streak continues as the Owner and Ryou works at a beachside restaurant. Also, Druj seems down for some reason.
Now that SplaSoda made it to the goal of 100,00 yells, the pressure is on Shiori, Uta, and Mako. As expected, things are not going so well with all the fighting between Shiori and Uta.
One night, Touko is feeling a bit down. I wonder what is the thing that causing her to feel sad.
Given the drama over what happened last time with Chiyu and Kukuru, I guess we needed a breather. Of course, with Fuuka and Kukuru planning an outing with her coworkers one weekend.
With Mami moving away, Manaka and her friends continue as another year of school begins. They finally give the answer that Yoko is looking for.
It seems that the fortunes are changing for Jahy for the better as she sees a mana crystal on a manhole cover. Is this too good to be true? Also, Saurva is apparently making a potion to turn Jahy into a dog. It’s obvious how that turns out.
It’s fall and on the way home, Mika talks to a flowerpot statue shaped like a god. Since it’s talking, it’s obvious that we are getting a backstory.
With Suzune and Rena already reaching the goal of 100,000 yells, the other two team faces tumoil. It seems that the dance team is having some issues and time is ticking.
As expected, I didn’t expect a Chiyu redemption arc. Still, does she really deserve it after acting like a righteous Karen for so long? Or is it Kukuru that caused it from the beginning?