Before I knew it, time flew by so quickly. During that time, I finally graduated college this year and experienced the worse power outrage last fall because of Hurricane Sandy. Even so, this year was a rather peaceful one as I focused more on writing about Anime, and diving into intermediate level Japanese language studies despite my up and downs. The question is, how I will manage my time as I head to grad school? I probably do more of the same, with a few adjustments.
For this birthday post, I will share behind the scenes on where I do my blogging. I do most of my blogging in a separate room, which has my desk with a LCD monitor and a screen. Since I’m busy all the time, my desk is unorganized and it’s pretty embarrassing. While I do most of my web surfing and browsing at this desk, I also do my blogging and web surfing at college and when I’m on vacation, in the hotel room. Since these places usually have Internet access, I no longer have the excuse to go on hiatus.
As for the computers I currently use, I have two Macbook Pro laptops. The one on the left (Takanashi Rikka) is my main one, which has a faster Intel i7 Quad Core CPU, 16GBs of RAM, 750 GB Hard Drive, Matte Display and nVidia Geforce GT 650m graphics. The right is a 2010 model, Takamachi Nanoha, which replaced my lemon laptop.
With that, feel free to say Happy Birthday in the comments below. As always, my parents are going to take me out later for a special meal. (Image Source)