Sadly, this is the last episode of Ika Musume. Even so, there are still some really fun moments before the drama kicks in the second half.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Both Seasons (2010, 2011)
It seems that Ika still can’t figure out how to take over mankind. Instead, she has nightmares about a really grotesque old doll. Also, the scientist whack jobs make reappearance and the crew takes a hike to the summit.
Since Ika unable to invade mankind, she plays baseball instead to help her best friend’s softball team. Also Teru Teru Bozu and Mini Ika make an appearance again.
Once again we get some more funny antics with Ika with doorbells and makeup. Additionally, the childish scientists make an appearance again to eliminate Ika with their invisibility gun… Sadly, they angered Chizuru instead in the process.
As shown in the last episode, Ika is a genius at math. Sadly, Ika seemed to lose her person to prey on. In addition, the American alien scientist takes her away since Ika messed up. I guess Ika is having a really bad day with this.
Since it’s the midpoint of the season, I would like to share my overall thoughts on what I have seen. This midseason impressions post should give you a good idea on what score I will ultimately give the show as the season finishes. [1. Original Image]
Fall 2010 still has a myriad of good and enjoyable Fall 2010 songs so far. Unfortunately, there only a few I really wanted to review in depth. Nevertheless, I still want to share my thoughts about them. [1. Image Source]
I neglected Ika-chan since I was so occupied with Zakuro. Also, my main laptop, Fujibayashi Kyou broke while I was at college. Since I got a replacement last night, I decided to watch the two episodes I have left sitting.
After I spent all my time studying for the big exam, I am finally done and can relax a bit before the exams start up again. What is a better way to do it by watching Shinryaku! Ika Masume. Like the last two episodes, it continues with the summer fun. In this particular episode, it focuses on ghosts, killer orcas (or dolphins) and a surfer who are scared of non-humans.
With the taste testing of Anime coming to a close, I want to share my overall thoughts about all the Fall 2010 Anime I have tried out. Compared to last year, I tried out a total of 5 series, which is up from three shows from last year. Most of the shows mainly consisted of comedy slice of life shows, which is not shocking at all considering it’s my preference for Anime after all. [1. Original Image Source]
Shinryaku! Ika Musume is still one of those shows that I enjoy the most besides Ore No Imouto. It works since it uses the same proven formula, have a cute girl doing cute things and throw some funny jokes in about her. Well, In this episode, it’s all about saving lifes, celebrating birthdays and a girl who likes to dress Ika in cute outfits…
It is a known fact that human beings neglect the majestic part of Mother Nature… the sea. The sea provides us the food, transportation, recreation and natural resources. Sadly, the mistreatment of the sea from man-made disasters from overfishing and countless oil spill disasters like the Deepwater Horizon have driven this one Squid Girl into extreme dissatisfaction. As a result, she wants world domination so that human beings will never mistreat the sea.
The problem is… nobody really takes her seriously because she looks like a child…