Now that 2015 is coming to a close, it is time to focus on what I have played this year, which has been very busy.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Now that 2015 is coming to a close, it is time to focus on what I have played this year, which has been very busy.
Back in 2013, I decided to answer some questions that were created by an Anime blogger named Silvachief. Of course, I didn’t know that this event was still going around since Overlord-G who is the author of The Yuri Nation decided to tag me with more questions. Because I have done several of these in the past, I may as well do another.
In the past, I have shared my thoughts on why male lead characters tend be weak-minded. Just recently, an interesting discussion about self-insert characters has popped up at AnimeSuki, which intrigued me. It makes me wonder if this is the reason most male characters are portrayed as such in Anime and other forms of media.
Back in 2013, Compile Heart and Idea Factory started remaking Neptune games for the PlayStation Vita starting with the first game, Neptune Re;birth 1. Neptune Re;birth 2 Sister’s Generation in comparison to the prequel feels more like an enhanced port rather than a remake since Mk2 did not have as many problems in comparison to the first game in the franchise. If so, what improvements did Compile Heart and Felistella made in this enhanced port?
Since 2014 is coming to a close and I don’t plan on covering any more games for this year, it’s time to take a look at which Japanese video games were the most enjoyable.
With the success of the Neptune franchise, Idea Factory and Compile Heart has been expanding the franchise by making various spinoff games for the Playstation Vita. While I was disappointed with Neptune Idol PP, I had high hopes for Chou Megami Shinkoku Noire Gekishin Black Heart since it was a full-featured strategy RPG with Noire as the main heroine. Does it live up to expectations? Let’s find out.
In the past year, Compile Heart and Idea Factory has been expanding the Neptune franchise by making various spinoffs in order to reach a wider audience. Last year, they made an idol simulator, which left a disappointing taste in my mouth. This year, they released a strategy RPG featuring Noire (Chou Megami Shinkoku Noire Gekishin, 超女神信仰ノワール激神) and planning to release an action game, which is developed by Tamsoft, the makers of Senran Kagura at the end of this month. While I’m not interested in the latter, I decided to get this game since I enjoy Noire/White Heart’s personality. Since I’m close to half way done with this game (currently on Chapter 4), it’s time to reveal what I think about the game first hand.
Just a few months ago, I shared my final impressions of the first Rebirth game and I thought Compile Heart and Felistelia did a great job fixing all of the flaws from the original game such as having all the goddesses join throughout the story, using battle system from Victory and having improved graphics.
Just a few weeks ago, Neptune Rebirth 2 Sister’s Generation got released, which is a remake of Mk2. This is odd considering that the second game wasn’t nearly as flawed compared to the first. Despite this, since I played 14 hours, it’s time to share my initial thoughts of the game. (Image Source)
Back in 2010, Compile Heart and Idea Factory made a game personifying video game consoles as cute girls with the plot based on the console wars. While it was an interesting idea for a story, the first game unfortunately had a lot of problems ranging from game-breaking bugs to mediocre graphics.
Just little over three years later after the franchise got two well received games, Compile Heart decided to make a complete remake and reboot of the first game for the Playstation Vita, Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth1.
As the year comes to a close, it’s time to focus on the best and the worst Anime of 2013 along with some thoughts about 2013. (Image Source)
As Christmas arrives in less than 2 days, it’s time to share my final four moments in Anime. (Image Source)
Back in 2010, Compile Heart created a roleplaying game based on the console wars with video game consoles personified as cute girls in a game called Hyperdimension Neptunia (超次元ゲイムネプチューヌ). While it was an interesting concept, Idea Factory managed to mess it up. The first game shows this with obvious gamebreaking bugs, poor graphics for a PS3 game, difficulties trying to heal your characters among other things. They eventually realized how unfinished the first game was, so they remade it for the Vita. Since I received the game three weeks ago, I want to share my first impressions. (Image Source)
Back in the 80s and 90s, there was a heated console war between Sega and Nintendo with Sony and eventually Microsoft joining in the fray. In 2009, Compile Heart decided a game called Hyperdimension Neptunia (超次元ゲームネプチューヌ) that personified each console (Sega Neptune, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360) as cute girls. When they announced an Anime from the two games, I decided to take a look.
Will Rei get her way and destroy the entire world? Nope.
In a post that Kai as posted this week about how video game is adapted into a show. While I have shared my thoughts about anime adaptations and challenges involved with it, video game adaptations are a different story as the experience is not static. As adaptations of video games (excluding visual novels) become more popular as seen adaptations of The Idolmaster, Persona 4 and Neptunia, how do they achieve this while making it enjoyable? (Image Source)
It seems that Rei has a nasty surprise waiting for Neptune.
Neptune finally confronts her feelings for Peashy in a battle.
Exactly what the tin says, this is your typical beach episode, but with a twist!
As the long summer break comes to an end, I want to focus on giving a review and first impressions of the two games I played. Today, I’m focusing on Hyperdimension Idol Neptunia PP (神次元 アイドルネプテューヌPP), which is basically an idol raising simulator spin-off for the Playstation Vita.
Apparently, Compile Heart knows that idols are very popular in Japan and since they have some capable singers, then why not? But then again, will it live up to the other popular idol simulator, The Idolmaster? Not really. (Image Source)
Finally, we get to see what Pururut is capable of.
With Nepgear first to transform into her HDD form, it’s time to kick Magiquone’s butt.
As the four goddesses get’s trapped into a field created by Magiquone, Nepgear desperately wants to save them.