Even if Seiya doesn’t want to do it, he has a plan to turn the park around.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Even if Seiya doesn’t want to do it, he has a plan to turn the park around.
I admit that PA Works (Progressive Animation Works) is one of my favorite studios besides Kyoto Animation not because of the high production values, but rather the types of shows they come out. The studio is more known for its original productions, some that I actually enjoyed.
After watching Glasslip, I was deeply disappointed and wondered to my self, why did it fail? It’s odd considering that they played it safe with a premise that they can’t possibly mess it up. Ultimately, we are proven wrong.
Apparently, there is a mysterious girl with a musket that wants to take Seiya to an amusement park. It will be fun, right?
Yep, it’s nice to see Tohsaka Rin once again.
I admit that I have a soft spot when it comes to slice of life shows with cute girls. When I found out that Hanayamata has an American girl from New Jersey who wants to do Yosakoi (よさこい) a type of traditional Japanese traditional dance, I decided to take a look.
As Rin takes Haruka to Australia, will Haruka finally find a dream for himself?
At last, the show finally ends! Did we ever find out about the secrets behind the fragments?
As Hana returns to America with her mother, it’s time for the Hanairo festival. Then again, will she make it back in time for the performance?
Now that summer has come to an end, it’s time to take a look at what shows I plan on watching for the fall. Like always, this list is subject to change.
When the first episode of Prisma Illya aired last summer, I decided to watch it since I have a soft spot for magical girl shows. Although the first season felt rushed since it only has 10 episodes, I really enjoyed the premise, battles and the characters. After watching the second season, it was an improvement.
Fall is almost here and I’m somewhat swamped with course work.
Note: This is probably the last Weekly Anime Impressions post I will make until the next season starts. I will be posting my final episode impressions of Hanayamata and Free Eternal Summer separately.
In the past few weeks, I have witnessed a lot of bullying and name-calling shaming people who play or enjoy video games. It’s true that people tend to judge people depending on tastes and their hobbies such as people who like Anime since it’s a niche medium. Because of this, people who are not familiar with it will likely hold an ignorant, distorted or uninformed view on it and generalize them to a certain stereotype or label.
Since Bazett used her secret weapon against Miyu, will Illya and Kuro be able to fend her off?
Summer break is over, but there is still the hot springs episode.
Earlier this year, Kai shared how he comes up with new posts. Personally, coming up with new ideas for editorial posts is usually the hard part since it requires some effort to come up with topics and remembering them. Also, I will share what I use to write and edit posts.
The battle continues as Illya, Kuro and Miyu enter the fray against Bazett.
Summer Break has finally comes to an end with the final semester in college starting.
Just last month, the Anime and Manga Industry have started to crack down piracy of Anime and Manga. While I believe that these creators should get the credit they deserve and the industry made some progress in doing so with legal streaming sites, there are still some shortcomings, especially in regards to Manga. I think there are ways to fix it that would benefit the industry rather than fighting an endless battle on piracy.
It’s the last week before Fall Semester starts, so it’s time to enjoy what is left of my summer break.
Last month, Gust finally released the third installment of the Dusk series, Atelier Shallie. Unlike the first two games in the Dusk series, it feels like a departure from the usual gameplay since this game feels more like Mana Khemia 2 since they replaced the time limit with a Life Task system. While there are some mixed reactions from the fans, here are my first impressions of the game.
When I watched the first episode of Hanayamata, I wondered how foreigners are portrayed in Anime stereotypically. I think there are several reasons why authors/creators decide to do so in their works.
It seems that Illya wants the older sister status so badly!
Believe it or not, girls with animal ears are cute… Too bad Yaya didn’t wear the cat ears.