It makes me wonder, was there an Anime that focused on sadomasochism with comedy and romance? Not until MM! started to air that featured it. When I watched the first episode, I wondered if MM! would be painful to watch since it’s about masochism. After a few episodes, I was proven wrong since the comedy is rather entertaining and the girls are cute. (Image Source)
Taste Test Part I-II – Rio: Rainbow Gate! (SCCSAV Livewatch)

Many people in the blogosphere have been talking about Rio: Rainbow Gate, one of the shows some consider to be “so bad it’s good”. Do I agree with them? Not really since I watched the show with Roghek from the SCCSAV over Skype. Overall, my impressions about the show went south. The show was so bad it was terrible because there are so many fundamental problems with it, which I want to share.
Just to be clear, I am criticizing the show based on the two episodes I have seen, not bashing it.
MM! – Episode 8 – Playing with Hypnotism
Fall 2010 Midseason Impressions
MM! – Episode 7 – Taro’s Painful Love Pentagon
MM! – Episode 6 – Mother and Sister Wincest
MM! – Episode 5 – I’m doing it FOR SCIENCE… and REVENGE!
MM! – Episode 4 – The Date that went Terribly Wrong!
MM! – Exploring Abusive Relationships and Bullying
Bullying and Abusive Relationships has been a hot topic because of the recent suicides that resulted from prolonged bullying. In the last two episodes, Yunno, a soft-spoken girl developed a fear for men as a result of an abusive relationship she had in the past. In the third episode, she ran into her former boyfriend, Yoshioka and things got a bit nasty.
The last two episodes gave me some thoughts about the recent bullying cases that resulted in the victim to commit suicide. Also, I felt that the experiences Yunno gone through with her abusive boyfriend could actually happen in real life.
Taste Test Part II – MM!

After I watched this episode, I changed my mind about MM!. This episode like the last episode focused on the various problems the people in the club want to resolve. In this particular episode, it focused on Yunno’s androphobia that have been developed as a result of her trauma in the past.
Taste Test Part I – MM!

Perhaps bile fascination[1. What else would attract me to this show… Cute girls?] had driven me to watch anime that some people love to hate. If you read the show’s description, the show gives you a thought about something rather perverted. That thing is Sadomasochism, a fetish that is all about getting pleasure from giving/receiving pain. This is the central them of MM since the male lead is such a masochist.