Since Kinji has officially became Aria’s partner in the mission to catch Riko, the alleged Butei Killer, trouble stirs when Shirayuki becomes jealous of Aria to the point of being axe crazy.
Hidan no Aria – Episodes 4 & 5 – Unmasking the Butei Killer
Hanasaku Iroha – Episode 4 and 5 – Lovestrucked, Tsundere Minko…

After the big commotion over Episode 3, everything seems to go back on track with Ohana settling to the new school for the first time. Later, Minko reveals that she has a crush on Tohru, which she is somewhat insecure about.
Taste Test Part II and III – Hidan no Aria
Hanasaku Iroha – Episode 3 – Second Coming of OreImouto-like Outrage?

Like the outrage that happened with Ore no Imouto Episode 4, it seems that the aniblogosphere has started the outrage machine again over brief fanservice scenes, the perverseness of Jiroumaru and sudden lighthearted mood of Hanasaku Iroha Episode 3. I believe that this outrage is misguided considering that a slice of life story in my opinion is never meant to be completely consistent.
Taste Test Part I – Hidan no Aria
Taste Test Part II – Hanasaku Iroha
Taste Test Part II – Nichijou
Taste Test Part I – Hanasaku Iroha
Madoka Magica – In Memory of Sakura Kyoko, a Tribute.
Most of you should know that Kyoko is no longer with us after she faceed a battle with Sayaka who became a witch. Kyoko is one of my favorite characters in Madoka Magica since she is strong willed and kind in the inside. Therefore, I want to give a tribute to Kyoko for being kind and strong person who genuinely cares about Sayaka. (Image Source)
Fractale – Episodes 4-6 (Brief Thoughts)

For the past few weeks, I was busy with some exams and papers to write. It was expected that I would delay my blogging of Fractale, Wandering Son and Gosick for a while.
To help lessen the burden, I will just write my brief thoughts for Episodes 4 to 6 of Fracale in one post.
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica – Episode 8 – Thoughts and Analysis
Episode 8 was so astonishing! All the angst from Sayaka just blew up rather quickly. Meanwhile, Madoka gets emotionally hurt as Sayaka rips the relationship apart in the path of her destruction. In the center of this mess, we learn more about Kyubey’s sinister plan and the big reveal that Homura is from the future. (Image Source)
Winter 2011 Midseason Impressions
With the middle of the Winter Anime Season upon us, the season was mixed. There are some really great shows that I really enjoyed like Madoka Magica and Hourou Musuko. On the other hand, Gosick and Fractale left me with a weird feeling with the way the show is heading. (Image Source)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica – Episode 7 – Sayaka’s Regrets
After Sayaka learns that she is no longer a human from Kyubey, she become very depressed. Meanwhile, trouble is brewing with Hitomi over romance towards Kyousuke, which makes the situation worse. (Image Source)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica – Episode 6
From the last episode, Homura saves Sayaka from Kyoko’s attack. Unfortunately, there are unresolved tensions between Sayaka and Kyoko. As a result of Sayaka’s stubbornness, Madoka gets worried. (Image Source)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica – Episode 5 – The Immoral Fight
Sayaka has finally decide to become a magical girl in order to have the childhood friend she has a crush on to regain his ability to play violin. In exchange, she has to fight witches forever. Unfortunately, a certain magical girl decides to attack Sayaka over territory, which causes a big battle between the girls. (Image Source)
Ore no Imouto – Episode 12 (END)
Twelve Moments in Anime 2010 – #7 – Ookami-san and the cute Tsundere Wolf
In the 7th Anime Moment for this year, I will be focusing on Ookami-san. While I have some mixed feelings about the show, it was rather entertaining since it had a really violent tsundere named Ookami Ryoko. While not too different from other tsundere stories that JC Staff makes, it has fairy tale characters as its cast, which made it pretty interesting. (Image Source)
Ore no Imouto – Episode 11 – Kirino’s Apology
Ore no Imouto – Episode 10 – Ayase Blackmails her friend to Cosplay… and loves it!

Ayase kind of got her best friend, Kirino angry about her hobby. She allows Kyousuke to help her with a gift that will make Kirino happy and forgive her. Sadly, this requires someone to do the most embarrassing thing for a non-Otaku… COSPLAY!