Since summer started a few days ago, it’s time to share what will happen in the next 11 days (June 26 to July 7th). As mentioned in a Summer Anime Preview post I made earlier this month, I will be going on vacation to the Midwest yet again. Since this month as been rough for me with my blog having traffic woes and such, which cause my motivation to write posts to go down slightly. It’s probably best to take a short break to prevent myself from burning out completely. Hopefully, I will come up with more ideas for future editorial posts once I come back. (Image Source)
Summer 2013 Vacation Update and Marathon Plans
While my post on my Anime Music Tournament nominations is nowhere close to completion, I feel the need to share what will happen late next week and how it’s going to affect my blogging for 11 days. As some might know already, I’m going on vacation starting June 27th until July 7th to the Midwest, namely Chicago and mostly dull Wisconsin. I will also be making updates on Twitter and uploading photos to flickr during my vacation.
Even though I will have Internet all week through hotel wireless and my iPhone, I know that some reviews are going to get delayed because I will be on the road. Because of this, posts for the last episode of Gargantia and Photo Kano will be delayed a little, but I will try to get them up. As for the Neptunia Idol game, which released recently, I will write a review on that once I finish the first play through, which will take some time since I have to translate dialog.
With that out of the way, here are the two shows I plan on doing:
- Love Live School Idol Project
- AKB0048 (first season, from Episode 3 to the end)
I will watch as many episodes as I can while I’m in the car and then write a full review. Of course, revising it will take some time so don’t expect it right away once I finish all the episodes.
In addition, I will be making a “ask me anything” post where you can ask questions as long it is related to blogging, Anime, or video games, which will stay stick to the front page until I come back. I will check them every day as they come in, so please keep it civil. With that, I hope everyone have a nice and fun summer.
Summer 2012 Anime Season Preview and Plans
Since the spring anime will come to an end pretty soon, I may as well take the time and show what I have planned for the summer. As you would expect, I won’t watch much since I usually use this time to catch up on my backlog. Additionally, I’ll share what I have in store for the next two months. (Image Source)
Gosick – Episodes 13 ~ 15 – Mystery of the Leviathan
After taking a short summer break, Arvil comes back for a date with Kazuya to the movies. After the movie was over she finds the same clock tower where the Leviathan is rumored to be. (Image Source)
K-ON!! Second Season – Episode 13 – Azusa and the Summer Memories
I spent most of my summer having my eyes glued to the computer with some exceptions. Now, I am on vacation in Wisconsin/Minnesota and I felt refreshed since staying at home all summer was boring and I wasn’t doing much except sitting at the desk doing programing work, blogging and chatting with other bloggers.
Azusa suffers the same fate with Yui, Mio and Ritsu having a study session in the library and Mugi vacationing Finland. Azusa spends time with Ui and Jun to get away from the summer boredom.
Throughout the whole episode, Azusa falls asleep. In the dream sequences, we get a flash back of memories for all the four girls on what happened during the summer. They range from silly to completely funny. The flashback includes Yui eating the wrong combinations of food, Mio watching scary movies, Mugi trying to win a prize with Azusa winning a trip to Finland and Ritsu pushing Azusa down with a bowl of Yakisoba on top of her head. I couldn’t help but laugh since they did silly things.
Of course, those dream sequences that we are shown have some consequences… For instance, Azusa forget what she was doing or misses an entire movie… It happens when you are tired during the day and decide to take a nap while you were doing something like listening to a lecture. It’s not a good sign…
Most people think that summer is long… In reality, it’s not. Sitting in the house in front of the computer is no way to spend the whole vacation. If you want an enjoyable summer, you need to go on one vacation at least and enjoy what it has to offer. I’m doing so right now and It’s a breath of fresh air. Even though there isn’t much things to do in Wisconsin, I enjoyed some of the sightseeing in the state. I don’t regret it.
Besides the flashbacks Azusa had while she was sleeping, this episode was rather enjoyable. However, it wasn’t as enjoyable as the last episode. Its pretty much the trend where we have one episode being very enjoyable and the next… well a mixed bag. It’s not a bad thing, but I wished that the enjoyability factor was a bit more consistent. At least they aren’t repeating content like they did in the last season.
Next Episode: Time to study for those exams?