I must admit, this episode was a bit tough to watch not because it hits home to my personal experiences, but it shows how much an insufferable a-hole Kukuru’s boss is. We might know the reason why.
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I must admit, this episode was a bit tough to watch not because it hits home to my personal experiences, but it shows how much an insufferable a-hole Kukuru’s boss is. We might know the reason why.
Now that Jahy made Kyoko her minion, she is starting to regret her decision. It becomes obvious why.
The cultural festival is finally here. You might be wondering, how well did Touko’s piece turn out? We’ll find out soon.
While Kukuru is busy working on the special area proposal, one of Fuuka’s friends finds herself at the aquarium for some reason. I wonder why.
Now that Jahy collected enough mana crystals to gain enough strength, she decides to fight the magical girl. However, it appears that she might not even want to fight.
Now that Himeno accepted Jimena’s request to solve the mystery of the mysterious tool. I wonder, what is the tool she is looking for.
One night, Touko is feeling a bit down. I wonder what is the thing that causing her to feel sad.
Given the drama over what happened last time with Chiyu and Kukuru, I guess we needed a breather. Of course, with Fuuka and Kukuru planning an outing with her coworkers one weekend.
It seems that the fortunes are changing for Jahy for the better as she sees a mana crystal on a manhole cover. Is this too good to be true? Also, Saurva is apparently making a potion to turn Jahy into a dog. It’s obvious how that turns out.
It’s fall and on the way home, Mika talks to a flowerpot statue shaped like a god. Since it’s talking, it’s obvious that we are getting a backstory.
As expected, I didn’t expect a Chiyu redemption arc. Still, does she really deserve it after acting like a righteous Karen for so long? Or is it Kukuru that caused it from the beginning?
Believe it or not, after Jahy sees the Owner, growing her own garden, she decides to give it a try. Of course, she gives it a try as Ryou decides to crash at her place eventually.
Himeno, Naoko, and Mika decides to look around town, they run into a certain tourist.
While Kukuru’s boss remains a big a-hole, Kukuru works on the next project her boss assigns her.
While Jahy’s attempt to buy weapons to face off the Magical Girl is a flop, she forges ahead. Of course, the Magical Girl appears in front of Kokoro. The Magical Girl probably stole Kokoro’s heart.
Nao seems to have a fight with her mother. She decides to stay over at Himeno’s place for one night. Of course, they had a nostalgia trip.
After Kukuru had a bad first few days of work thanks to her terrible boss, she starts to lose some hope. That is until a special someone appears. Yes, Fuuka is back!
From last time, Jahy finally relaxed at the public bath and partied. Meanwhile, a certain someone was at the same public bath. It’s obvious who.
While Himeno didn’t win an award, she moves on as Fall arrives. Of course, one of Touko’s rivals decides to issue a challenge.
A year has passed since Gama Gama’s closure. It seems that Kukuru is in a tough place as she placed in a role she didn’t expect.
It seems that Dojima invited Jahy to visit her company. It’s obvious how it went.
It’s obvious that Gama Gama is going to close, but what Kukuru plans to do in the future? Not only that, what does Fuuka intend to do as well?
After the magical girl stole Jahy’s mana crystal, she is not giving up. She decides to do some physical training. The question is, is enough to defeat the magical girl?
While the last episode is basically the beginning of the end, this is where Kukuru becomes really upset. She doesn’t want to see Gama Gama go away. However, a typhoon hits Okinawa, which take whatever remains of Kukuru’s dream.