After Illya promised that she will grant Miyu’s older brother’s wish, Angelica cornered them.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
After Illya promised that she will grant Miyu’s older brother’s wish, Angelica cornered them.
When I started watching Anime back in my childhood, I saw my first Magical Girl (魔法少女, Mahou Shoujo) anime. Since then, I noticed how much the genre changed throughout the years. With that, I will share some aspects that I enjoy about magical girl shows. (Image Source)
Back in 2012, a now retired blogger named trzr23 have created an Anime Blog project called “Let’s us Remember Love.” Apparently, Justin at Organization Anti-Social Geniuses will be doing the second year of it and I will be participating.
For this year, I decided to take a look back at Madoka Magica since two movies has already released for the franchise. When I watched this back in 2011 with a group of people online when it was airing, it felt like a different magical girl show filled with despair. This is mostly contributed to Gen Urobuchi’s writing, the person who is also behind Fate/zero and Gargantia. His stories are filled with tragedy and a lot of character deaths. While shows like Lyrical Nanoha have girls fighting for survival to maintain peace, Madoka completely deconstructs the genre, which is already a good reason to take a look back. (Image Source)
After a long break, its time to continue where I left off…
After the Wolkenritter retreated in the last episode after underestimating Nanoha’s and Fate’s new power, we get to hear more back story regarding Hayate and the Book of Darkness.
As recovery commences, Fate attends her first day at her new school.
After the brutal defeat in the last episode, Nanoha and her friends deserve a good rest.
Since I’m not watching much this season, I decided to watch some older stuff and finish the backlog. With that, I have decided to start the second season of Nanoha.
Ever since the finale of Madoka Magica, which aired two months ago, the series has definitely become one of the most captivating and memorable show of 2011 in my opinion. While Madoka has some of the traditional magical elements, it had a darker story filled with despair that made the overall premise rather interesting. Despite the minor flaws in storytelling, the show has definitely redefined certain aspects of the magical girl genre (Image Source).
Ayase kind of got her best friend, Kirino angry about her hobby. She allows Kyousuke to help her with a gift that will make Kirino happy and forgive her. Sadly, this requires someone to do the most embarrassing thing for a non-Otaku… COSPLAY!
Kirino: O(≧∇≦)O Kyousuke: (・_・?) Kuroneko:( ̄へ ̄)Saori: ( ̄ー ̄)
Well, it’s a good episode, but I don’t want to spoil what I have to say about my upcoming editorial. I’ll give you some hints: it deals with the certain faction of the Anime Fandom/Blogosphere and genre elitist haters.