Christmas Eve comes and Fujimoto started acting strange…
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Preview posts always had problems for not giving enough information or resorting to “chartfag” charts that become outdated when a stream of new information comes in, giving the readers not enough info on when the series will start, how long, what genre and so on. This leads people writing preview posts without enough information and just making noise for the sake of it.
There is a solution. If you familiar with Melative as I discussed a while back. The advantage of Melative that Melative has open APIs and a open Wiki format where the info can be edited by editors (and users can create their own versions of their pages) and add up to date information. Lime is what the whole thing is based on, well at least for the open Wiki part. I have suggested a Wordpress plugin where a user just enters the URL to the title page on Melative (in a certain format) and it would be replaced with the up to date information that is currently in the database that includes the picture, any context information (date of when the series will start, how many episodes, genres, etc.), links to other resources and of course the description. This approach is a lot more informative and takes the guess work on researching information on that title. This is how I done my “Upcoming Anime” page.
The usage is really simple. Copy the link to the title and put it in this format. For example
It should look like this:
With it’s advantages, there are some disadvantages. One of them is that the “melative-item” plugin will not work on wordpress.com or any other blog software that isn’t a self hosted Wordpress. This is because Wordpress.com does not allow third party themes and plugins. Second, this Wordpress plugin is still in development and not complete yet. Although the chances of it malfunctioning is low, the plugin can malfunction or do funny stuff, but it will not affect anything in the Wordpress database.
If you interested, you can download the plugin here. To install, just unzip, upload the melative-item folder to your Wordpress Plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins) and use the format I demonstrated above to show the information from Melative in your posts or pages. If you have any issues, report them on IRC, #melative on freenode. Also, the plugin will be available on wordpress.org in the future, so keep a lookout.
And this plugin pretty much made chartfag charts obsolete… for most bloggers. Also note that a melative account isn’t necessarily required to use the plugin, although you should take part in it and ditch services like MyAnimeList.
You wished there was such thing as a cell phone or cordless phone, so you don’t have to stay in the same room all day… …
With the last article, I decided to write a response to the author of “The Golden Waste” as he seems to be ranting about people not buying licensed anime for some reasons. Everyone should be buying licensed anime if they like the show and/or want to support the studio, there is no way around with that. However, the money that comes from both the Japanese and licensed Anime sales of DVDs is very small for the Animation Studios. We can argue or rant about dub versus sub-only releases, Crunchyroll and licensing companies as much we want, but it doesn’t change the fact that how much corporate greed comes from the Japanese Anime Industry causing the animation studios be left with peanuts in comparison with the American Music Industry.
Well, yesterday if you haven’t noticed, the blog went down suddenly and I was wondering what happened. Well, the host Notcliche is hosted on, midphase had decided to move the site to a more reliable server. Because of that, my comments that were made in the last two days were lost, but I was able to recover the posts and comments from the last three days. Hopefully, this won’t happen again, but it’s one lesson learn from this. Always make backups of your posts and that Murphy’s law is in full effect, which states that “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.”
We know, sh*t happens, but it’s not end of the world. :p
Now excuse me, I have to restore the snapshots on my Sora no Woto Episode 7 post and blog about Kobato Ep 18.
Fanart used in this post is made by そら. (source)
After reading this particular rant, I believe that it haven’t covered the most important area. Sure, Anime have gotten cheaper, but they remain more expensive than a whole season box of a US series like Heroes or Lost which have alot more episodes and I end up spending 40-50 dollars for the whole season. Sure the days of 3 episodes on VHS for $30 or 4 episodes on a DVD is over, but this is not the main focus on this topic, The main focus is the US Anime Industry and Corporate Media.
And believe me, I buy licensed anime on shows I want to watch and my sister owns a pile of licensed DVD releases.
The editorial fails to mention about licensed anime outside the US.How about Europe? Some series will probably never get to be licensed in other countries, which leave people who want to watch the series having to import, which cost more and requires another DVD player due to region coding. DVD region coding is another problem caused by corporate media.
With corporate media, you think you own the media, but you don’t. The anime you have on your DVDs are licensed to you, not owned. This holds true with streaming media in one particular postkimaguresan posted:
Ownership: This is the elephant in the room. When you watch a streaming show, you see it, and then it’s gone.
There is no freedom with corporate media. Their interest is to license the show, distribute it and make a profit, and while you at it, restrict your fair use rights with crap like digital rights managements, region coding, streaming, and other things. There is no freedom in this model, ever. Another point with big media is that the content creator gets shafted and get a very small cut of the profits sold from these licensed DVDs. Big media companies like Funnimation and Sentai Filmworks take most of the cut from the sale of Anime DVDs which leaves the Animation studios like Shaft, Kyoto Animation and the rest with so little profits. This is the same with music labels where the music labels like EMI, Warner and others get a big cut from album and digital music sales guess what the artist or even the composer get? A very small cut from it. The problem here is corporate greed and less profits from the content creators. On top of that, the greed comes in form of high prices on price gouging on Blurays (on lesser extent, DVDs) and DRMed media. On top of that, removing DRM from your media such as DVD ripping is illegal according to the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) because using such programs circumvent Digital Rights Management. Stuff like DMCA further take away our fair use rights away. What happens if our media gets scratched up and become unreadable, do we have to buy another copy of the media? I think this is wrong because anyone should be able to back up their DVDs because we own the media already, why can’t we since “fair use” allows us to make a personal backup copy. (Note, it’s technically illegal to rip DVDs in this Real Network ruling.)
The end of the day, no matter if we own the media, we are slaves to corporate media and with streaming, our freedoms are basically gone with this and the content creator don’t benefit from this at all. The only way you can surely support the series you like is buying related merchandise such as figurines, artbooks, albums, games, etc. The merchandise they sell usually generate more money than licensed DVD releases and remains a great way to support the series you like while still buying R1 releases.
Note: I do not advocate not buying the Licensed DVDs or resorting to illegal means to obtaining “licensed” DVD releases because of some of these reasons… You should still buy R1 Licensed DVDs despite this and expressing my opinion won’t change that, I will still buy anime that is licensed.
Further Reading
kimaguresan on Crunchy and Big MediaOne License to Rule Them All
Time flies when you are having fun and blogging. When February came, I went… Oh shoot! It have been a year since I have started blogging about Anime exclusively. The blogging started in February 17, 2009 when I decided that putting my Anime stuff with all the rest of the stuff on my old blog isn’t a good idea. I have split the anime section of the blog from the main blog, but the main blog ended up dying since I didn’t felt like maintaining two blogs and there is alot to talk about Anime and it’s related stuff like visual novels, related songs, etc. Of course, this blog won’t be possible if I haven’t rediscovered Anime when I started freshman year of college in September 2008 (more on that story in About chikorita157 page)!
Well, when I first started this blog, I decided to use WicketPixie as the theme for Chikorita157’s Anime Blog since it looks clean and stylish. I just removed the text logo and the Twitter stuff on the top since it wasn’t necessary. As time went on, the banners improved in quality, but the theme stayed pretty much the same. I could of use the same theme as everyone else, but that would look boring and not so unique.
As of Feb 17, I will probably make close to 260 posts, and thats good since I wanted to always update the blog. I’m dedicated and love blogging about Anime because this is what I enjoy doing. Watch Anime and blog about what I thought about it. So dedicated that I even blog when I’m on vacation, because there is nothing to do around the hotel room except sleep and watch TV. I am hoping that more people decide to look up at my model and start blogging more often than just leaving their blogs collect dust for more than a week.
2010 will be another great year and as always, I will keep blogging… until I get tired or lose interest on Anime, which isn’t happening anytime soon. So I give these two words as I go onto the second year of blogging.
2010, fighto~
Fanart used in this post is by 透子 (Orig Source.)
I have always wanted to update the blog style, but I haven’t got the time with my programming projects (MAL Client OS X and Melative Library), college work and spending time watching Anime and Audiosurfing that I neglected to update the theme for a long time. Now, it have been almost a year and I have decided to change the theme.
I didn’t want to ditch the current theme, Wicketpixie since it’s a very clean theme and I want it to stand out since bloggers use the same theme over and over again… I wanted to be different, so I just updated the banner, icons you see on the top and the color sceme. The image is obviously themed on Furukawa Nagisa, my second favorite character from the anime Clannad. I used my Wacom Bamboo Tablet (very useful and they are inexpensive now) to quick mask the whole thing to have a clean cut from the original image and paste it into the banner with some touch up. The graphics tablet made life alot easier to make the selection possible and I haven’t discovered the quick mask tool until I learned how to use it in Intro to Digital Photography, one of the electives I’m taking this semester. Also, threw in some snapshots with some effects and I was done.
The color scheme is now purple and it used to be bright yellow. I was getting sick of the yellow, so I replaced it with a darker color that is easier on the eyes… Well, it comes down to preferences.
However, if you compare this current theme to the one used since February 2009, it’s a big difference. It really shows how much effort I put into this blog because I really enjoy blogging on Anime and expressing my thoughts. Hopefully, this will be another great year…