Several weeks ago, Kai shared his thoughts about the anime he put on his backlog. During my anime blogging career, I have picked up shows and on some occasions, get pushed to the backlog. There are many reasons I end up doing this, which I will share along with some notable Anime I backlogged. (Image Source)
Otome Youkai Zakuro
Otome Youkai Zakuro – Episodes 8-9 – Black Widow and Guess Zakuro’s Lover…
Guest Review – Otome Youkai Zakuro – MOON SIGNAL OP Review

As you might know already… I loved “MOON SIGNAL,” which is one of the best openings in the Fall 2010 Anime Season. This review only took a few hours to write since there wasn’t that much to nick picking compared to the previous singles such as MM! OP review and K-ON! 2 Yui Character Single. While “MOON SIGNAL” remains the best song out of sphere, “Now Loading… SKY!!” remains my second favorite. Also, the B-side in “Now Loading… SKY!!” is a bit better than “Climax Whistle.” So enjoy the review of “MOON SIGNAL” and be sure to share your thoughts about the single at the Anime Instrumentality Blog.
(Comments are disabled in this post… Make your comments in the actual review. Image Source)
Otome Youkai Zakuro – Episodes 6-7 – Belated Impressions

I got caught up with several things in my life that I forgot about Zakuro. Well, a lot have happened in these two episodes regarding how the twin’s grew up, Zakuro’s mother and the spirit at Kei’s home that resulted in his fear of spirits. Some of them are petty tragic and others… really cute.
Fall 2010 Midseason Impressions
Fall 2010 Anime Music Rundown – Part I
As the Fall 2010 heads to its midpoint, its time to take a look of some Anime Music I decided to try out. Besides the MM! opening single I reviewed at Anime Instrumentality Blog, the other singles I tried out was pretty good. This is why I would like to share my brief thoughts about them. [1. Original Image]
Otome Youkai Zakuro – Episode 5 – Twins and the Willow Spider
Otome Youkai Zakuro – Episode 04 – Susukihotaru Overcoming her Timidness

Like the last episode of Otome Youkai Zakuro, this episode focuses mainly on Susukihotaru and Riken over the investigation of the dubious sword obtained by a shopkeeper. The sword has some significance in revealing Susukihotaru’s hidden power inside of her that allows the revealing of a person’s select memories from objects.
Obligatory Three Episode Taste Test – Otome Youkai Zakuro

Since I have dropped Yosuga no Sora because it was too provocative for my tastes, I was able to pick up another show to fill the emptiness. Aorii from Major Arcana suggested that I should watch Otome Youkai Zakuro, which is a fantasy and alternative history kind of show. To be frank, I have read her editorial on it and I found the show rather interesting, so I decided to try it out myself…
Fall 2010 Anime Season Taste Test Score Card
With the taste testing of Anime coming to a close, I want to share my overall thoughts about all the Fall 2010 Anime I have tried out. Compared to last year, I tried out a total of 5 series, which is up from three shows from last year. Most of the shows mainly consisted of comedy slice of life shows, which is not shocking at all considering it’s my preference for Anime after all. [1. Original Image Source]