After watching the first episode of No Game No Life, it intrigued me because I play a lot of video games. Sure, I enjoy the various references they make to Anime and Video Games along with the characters. What interested me more is how Blank manages to win every game despite coming close to losing. While the games are not necessarily deep, there are many aspects in gaming that contribute to their victory, which is not noticeable by most viewers. (Image Source)
Defining Introductory Anime – What shows would you recommend to First Time Viewers?
Like most fans, not everyone gain an interest in Anime overnight. With that, I have been wondering what kind of shows will catch a person’s attention for people who haven’t watched Anime. Of course, people have different tastes, which makes it somewhat difficult to pick what show you should recommend. (Image Source)
Reminiscing about Anime Forums – Are they on the decline?
Before social networking and Anime blogs existed, Anime forums and message boards were one of the main ways of discussing about a particular interest besides fan sites. For a while now, there is one thread on Animesuki that caught my attention with people noticing a decline in forum activity. With that, I would like to share my past experiences and why Anime forums will still be relevant despite the popularity of social networking and blogging. (Image Source)
Thoughts about Anime Wallpapers
When I shared my thoughts about collecting Anime Merchandise, I mentioned that my room is messy compared to other fans that are able to display posters, figures and such. Because of this reason, my computer is perhaps one of the only ways to advertise that I am a fan of anime. This is where wallpapers come into play.
Net Neutrality and Anime – Why you should care?
Back in 2012, many people in the Anime Blogosphere protested against the Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP because it would have ended the Internet as we know it. These two bills eventually caused so much backlash that Congress had to shelve it.
In January of this year, the Supreme Court has shot down FCC’s Net Neutrality rules, which would have protected the free Internet. Just a few days ago, the FCC has decided that they are not going to keep it, thus effectively killing Net Neutrality.
I know that most Anime fans won’t care about this for the fact that he or she might not know what all of this means and/or just want to watch Anime and interact with the community. However, ignoring this will eventually lead to a rude awakening as it can adversely affect legal streaming sites, Anime related blogs, etc., which is why I wanted to share my thoughts about the whole issue.
Japanese RPG Pet Peeves – Thoughts about Annoyances and Inconveniences in Role Playing Games
As I shared in my previous posts, I tend to prefer Japanese made games, mainly Japanese roleplaying games. While I enjoy playing them mostly for its story, characters, art direction and even most of the gameplay aspects, there are a few annoyances and inconveniences that I dislike. (Image Source)
Thoughts About Collecting Anime Merchandise
Just a few weeks ago, Froggykun shared some interesting thoughts about figures, which got me thinking why many fans tend to buy a lot of merchandise? While one can argue that Anime is being used to market related merchandise besides promoting the source material, people might be wondering what kind of merchandise I’m interested in since there are so many to choose from. Also, is this truly necessary to be a true fan? (Image Source)
My Unpopular Anime and Gaming Opinions
A few weeks back, Yumeka shared her unpopular Anime opinions which got me thinking, what are my unpopular opinions? Since I don’t necessarily have 10 unpopular Anime opinions to share, I will also cover some video game related stuff too. (Image Source)
Thoughts about Idols in Anime – Why do we adore them?
In the past, I have been somewhat critical towards the state of idols in Japan and Korea on various things such as the apparent lack of talent and of course these agencies taking complete control of their personal life by preventing any of their members from dating anyone. However, this doesn’t mean that I dislike idols completely for the fact that idol themed shows has shown some positive aspects that can relate to life along with the cheerful music. Here are some of my reasons why I and many people enjoy idol-themed anime and video games. (Image Source)
Gamers and Otakus – Should Hobbies get tied to a Label?
After I shared my thoughts about Miyazaki’s remarks on otakus and the Anime Industry’s focus on that demographic, one of the comments caught my attention to write about this topic: Should you call yourself an otaku or even a gamer? (Image Source)
Thoughts about Otaku and Its Influence in the Industry – Is it a bad thing?
In the past, I tend to avoid the topic on the Otaku for the fact that they are viewed negatively by Japanese society while the west tends to view the word in a more positive manner.
Of course, in a recent interview from the famous Hayao Miyazaki has stirred controversy when he stated that the Anime Industry is “full of Otaku.” While it’s understandable why he would feel this way considering his age, he brings up an interesting point that eventually lead me to share my thoughts about the whole thing. (Image Source)
Remembering the Fansites Era – Looking back at my Experiences of Creating One
Before I started blogging about Anime during a cold winter day back in 2009, there is a part of my past that I haven’t touched upon yet. Previously, I used to maintain a fansite, a type of website that was popular back in the day. While some older fans might remember this, I think newer fans should know how it was like back then. (Image Source)
Thoughts about Marathoning or watching Weekly and How I Watch Anime
In a recent post that Kai wrote last week about watching weekly or marathon shows got me thinking: How do people generally watch Anime? With streaming, powerful tablets and smartphones, there are more places where one can watch it. Even so, people are going to have different preferences on how much they watch and where they watch it. (Image Source)
Thoughts about watching Anime raw – Should you Learn Japanese just from Anime?
Last month, I have read a few bloggers’ thoughts about watching Anime Raws, which got me thinking about a strange idea that some people have: learning Japanese just by watching Anime. While it can be beneficial to watch Anime without subtitles, I will also focus on some reasons why it’s a terrible idea to try to learn Japanese just by watching it. (Image Source)
High Expectations and Hype for Anime, is it a Bad Thing?
Back in Fall of 2013, people became increasingly disappointed to Kyoukai no Kanata as it didn’t live up to expectations. This made me wonder about if hype and having high expectation is a bad thing or not. (Image Source)
Best and Worst Anime of 2013 and Year in Review
As the year comes to a close, it’s time to focus on the best and the worst Anime of 2013 along with some thoughts about 2013. (Image Source)
12 Days of Anime – Part 3 (END) – Prisma Illya, Gargantia, Neptunia, Little Busters
As Christmas arrives in less than 2 days, it’s time to share my final four moments in Anime. (Image Source)
12 Days of Anime – Part 2: Free!, Ore no Imouto 2, Japanese Video Games, Pokemon
Since Christmas comes in about another week, its time to share the second part of 12 Days of Christmas (Days 5-8). (Image Source)
12 Days of Anime – Part 1: Tamako Market, Boku wa Tomodachi, Kyoukai no Kanata, Love Live
Since finals start this week, I plan on starting 12 Days of Anime one day early this year. As mentioned earlier, I started doing this project back in 2010 with the idea being created by a certain Anime Blogger several years back. With that, I want to share my first four moments in Anime.
Thoughts on Anime/Japanese Media Criticism – Can there ever be an Objective Criticism?
In the past, I covered several topics relating to criticism such as what Anime is good and what is bad. Now, I want to focus more thoughts on criticism of Anime or media in general as I only touch upon how I reviewed things. I understand that people will have different options, thus a well-balanced or objective one can be difficult to achieve for various reasons.
Young Characters and School Settings – Why they are popular?
Back in 2009 when I started watching Anime, I started to notice a noticeable trend in Anime these days, It seems that most of these shows take place in a high school setting and usually star a young male or female character. While I think demographics play a big role in this, but there are cultural and other reasons why they do so. (Image Source)
Nostalgia Filter and the Anime Fandom
During the summer, I have shared my thoughts about the Anime Fandumb. Of course, I forgot to write about the very thing that also fuels the whole moe debate and the old versus the new, the Nostalgia Filter.
I’m not Doing This Because I Like You or Anything – Thoughts about The Tsundere Archetype
Believe it or not, one of my favorite character archetypes has always been the tsundere. While I have read other’s opinions about this in the past, I felt the need to share my thoughts since not all tsunderes are created equal and that these characters usually have interesting character development that make them enjoyable. (Image Source)
Anime and Video Games – Finding the Balance
Back in 2012, I shared my thoughts on how I manage to use my free time to do other things besides studying. While graduate years proved to be a bit more time-consuming compared to before, I never touch upon how much attention I put into watching Anime along with other hobbies such as video games. A certain post written by Yumeka from Anime Yume sparked my interest in writing this and expand my thoughts beyond the time management post. (Image Source)