Almost every year, I do the 12 days of Anime thing every year. With that, we will focus on more yuri pairings of course. As expected, they are in no order.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Almost every year, I do the 12 days of Anime thing every year. With that, we will focus on more yuri pairings of course. As expected, they are in no order.
Now that Fuuka decided to take the training course she applied for, how well does Kukuru’s wedding proposal plays out? Also, what happen to the girls after two years?
As Kukuru is given a decision to become an attendant again, does she take the offer. Also, Fuuka considers entering the training program, but she is not sure if she can leave Kukuru behind.
Now that Fuuka finds where Kukuru is as she meets her, is Kukuru ready to go back from her break?
Kukuru finally decides to take a break after dealing with her a-hole boss. It becomes obvious where she went.
I must admit, this episode was a bit tough to watch not because it hits home to my personal experiences, but it shows how much an insufferable a-hole Kukuru’s boss is. We might know the reason why.
While Kukuru is busy working on the special area proposal, one of Fuuka’s friends finds herself at the aquarium for some reason. I wonder why.
After Kukuru and Fuuka had a nice break hanging out with their coworkers, it’s back to work. This time, it seems that one of Akari’s ideas finally received an approval.
Given the drama over what happened last time with Chiyu and Kukuru, I guess we needed a breather. Of course, with Fuuka and Kukuru planning an outing with her coworkers one weekend.
As expected, I didn’t expect a Chiyu redemption arc. Still, does she really deserve it after acting like a righteous Karen for so long? Or is it Kukuru that caused it from the beginning?
While Kukuru’s boss remains a big a-hole, Kukuru works on the next project her boss assigns her.
After Kukuru had a bad first few days of work thanks to her terrible boss, she starts to lose some hope. That is until a special someone appears. Yes, Fuuka is back!
A year has passed since Gama Gama’s closure. It seems that Kukuru is in a tough place as she placed in a role she didn’t expect.
It’s obvious that Gama Gama is going to close, but what Kukuru plans to do in the future? Not only that, what does Fuuka intend to do as well?
While the last episode is basically the beginning of the end, this is where Kukuru becomes really upset. She doesn’t want to see Gama Gama go away. However, a typhoon hits Okinawa, which take whatever remains of Kukuru’s dream.
With only one more week until the end of the month, it seems that Kukuru is struggling. Also, we find out about the call Fuuka received from Ruka.
As expected, Haebaru Chiyu decides to do some training at Gama Gama. Of course, it went how I predicted, a complete disaster.
After the break and Kukuru getting upset over the harsh reality of the aquarium’s fate, she pushes on. Karin manages to arrange a moving aquarium event. Of course, a certain eight-legged with two craw sea creature that is a symbol of Maryland decides to become a stowaway.
Kukuru’s grandfather wants Kukuru and her friends to take a break. After all, all the workers are working non-stop. Of course, her grandfather has other plans.
Kukuru comes into work upset for some reason. We find out why.
With Fuuka’s mother at the aquarium, it’s obvious that she wants to pick up her daughter. Obviously, Fuuka tries to plan her escape, temporarily.
After that eventful day, Kukuru tries to figure out other ideas to attract more visitors. Of course, it seems that some found out Fuuka’s secret that she didn’t reveal to her.
Despite Fuuka’s big screw up from last time, she still wants to help make Kukuru’s dream a reality. Of course, Kukuru faces a situation she didn’t expect.
Now that Fuuka decided to take up Kukuru’s job opening, she decides to help out with the aquarium. Of course, she finds out firsthand that the job isn’t that easy. Of course, Fuuka still haven’t revealed what brought her there.