Kirei is finally relived that he’s not in the Grail War anymore… Well, not so fast because you are coming back!
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Kirei is finally relived that he’s not in the Grail War anymore… Well, not so fast because you are coming back!
Following the eventual week, I’m pleased to announce that my mother’s operation went fine and recovering. As for me, finals have finally come in full force since today marks the end of classes. Therefore, I won’t blog at least until Thursday when I expect to complete most of the finals. Once that gets finished, I will concentrate on completing the first level Japanese course textbook, Secret Santa Anime I haven’t touched and the 12 Days of Anime Blogging Project. (Image Source)
As the fall semester comes to a close, it appears that things are only going to get busier. Once finals are over, I’ll play catch up on marathoning the Secret Santa Anime I have been sitting on along with finishing the first level of Genki I in my Japanese self-study. Hopefully I can get that done before I start my video gaming binge after Christmas.
Also this morning, my mother went into surgery as mentioned earlier… I’ll keep everyone posted on the status. (Image Source)
For those who are in America, I hope everyone had a nice Turkey Day. My Thanksgiving weekend was quiet as I spent most of my time playing Minecraft. In addition, the holiday shopping got completed rather quickly since I knew what I want. Unlike last year, I brought no Anime, but instead a good number of games including a Playstation 3 version of Idolm@ster 2!
In addition, “The Idolmaster Animation Master 5” released yesterday in Japan and I ordered a first press release of the disc. I can’t wait to hear the full versions of Heart of Marionette (マリオネットの心) and Myself Rest@rt (自分REST@RT) since I heard from other people that they sound excellent.
On a serious note, my mom goes for surgery to remove a Stage I Kidney Cancer next Monday. From the day of its discovery, we have been a bit anxious. Hopefully, she will have a speedy recovery once it gets taken cared of. (Image Source)
Subsequently after the downtime that caused a significant drop in hits, I’m plan to fight with the hosting company so I can get a prorated refund and move to a more reliable shared hosting for another year. Although a VPS is nice and all, I need to learn how to set one up locally before actually taking a risk.
During the downtime, I have taken the plunge and brought the fifth Idolmaster Animation Master, which contains a few notable songs from Episode 13. I promise to post pictures of it once it gets released (and no, not like this).
On the brighter note, last week’s anime was exciting with Mini-Ika returning and most importantly, the Chihaya episode. (Image Source)
First off, I apologize for making a statement (including the complaints on Twitter) in the last post that wasn’t called for and got scalded for in the past. I admit that I have gone through a rough weekend regarding some stress in the family regarding an illness along with someone crashing into my mother’s car while making an illegal U-turn. Therefore, I wasn’t in my state of mind. Going forwards, I will not complain about it in the future if it happens again (everyone should heed this warning, especially those who complained about it on Anime Suki Forums).
Aside from that, the stuff that happened last week was exciting despite Ika Musume Second Season not airing. (Image Source)
Miraculously, our power finally returned on Monday after I spent two nights sitting in a cold, dark room. Thankfully, there were no trick-or-treaters this year, so we didn’t have to go through the annoyance of the doorbell ringing every minute and having to pass out candy.
Aside from that, Ika Musume finally comes back from hiatus to make our day brighter along with Ritsuko’s comeback as an idol. Fate/zero on the other hand, it was somewhat disappointing, but still remains strong show. In addition to this, I will share this year’s pick for the Aniblogger Secret Santa project. (Image Source)
Needless to say, my views of Caster just got worse as a result of this episode.
Tomorrow is Halloween. So, this weeks picture fits the mood with Makoto and Hibiki wearing the “My Dear Vampire” outfit from The iDOLM@STER 2. On a side note, the PlayStation 3 version of the game came out last Thursday in Japan. Hopefully I’ll get a copy to play around at years end.
Despite the lack of Ika Musume 2 and a snowstorm that hit the Northeast, which knocked out our power for over 24 hours, this week’s Anime had very exciting developments. Makoto finally gets some time in the spotlight along with Iskander’s/Rider’s epic attack against Berserker. (Image Source)
Note: The Fate/zero Episode 5 post is delayed until tomorrow, unless the power comes back on tonight.
What is this? Are you doing weekly digests now?
Considering that I’m now taking part in the Anime Power Rankings, the answer is yes. A fellow Animeblogger named kevo runs these rankings to see how the currently airing shows are doing at a particular week. Given that I want to share my reasoning behind these votes and possibly add brief thoughts of episodes from older seasons that aren’t part of the rankings, I decided on doing it. This is how it’s going to work:
So, let’s get started, shall we? (Image Source used in this post)
As the start of the 4th Grail War nears, Irisvel along with Saber finally arrives at Fuyuki City. They decide to go sightseeing before the fights begin.
Even though this episode is not long compared to last time, but damn! One of the scenes shown in the middle was really gruesome that I jumped out of my seat, literally.
As expected, Fate/Zero started with a bang in a massive, 48-minute first episode. From my experience, it’s the longest introduction to a story I have seen for the first time since I started watching anime. Considering that this episode is very long, I’m only going to share my overall thoughts in a brief manner with the assumption that everyone had already watched it.