As the 6th Generation of Pokémon Games finally releases this weekend, I felt the need to share some thoughts about the Pokémon franchise as it shaped my interests in gaming and of course, Anime. (Image Source)
Little Busters Refrain – Episode 1 – Yuiko’s Hidden Anger
Nagi no Asukara – Episode 1 – Prejudice and Menaka’s Faithful Encounter
Kyoukai no Kanata – Episode 1 – The Mysterious Girl Who Loves Stabbing
Hyperdimension Neptunia the Animation – Final Review
Back in the 80s and 90s, there was a heated console war between Sega and Nintendo with Sony and eventually Microsoft joining in the fray. In 2009, Compile Heart decided a game called Hyperdimension Neptunia (超次元ゲームネプチューヌ) that personified each console (Sega Neptune, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360) as cute girls. When they announced an Anime from the two games, I decided to take a look.
Hyperdimension Neptunia the Animation – Episode 12 (END) – Final Showdown and the Power of Friendship
The Art of Making Anime from Video Games
In a post that Kai as posted this week about how video game is adapted into a show. While I have shared my thoughts about anime adaptations and challenges involved with it, video game adaptations are a different story as the experience is not static. As adaptations of video games (excluding visual novels) become more popular as seen adaptations of The Idolmaster, Persona 4 and Neptunia, how do they achieve this while making it enjoyable? (Image Source)
Free – Episode 12 – The Emotional Return of Rin
Fall 2013 Anime Season Preview
As summer finally winds down, it’s time to take at a few shows I’m planning to watch in about less than a week. As always, it’s subject to change. (Image Source)
Hyperdimension Neptunia the Animation – Episode 11 – Rei’s Revenge
Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya – Final Review
I admit that I have a soft spot for magical girl shows. When I figured out that there was a magical girl show, which had characters from the Fate series, I decided to take a look. (Image Source)
Free! – Episode 11 – Rei and the Power of Teamwork
Perceiving Anime as “Too Old”
In a recent topic that Yumeka focused on an interesting topic on why people feel that Anime made in the early years are considered too old. If we look at modern Anime today and compare it to the one’s in the 90s or early 2000s, we already seen that the medium gone such a long way from being something niche to going the main stream. While I’m not going to go compare the trends from each time period in detail, I want to share my reasons why people perceive some Anime as “too old” and if this feeling is subjective or not? (Image Source)
Hyperdimension Neptunia the Animation – Episode 10 – The Emotional Battle to Regain Peashy’s Memories
Free – Episode 10 – How Rin’s Dream was Broken
Japanese Role Playing Games: Why They aren’t being Localized?
After watching a video about someone’s thoughts about Japanese RPGs and the losing popularity of the genre in the west, it got me wondering why this is the case because Japanese video game developers are becoming more reluctant to localize more releases. I think there are some reasons why they feel this way. (Image Source)
Free! – Episode 9 – Summer Festivals and Remembrance of the Past
Evolving Views on Fanservice – Why it’s not so bad after all.
A long time ago, I have been against fanservice in Anime as myself and some people perceive this as a bad thing for Anime. However, I have seen the light after watching and reviewing a lot of shows. Now, I want to share my reason fanservice and ecchi is not necessarily a bad thing as some people make it out to be.