Back in Fall of 2013, people became increasingly disappointed to Kyoukai no Kanata as it didn’t live up to expectations. This made me wonder about if hype and having high expectation is a bad thing or not. (Image Source)
Little Busters! Overall Final Review
When Key/Visual Arts announced back in spring of 2012 that JC Staff would be animating Little Busters, some fans didn’t like the idea. With the second season concluding earlier this week, how do the prequel and the sequel stacks up? (Image Source)
Winter 2014 Anime Season Preview (Updated)
Best and Worst Anime of 2013 and Year in Review
As the year comes to a close, it’s time to focus on the best and the worst Anime of 2013 along with some thoughts about 2013. (Image Source)
The Best and Disappointing Japanese Video Games of 2013
As we approach the end of 2013, I want to focus on the top 5 best games that released this year, which I got to play. As always, this list will only have games that are made by Japanese companies. (Image Source)
Kyoukai no Kanata – Final Review
For a while now, Kyoto Animation has been focusing on their in-house intellectual properties. With that, they finally adapt Kyokai no Kanata (境界の彼方, Beyond the Boundary) as their fourth show in their new effort. Does it live up to expectations? Let’s find out! (Image Source)
Merry Christmas (and also more questions to Answer!)
For those who celebrate, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. If you haven’t already, check out my 12 Days of Anime posts for this year.
On the other hand I plan to do things differently for this yearly Christmas post. Here, I will volunteer myself to answer a set of questions written by Silvachief, who writes a blog called The Geek Clinic, which focuses on visual novels, Anime, music and video games. If you still want to see more answers for questions asked by other bloggers, check out the ones I answered for Yumeka and AceRailgun. (Image Source)
12 Days of Anime – Part 3 (END) – Prisma Illya, Gargantia, Neptunia, Little Busters
As Christmas arrives in less than 2 days, it’s time to share my final four moments in Anime. (Image Source)
Little Busters Refrain – Episode 12 – A Glimmer of Hope
Kyoukai no Kanata – Episode 12 (END) – The Final Showdown
12 Days of Anime – Part 2: Free!, Ore no Imouto 2, Japanese Video Games, Pokemon
Since Christmas comes in about another week, its time to share the second part of 12 Days of Christmas (Days 5-8). (Image Source)
Little Busters Refrain – Episode 11 – Bidding Farewell and Facing Reality
Kyoukai no Kanata – Episode 11 – The Cold Truth and Miroku’s Evil Plan
12 Days of Anime – Part 1: Tamako Market, Boku wa Tomodachi, Kyoukai no Kanata, Love Live
Since finals start this week, I plan on starting 12 Days of Anime one day early this year. As mentioned earlier, I started doing this project back in 2010 with the idea being created by a certain Anime Blogger several years back. With that, I want to share my first four moments in Anime.
Little Busters Refrain – Episode 10 – The Secret of the World Revealed
Anime Blogosphere Pokemon Tournament and 12 Days of Anime
As 2013 comes to an end, I want to share what special things I have planned for December. (Image Source)
Kyoukai no Kanata – Episode 10 – It’s All Just a Dream
Thoughts on Anime/Japanese Media Criticism – Can there ever be an Objective Criticism?
In the past, I covered several topics relating to criticism such as what Anime is good and what is bad. Now, I want to focus more thoughts on criticism of Anime or media in general as I only touch upon how I reviewed things. I understand that people will have different options, thus a well-balanced or objective one can be difficult to achieve for various reasons.
Tales of Hearts R – Final Review
To me, I felt that 2013 is the year of remakes in Japan since Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth1, New Atelier Rorona, and Tales of Hearts R got released this year for the Playstation Vita. With that, I decided to pick up my first Tales game that never made it out of Japan, which received a remake. That game is Tales of Hearts R. (Image Source)
Kyoukai no Kanata – Episode 9 – Manipulation and Despair
Young Characters and School Settings – Why they are popular?
Back in 2009 when I started watching Anime, I started to notice a noticeable trend in Anime these days, It seems that most of these shows take place in a high school setting and usually star a young male or female character. While I think demographics play a big role in this, but there are cultural and other reasons why they do so. (Image Source)