I don’t always eat sweets, but when I do, I prefer deserts that have apple.
Reminiscing about Anime Forums – Are they on the decline?
Before social networking and Anime blogs existed, Anime forums and message boards were one of the main ways of discussing about a particular interest besides fan sites. For a while now, there is one thread on Animesuki that caught my attention with people noticing a decline in forum activity. With that, I would like to share my past experiences and why Anime forums will still be relevant despite the popularity of social networking and blogging. (Image Source)
Love Live School Idol Project 2 – Episode 6 – Halloween Costume Brainstorming and Trying to Make an Impact
No Game No Life – Episode 5 – Steph’s Endless Losing Streak
Love Live School Idol Project 2 – Episode 5 – Rin’s Girly Streak and Getting Over Her Short-Hair Complex
Weekly Anime Impressions – Spring 2014 – Week 4 – Atelier Escha & Logy Ep 4 and Nisekoi Ep 17
Finals week finally arrive and of course, the best way to start that week off is with moving animal tails.
As mentioned previously, I will only be sharing Anime Impressions for this week only for obvious reasons.
Thoughts about Anime Wallpapers
When I shared my thoughts about collecting Anime Merchandise, I mentioned that my room is messy compared to other fans that are able to display posters, figures and such. Because of this reason, my computer is perhaps one of the only ways to advertise that I am a fan of anime. This is where wallpapers come into play.
No Game No Life – Episode 4 – Royal Rule Achieved! Next, World Domination?!
Nagi no Asukara – Final Review
For a while now, I haven’t watched anything from Mari Okada for a while mostly because the first two episodes of AKB0048 left a very bad taste in my mouth back in 2012 (to be fair, I haven’t watched the Hanasaku Iroha Movie nor Sakurasou either). To me, I feel that her strengths lies in coming of age, love triangle romance and melodrama types of shows, which is one of the reasons why many people liked Ano Hana, Hanasaku Iroha (despite its flaws) and True Tears as the drama is not necessarily clear-cut and the complex character development. Not only that, she is one of the prolific female Anime directors in an industry that is male dominated.
With that, will Nagi no Asukara live up to the likes of the big three? Maybe. (Image Source)
Love Live School Idol Project 2 – Episode 4 – Nico’s Dark, Sad and Hidden Past
Weekly Anime Impressions – Spring 2014 – Week 3 – Atelier Escha & Logy Ep 3 and Nisekoi Ep 15 & 16
I admit that last week was a pretty exciting week, at least for Anime. (Image Source)
Net Neutrality and Anime – Why you should care?
Back in 2012, many people in the Anime Blogosphere protested against the Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP because it would have ended the Internet as we know it. These two bills eventually caused so much backlash that Congress had to shelve it.
In January of this year, the Supreme Court has shot down FCC’s Net Neutrality rules, which would have protected the free Internet. Just a few days ago, the FCC has decided that they are not going to keep it, thus effectively killing Net Neutrality.
I know that most Anime fans won’t care about this for the fact that he or she might not know what all of this means and/or just want to watch Anime and interact with the community. However, ignoring this will eventually lead to a rude awakening as it can adversely affect legal streaming sites, Anime related blogs, etc., which is why I wanted to share my thoughts about the whole issue.
No Game No Life – Episode 3 – Epic Strategy Chess Game and Fighting for the Future of Humanity
Sakura Trick – Final Review
In the past, I only watched a few shows has some yuri, mostly magical girl shows since it’s one of my favorite genres. Since I haven’t watch any that focus mostly in a school setting, I decided to give Sakura Trick a try. (Image Source)
Love Live School Idol Project 2 – Episode 3 – The Start of a Formidable (and Friendly) Rivalery
Weekly Anime Impressions – Spring 2014 – Week 2 – Atelier Escha & Logy Ep 2 and Nisekoi Ep 13 & 14
I hope that everyone is having an enjoyable Easter. Now, let’s focus on this weeks impressions. (Image Source)
Japanese RPG Pet Peeves – Thoughts about Annoyances and Inconveniences in Role Playing Games
As I shared in my previous posts, I tend to prefer Japanese made games, mainly Japanese roleplaying games. While I enjoy playing them mostly for its story, characters, art direction and even most of the gameplay aspects, there are a few annoyances and inconveniences that I dislike. (Image Source)
No Game No Life – Episode 2 – Stephanie is terrible at Game Theory
Love Live School Idol Project 2 – Episode 2 – Writer’s Block and Team Building
Atelier Escha and Logy – Episode 1 – The First Day of Alchemy

Back in 2012 when I regained interest in Japanese RPGs, I decided to get a copy of Atelier Totori Plus (in Japanese) and Atelier Meruru. While the Arland trilogy is more light-hearted compared to the Dusk series, I enjoyed these games mostly for the fact that it was not a traditional Japanese RPG featuring a teenaged male hero going off on an adventure to save the world, but rather one starring a young cheerful female character (with a few exceptions) that make weapons, gather items, do quests, battle monsters and make items through alchemy. While the first several games only got released in Japan, the Atelier games definitely influenced Japanese RPGs in general as many of them implemented some type of item crafting, especially weapons and equipment.
Atelier Escha and Logy is the 15th game in the series and since I played most of the game already, I was excited to see the first episode of this adaptation.
Thoughts About Collecting Anime Merchandise
Just a few weeks ago, Froggykun shared some interesting thoughts about figures, which got me thinking why many fans tend to buy a lot of merchandise? While one can argue that Anime is being used to market related merchandise besides promoting the source material, people might be wondering what kind of merchandise I’m interested in since there are so many to choose from. Also, is this truly necessary to be a true fan? (Image Source)