The spotlight is back on the Bloom Ball team as Maika struggles with difficult lines. Will she be able to over come her difficulties?
It seems that Maika is struggling with her lines in the later episodes. Believe it or not, they are already at the 9th episode and heading towards the home stretch. Of course, we see Maika having to record lines with the main characters.
To make matters worse, Maika can’t help but to keep apologizing. I can only imagine how many times she apologized. Then again, she is a rookie after all placed in an important role. As expected, she will struggle.
Thankfully, she manages to get a recording correct after several tries. Moreover, Maika isn’t that close with her team since the pro voice actors/actress have a packed schedule. It’s understandable, but it makes it hard to get to know them. This of course adds to her self-blame over being an inconvenience to them.
With the materials for the 10th episode already there, Maika wants to make sure this doesn’t happen again. During the practice session, she wants to continue practicing, but another group wants to use the living room. Eventually, Maika practiced in her bedroom and Haruna came in to see how she is doing. Yep, Maika is struggling since she has a lot of lines.
It’s obvious that the pressure is on Maika to improve. After all, she has once in the lifetime chance as a rookie getting a major role. Not to mention, she wants to establish and succeed in her career so she can provide to her siblings. I understand how much pressures she is under. Thankfully, she is not alone as she has Haruna by her side.
The next day, it seems that Maika despite receiving assurance is still struggling a lot. There is a particular scene that Maika has immense trouble about Tsubaki reason for playing Bloom Ball. Of course, Mika is having trouble how to convey Tsubaki’s feelings. To make matters worse, Maika starts feeling hopeless, especially when the director called overtime for her and two other co-workers.
Sure, Haruna and her friends are afraid that the director will scold her, but instead, he talked to Maika in private. He reminds her of the last line from the last episode with Tsubaki expecting more from Hibana and not seeing her teammates. Of course, he discussed about Tsbaki’s experiences of transferring to a new school and paying on an unfamiliar team. Of course, she knows someone important to her. It’s obvious who it is.
After a prep talk, the director ran into Haruna, Honoka and Shiho. It’s obvious that they are worried about her. Thankfully, the director reassures them that Maika is doing fine. With that, Maika manages to get the recording that satisfied the director.
While Maika apologizes again, her coworkers are understanding since it’s Tsubaki’s scene after all. Either way, Maika seems happy with the result, although her coworkers turned down the invite for dinner. I guess some things don’t change as they are busy. Either way, the focus appears on Project Vogel again as they push further since their debut.
Maika’s struggle to not bring down her pro colleagues was hard to watch. Thankfully her (hopefully) soul mate was there to motivate her. Oh and Mr Director helped too.
Hope we get to see Team Leftovers’ Oz play in a dedicated episode rather than it be part of the next Team Vogel one.
Not too surprising to see her struggle given her lack of experience. Still, I agree that it’s kind of sad that Maika couldn’t get close to her pro colleagues. Time is an issue I guess, but it’s good that she managed to overcome that hurdle. Maybe she will use this as a learning experience to become better.
We’ll see since I do want to see more of Rie I guess.