Since the Spring 2011 Anime Season will start in about a week, I have a hard time deciding what to watch besides Nichijou considering that there are so many shows airing during the season.
In addition, I will reveal future plans regarding the blog and real life stuff. (Image Source)
Spring Preview
This preview will just be an overview on what I will be watching. Everything is subject to change since I may pick up shows after it aired. For more in depth preview, check out Yumeka’s and Aorii/Honya’s spring season preview posts.
Shows I will Watch
I have yet to watch the OVA, which gave some people in the aniblogosphere mixed feelings. All I can say is that Nichijou going to be very similar to past slice of life Kyoani made with more of the same. Moe and comedy, the stuff I enjoy.
[melative_lime_meta]anime/Hanasaku Iroha[/melative_lime_meta]
To me, this is going to be a nice slice of life show from the looks of it. While Angel Beats was a lukewarm experience, I still think they are capable of making great show.
[melative_lime_meta]anime/Aria the Scarlet Ammo[/melative_lime_meta]
Oh J.C. Staff and your tsunderes. I don’t mind them because I <3 tsunderes. Unfortunately, J.C. Staff tends to slide with their storytelling towards the end of the show (with the exception of Milky Holmes). Therefore, I’m still on the fence on this one. I will probably try a few episodes before making a decision of continuing or not.
[melative_lime_meta]anime/A Channel[/melative_lime_meta]
Not sure about this one. It looks like K-ON without the band. This comparison will give competition considering that K-ON Second Season in my opinion was the most enjoyable moe slice of life show I have seen thus far.
Blog Plans and the Near Future
If you can tell by the minor changes to the blog theme and font changes, I have been tweaking the original design that I started to use back in April of last year. Sadly, the banner has not changed since January and now it looks terribly out of place with the Spring Season. I will address this by working on a new banner during the weekend along with more theme tweaks.
Furthermore, I have been very busy with my college courses since Intermediate Accounting II is the most difficult and time-consuming course of this semester. Since the semester ends in about 5 to 6 weeks, I will be able to post more frequently on older series once it ends. In addition, my time has been occupied with various SCCSAV live watches that happened in February and March. For this season, I will only be live watching two shows (this includes the drinking game and other events). Regardless, I will continue to be active in the SCCSAV.
Just like last year, I will be going on a few trips once the semester is over. One will occur in May when my dad, sister and I have to drop my mom off Maryland. In a few months, I will go on another vacation for two weeks to Wisconsin and Minnesota at the end of July to mid August. Since AT&T is greedy with their data, I will be semi-active until I arrive at the hotel room. Regardless of these restrictions, I will continue to update my blog and twitter
Lastly, I have open challenges and trades to my Pokémon White and HeartGold. The rules and friend codes to these games are on my sideblog.
Wow, a fellow Commerce and Marketing student?
Accounting kills me.
From my experiences of Intermediate Accounting I and II, it’s only going to get harder since one has to know all the concepts and there are many of them. Because of this I’m planning to change majors to MIS, but I still have to raise my GPA considering how meh I did last semester.
Ahhh, I remember my Intermed accounting days. Long hours spent memorizing the accounts and calculations for stuff like pensions and valuing inventory and figuring out leases. Can’t say I miss it!
The trips do sound fun though and hopefully I’ll be able to plan a few once the tax season winds down because I’m sure getting beat by all the busy stuff that’s been going on around me lately.
Leases and bonds were pretty difficult… I would have probably understood it better if I read the chapters more…
but yeah, I need a well deserved vacation once this semester is over… my parents are planning to go sightseeing in Wisconsin… mostly Wisconsin Dells we haven’t gone to for years.
Nichijou! That first ova they released was so good, got some instant Lucky star vibes from that based on the comedy. And the second half with the science kid wow I died laughing and being killed with the cute virus, talking cat was a bit much but yeaaaaah good stuff.
I saw Lucky Star and it was fun… but K-ON was more enjoyable than the former. Hopefully the same charm will be passed down to Nichijou…
Don’t mind the haters, haters gonna hate.