This year, there doesn’t seem to be any shortage of anime filled with drama and tear-jerking moments. Madoka Magica, Hourou Musuko and to a certain extent Hanasaku Iroha have shown us some of the most dramatic scenes thus far. However, Ano Hi Mita Hana No Namae O Bokutachi Wa Mada Shiranai, which perhaps holds the longest title in anime history takes it to an entirely different level with a childhood friend tragedy. (Image Source)
slice of life
Nichijou – Second Half (Episodes 11-16) Brief Thoughts
It has been a very long time since I have written about Nichijou since I decided not blog the series and watch it only for enjoyment. Since I last written about it in April, I felt that it’s necessary to share my thoughts briefly on the second half while focusing on a few favorite moments I watched so far. (Image Source)
Ikoku Meiro no Croisèe – Episode 4 – Alice’s Fangasm for Yune
Ikoku Meiro no Croisèe – Episode 3 – The Sound of Rain…
Fractale – Final Review
Traditionally, noitaminA shows tend to cater a different audience as an outlet for creativity among other things while holding a good reputation. Although Hourou Musuko brought out the greatness from noitaminA from the Winter 2011 Anime Season, Fractale was a different story. Fractale was an original concept written and directed by Yutaka Yamamoto who has previously directed various shows from Kyoto Animation and most famously Kannagi. Sadly, the show was a tad too ambitious that it collapsed under it’s own weight, which could explain the reason why the show disappoints. (Image Source)
Ikoku Meiro no Croisèe – Episode 2 – Yune’s First Exploration of Paris
Ikoku Meiro no Croisèe – Episode 1 – Yune’s Arrival (First Impressions)
A Channel – Final Review
At first, A Channel gave me the feelings that it will have some similarities to K-ON. As the series went on, the show became an enjoyable experience with the girls’ personalities driving the comedy along with great production values.
Fractale – Final Episode Impressions
Shinryaku! Ika Musume – Final Review
Shinryaku! Ika Musume is the second most enjoyable comedy show besides Milky Holmes from the fall 2010 season. The show involves a squid in human form with the desire to invade human kind. Popular culture depicts squids as villains and typically uses their tentacles in a naughty manner. On the other hand, a human form of a squid is really cute and seems so harmless that everyone abuses him/her. Humanity in the past and present continues to be a big jerk to mother nature. This is proven with the BP Oil Spill, the biggest man-made environmental disasters that most people have already forgotten. Regardless, I really enjoyed the show with the character driven comedy and watching Ika do really funny things that it gave me a smile. (Image Source)
Taste Test Part II – Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

In the last episode, Mami saved Madoka and Sayaka from the bizarre world. After Madoka saved Kyubei, the magical ferret, it chose her and Sayaka to risk their lives to become magical girls so they can have their wish granted. In addition, the girls learn more about the magical girls, witches and their rivalry with Homura.
Aria the Animation – Episodes 1 and 2 – First Impressions
Many have suggested me to watch this show ever since I have watched K-ON!!. That series was Aria, a scientific fiction slice of life, which had some similarities to the mentioned title minus the excess moe. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the first two episodes with its nice animation, music and a interesting story. Therefore, I have to share my thoughts about Aria the Animation, the first season of the series. (Image Source)
Reverse Thieves Secret Santa 2010 Review – Haibane Renmei
Once upon a time there is a Secret Santa Project hosted by Reverse Thieves in the Anime Blogosphere. This projects works by sending your application with your list of Anime you have watched and like. On the other side, a person receives your list and suggests three shows to watch and you pick one to review. Most of you have already seen the list of Anime I have suggested at my side blog, Shiori’s Diary. From the list of shows I was suggested, I decided to watch Haibane Renmei, which is a 2002 slice of life Anime made by Radix. (Image Source)
Taste Test Part III – Shinryaku! Ika Musume

After I spent all my time studying for the big exam, I am finally done and can relax a bit before the exams start up again. What is a better way to do it by watching Shinryaku! Ika Masume. Like the last two episodes, it continues with the summer fun. In this particular episode, it focuses on ghosts, killer orcas (or dolphins) and a surfer who are scared of non-humans.
5 Centimeters Per Second – Final Review
If you wondering about the title… That is how fast a cherry blossom petal falls.
Several people in the blogosphere, namely Flak and Kimaguresan have suggested me to watch this slice of life/romance/drama movie called 5 Centimeters Per Second. Considering that I have not watched a movie from Makoto Shinkai, which is a well-known director who directed movies that are bittersweet and appealing to the eye, I had high expectations. After watching the whole movie, I was pretty impressed even though the story did not a happy ending.
What is the Definition of Slice of Life Anime?
What exactly makes an Anime be considered in the Slice of Life genre? There has been talk about it around the blogosphere on the true definition of the Slice of Life genre (Midnight Equinox provides a whole lowdown of bloggers who provided their views on the Slice of Life genre). Like I said in my slightly trollish response, it’s actually complicated. There is a reason why explaining the genre complicated. People have different views on what qualities in the show they would consider as Slice of Life. However, I’m going to share my views on what qualities that would be in the Slice of Life genre.
Kimi ni Todoke – Episode 1 – First Impresions

In real life, the physical appearance of a person is important, especially when you are a girl. The truth is that most people prefer good looks over ugly looking people. This leaves people who are unattractive to have low self-esteem and feel a sense of loneliness.
One Year Later, I still enjoy K-ON!

It has been nearly one year ago since the first season K-ON!. When I first watched it, I actually enjoyed it and more so since in 2009, I was already in college and graduated from High School. I still enjoy the second season of K-ON! as much I did with the first season. So, how come I still enjoy this moeblob, music slice-of-life anime? For several reasons.
First, It brought back past memories on how my high school life wasn’t great compared the girls in K-ON and how they are enjoying school. I have attended a public high school where some or most of the students are from higher class families. The school I used to attend didn’t have a good environment because there were some students who do drugs, going out drinking, and obsessed about relationships for example. I was one of those teenagers that don’t do these activities. I had friends, but gradually I stopped talking them when college started. I was a minority in the school and the school was not a multiracial school. As a result, I was picked on and bullied in high school. These were the reasons I didn’t like my high school years compared to college years. Now looking back at K-ON!, they don’t suffer the problems and it seem that the girls actually enjoyed going to school and having fun after school and eating cake and drinking tea. I wished my high school years was like this… less teenage rage and more on enjoying school and having fun with after school activities.
Second thing I can relate to K-ON! is the music aspect. Yes, half the time spent on the whole season is watching them drink tea, eat cake, socialize, and etc, but they actually play. In middle school, I enrolled into concert band since 7th grade up to the last year of high school. I played Clarinet back then and gradually, I started to get better with the lack of practice since I spend time on the computer. Although I never got first chair in my high school years, I did enjoyed playing music. The same happened with Piano. Ever since I started when I’m young, I hardly ever practiced. However, I managed to play those pieces with some minor mistakes. I am talented like the girls in K-ON! who manages to play the songs perfectly without any practice. It was quite amazing. Since college however, I haven’t really touched the Clarinet and the Piano, but I should start playing again with Anime Music of some sort.
Lastly, K-ON! is not all about the moe factor or moeblobs. There is always going to be moe-haters, mecha-haters, action-haters, romance-haters, you name it! Deep down from the shallow perception of moe, K-ON! has what all the qualities slice of life anime have. Slice of life stories relates back to your or anyone’s life and past experiences. Although K-ON! may not a masterpiece, it is still a pretty good and well balanced slice of life Anime that most who can enjoy that enjoys the genre. Then again, isn’t a slice of life story supposed to be a mere image of everyday life? We may not see a person like Yui in real life, the character personalities can be a possibility.
Life experiences and the music is what makes me watch K-ON! like I do with the slice of life genre. While some people may not like this genre because of the lack of plot, I think most people would enjoy it as there is other elements in slice of life such as comedy, drama, romance, etc.
Attribution Information
Fanart used in this post is made by 眼鏡虫