Now that Liella has managed to pull off a second successive win at Love Live, it’s time for graduation and the 3rd years to wrap up their loose ends before they graduate.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Now that Liella has managed to pull off a second successive win at Love Live, it’s time for graduation and the 3rd years to wrap up their loose ends before they graduate.
Last time, Kinako decided to become student council president while completing the for the regionals. Thankfully, thanks to Kinako’s song, they made it to the finals. Meanwhile, Kanon has her study abroad program in Vienna, and the other girls are preparing for nationals.
With Margarete finally defrosted, you might wonder if Liella made the first cut. Also, Kinako gets a focus as Ren looks for a successor for student council president.
They are now one Liella after the so-called “competition” between the two factions of Liella. However, despite being part of Liella, Margarete does not fit in as she decides to do things independently.
Magrarete and Tomari are unwilling to join the other side. Even though Kanon discovers that only one school idol group can participate in Love Live, the two groups must compete to continue competing in Love Live during the cultural festival. The question is, who will win?
With Liella giving an excellent performance in Shanghai, the elephant is in the room. As hinted by Ren a few episodes back, Margarete will have a problem if she wants to compete in Love Live. Only one group from a school can compete in Love Live. It will throw a monkey wrench in Margarete’s plans unless they compete for it.
Last time, Keke is trying to figure out her future. She returned to Shanghai as her older sister, Mengmeng, invited Liella to visit. Now, she asks Kanon and her friends to perform at the School Idol Festival that is happening there to save Keke. I wonder what she means by this.
Now that Natsumi has resolved Tomori’s doubt about her older sister’s school idol dream, the focus is on Keke. Given the episode’s title, Kanon and her friends will do it during summer break, right?
Now that Shiki shined as she was the center for Liella for the festival last time, the focus is on Natsumi and her little sister, Tomari. You might be wondering why Natsumi is leaving early for some reason, but we learned why their relationship is strained.
Now that Margarete’s unit has performed on stream, it’s Chisato’s time as it’s Liella’s turn to perform at the festival. However, Chisato wants a 2nd-year student to be the center, perhaps the shy, blue-haired science girl.