Haruka is on the sidelines again, but Yuuto spends more time with Alice-chan… and also a unexpected guest arrived that happens to be someone that was at Haruka’s birthday party in the last season.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Haruka is on the sidelines again, but Yuuto spends more time with Alice-chan… and also a unexpected guest arrived that happens to be someone that was at Haruka’s birthday party in the last season.
After looking at some blogs about it and being quite curious about it, I have watched the first episode and it was not so good at all. As you expect, Kampfer is filled with fanservice, especially with the recent episode that aired that topped off Nogizaka Haruka Purity, and you think that Purity had the most fanservice besides Queen’s Blade, think again.
Genderbending is quite an interesting idea since who doesn’t like seeing yourself as the opposite gender. No wonder genderbending of Haruhi is so popular… Who doesn’t want to see a Kyonko? Kampfer does this with a guy named Natsuru becoming a Kampfer, but needs to transform into a girl which is done with his bracelet. Well, okay… you think the fighting part in the beginning was okay, but it gets alot worse…. We are thrown fanservice, which you know the type 2 is the fanservice that I least desired, unless executed properly and not overdone… They gone overboard with this, especially when Natsuru, as a girl needed to go to the bathroom… that scene was pretty dumb in my opinion. From looking at the screenshots of the next 4 episodes, it’s pretty clear that the fanservice goes even higher, but never reaching the amount in Queen’s Blade, since Queen’s Blade is the king of fanservice animes.
I think one episode is enough and honestly, a waste of 24 minutes of watching it… Better off reading the Kampfer manga or the light novel than watching this because the execution of this is not good… Maybe someone else will appreciate it more than myself, don’t you think? =p
6.4/10, Dropped
Episode 7 is the continuation of the cliffhanger in Episode 6. and Gento finally flips out when he found out Haruka’s secret and go using his private army in trying to get her back which pretty much ends in a epic battle… or not… Episode 6… Mika going out on a date with Yuuto… and she’s only 14?!…
I know…. I know…
While looking at this, I read on AnimeSuki that there are cameos from the Shoujo manga, Wish, another one of CLAMP’s works, which isn’t that long (4 volumes and 24 chapters)… Kohaku seems rather sweet… though.
Basically the story goes like this… Kobato discovers Kohaku while she was tearing while looking at the trees and reveals that she is from the heavens. Being bothered by it, Kobato follows Kohaku with another man named Shuichiro that she seems to love, but couldn’t go on a date since he is working most of the time. Kohaku reveals that after Kobato gets soaked at the mansion while she was performing some kind of spell. Kobato tries to get amusement park tickets and failed… but eventually gets them from Fujimoto which Kobato crashes into him, and she help delivers news papers in return. At first, Kohaku doesn’t accept the tickets, but Shuichiro comes and accepts them and they go on a date in the amusement park. Meanwhile, the rabbit messenger gives a message to Ioryogi that Kobato must fill the bottle within the 4 seasons, meaning one year. After hearing that message, they are back at the apartment and the bottle did not fill and stay the same since Kohaku’s heart did not need to be healed which got Ioryogi upset and giving Kobato a -100.
Have to say that the episode is done pretty well, although it’s a filler and just fanservice for the CLAMP fans (no, it’s not panty shots… sorry, but you won’t find them here). Although I never heard of Wish before, I still enjoyed it even though I have no knowledge of it… I also find the episode pretty funny as well and we finally figured out what is the rabbit that shown in the middle of the episode is.
So far, I think they are doing a good job with Kobato so far… but then again, it will continue on into Winter, but we see when we get to the 12th episode to finally figure out how the season is going… so for now, we wait… until she fills the bottle.
As usual, the Yuuto and Haruka relationship is so sweet that it tastes like diabetes… at the same time, Diomedea seems to love shoving fanservice in our face after they had a field day with the last episode… and distracted the tone in this episode… but still good if you ignore all the fanservice crap that is going around…
Although there are some fanservice that gone above in the fifth episode, the sixth episode was very funny… including tying up fat otakus who cut in line… and helping Shiina with swimming.
Kobato seems to be the bedrock of moe…. Perhaps because Kobato is so moe and also a genki girl… But what some may find is that Kobato still does stupid things like Yui does in K-ON! which may turn people off with this series, but the stupidity isn’t as bad in Kobato than in K-ON! where you have two characters doing stupid things (not as it was a bad thing).
In Episode 2, Kobato starts to work at a nursery and heals a heart of a young boy whose mother is working hard and picks him up from the nursery late and Kobato praises his mother and they played afterwards. Episode 3, when Kobato gets her umbrella back, Mutsumi sees Katsuragi walk with another girl and Mutsumi gets upset and becomes depressed. Kobato asks Katsuragi to walk with Mutsumi and share a umbrella together and Mutsumi comes once she heard what Kobato is doing. Katsuragi reveals that he was walking a girl home since she didn’t have an umbrella and he had no relationship with that girl. Then, it started to rain and Kobato have them borrow her umbrella, thus healing another heart.
Surprisingly, what I did notice is that they did a cameo with the two android twins, identical from the ones in Chobits, another series by CLAMP… They sure love their crossovers.
Overall, I think these two episodes were pretty good… although Kiyokazu is still being pretty mean to Kobato still… and Kobato looks pretty cute in her new outfit, don’t you think. :p.
Episode 2-3: 8.7/10
Have you ever seen so much moe in your life? Well… I have when I have some sudden urge of wanting to watch this… and this being the 2nd CLAMP series I watch since Card Captor Sakura… but never got to finish because they stopped airing it soon after because the dub is RUINED FOREVER?! So, this makes it 9 years since the last time I watched a anime series adapted from original content from CLAMP.
This episode was pretty good with good animation and music… I have to say that Kobato in comparison to Yui from K-ON!, they almost have the same personality, except that Kobato seems to be alot sweeter and less lazier than Yui… This is how she acts when she tried to sleep on a bench with a newspaper as a blanket, opening the trash so the crows peck at it and the hotpot… does this ring Yui vibes, anyone?
This explains why Kobato is so moe… but since this series is being covered by many bloggers, I won’t write a synopsis on this one and just write my thoughts about it. So far so good… so I might continue watching this as long it’s enjoyable and good.
This episode was okay, but the only problem is that the excessive type 2 fanservice, mostly Touka pantyshots… This episode alone had more fanservice than any episode of Nogizaka Haruka in any series and this episode alone can beat the number of panty shots Shiina had in the first season… That got to be bad… so bad that it’s good…
To catch up with the series, I watched Episode 3 and 4 and they were pretty funny filled with comedy and some fanservice… *cough* It seems that Haruka’s younger sister, Mika have very dirty thoughts for her age…
This episode is another fanservice filled due to Daitetsu coming up with wild conclusions regarding the relationship between Nagi and Jin…
As I recalled, I skipped the first episode because of prejudice, but after watching the first episode, the episode consist of 65% fanservice and 35% actual content… The first episode wasn’t bad, but with the fanservice going on, it was too much. As I thought about the first episode after it aired, isn’t the title “Purity” a oxymoron?
The second episode however…. You have to find out by clicking “read more”.
This episode is pretty funny in a sense because Haruka shows more “Otaku” related stuff about her :o…. wait, isn’t this supposed to be a secret?
When there is a hot spring, you have to expect EXCESSIVE FANSERVICE?!
Well, that what I can say about this episode… This episode is basically one those episodes like Episode One of Clannad After Story with the Baseball episode, it’s a filler to reintroduce you back into the series and the characters. However, when you see a hot spring, you have to expect excessive fanservice, which isn’t exactly what I had in mind.
If I compared this episode to the one I previously saw in the first season, there is actually a big difference. Sure, the first episode only shown a moderate amount of fan service, but the amount presented in this episode is a bit too excessive. What does this mean with the high amount of fanservice, you can expect the decrease in quality of the story… For instance, you can compare the amount of fan service vs the quality of the story line can be pictured like a demand vs supply graph. For instance, As the quality of the story is high, the amount of fanservice is low and the amount of fanservice is high, the quality of the story is low and the equilibrium point being the equal balance in the story quality and the amount of fanservice shots. For the most enjoyment while maintaining the quality of the story, I rather have it at the equilibrium so that people can still enjoy the fanservice that that series provides while providing a good story.
Overall, I cannot rate this episode or give a full thought about how the whole second season is going to go due to the high amount of fanservice in this episode… I’ll leave it up to the next 4 episodes and hope that the fanservice is not excessive in the next few episodes and hope for the best that it will get better than this.
Unrated, –/10
The very unlikely show I would watch, but after looking at the post about wifes and I seen her name on it and looked it up… Oh crap…
Anyways, I decided to watch it for myself and see what I thought of it… so here it goes.
Ayase is a normal high school student who doesn’t seem to want to think about girls due to the fact of the two girls in his household. While returning the overdue magazine Nobunaga Asakura had, he sees Haruka acting strangely and after she checked out a magazine from the library, she bumps into him, which caused the magazine to drop onto the floor and him seeing it causing her to run away with tears. Days after, she started to avoid him and eventually, he said that he won’t tell anyone about her hobby, which made her happy… but one thing… the magazine was due on the same day, so they went back to school at night and finally returned it. This is when the relationship between them started.
Although it may be a generic moe show with moeblobs doing moe things in shows like Lucky Star and K-ON!, but this is a pretty enjoyable series from watching the first episode, although it’s light on the story aspect. As you suspect, Haruka’s qualities make you think that she is a Mary Sue, but no since her flaw seems to be her “Otaku” hobby, which in reality is looked down upon since Otakus stereotypically don’t seem to have much social skills in comparison of geeks and nerds and have a obsession of anime and video games. Haruka like you expect, is a moeblob like character and she is cute and clumsy, which is probably why some people seems to obsess over her alot…
Animation was decent, but with a few flaws.
Overall, I thought it was a enjoyable show, but I won’t expect much from the storyline… but I will keep watching unless it goes south after 4 episodes…
OP: Tomadoi Bitter Tune – Miran Himemiya and Chocolate Rockers
ED: Hitosashiyubi Quiet! – Kana Ueda, Mai Goto, Rina Satou, Kaori Shimizu, Mamiko Noto
Sounds decent enough…
Wait, there is a Clannad Movie? I decided to watch it this Sunday afternoon and after watching 30 minutes of it, it’s nothing that special, but still continue to watch it anyway. Unlike the Clannad TV series which I could say Kyoto Animation did a great job of being faithful to the original source for both seasons, I can’t say for the movie. The Clannad Movie which was made by Toei Animation, who worked on the Air Movie and the first season of Kanon (before it was remade in 2006) released a month before Kyoto Animation’s version was aired on television.
My impression it… Not great, as expected since I have already completed Kyoto Animation’s version and now the movie feels inferior to the television series… Most Key/Clannad fans would feel this way because Toei Animation in the past aren’t that faithful to the original source, meaning the visual novel.
Once upon a time in May, we were excited that Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody was going to be aired after we waited a whole 3 years for a second season. The first new episode was well received. When June came around, Endless Eight aired and we thought that episode was the only one… We were mistaken by despair as Endless Eight repeated for most of the summer, which made fans go on a frenzy outrage by raging at Kyoto Animation, Kadokawa or even both. Some fans go so far and smash Haruhi figures and rip apart the light novels. We have thought that the series have finally jumped the shark and the whole series was ruined forever, but fortunately, Kadokawa wasn’t insane enough to do that, so it ended in the 8th episode and the week after that Sighs aired, which is apparently the lowest part of the light novel series because primarily, Haruhi becomes the biggest b$%#& in the whole world that everyone wants to have and/or avoid, until Kyon straightens her up and finally conclude the recording of the film, which was miraculously edited. After the airing of the last part of Sighs, it seems that most fans are in despair since Disapparence have disappeared (no pun attended).
In the review, I will be reviewing some positives, but mostly negatives because Kadokawa could have done better in managing this so that it won’t become a complete disaster like it is. Some Haruhiists may disagree, but this is my take… it’s F%$%ing horrible!
This is the weakest point in the whole season, honestly… mainly because of Endless Eight. Rhapsody and Sighs (although good, but not very good) was the only arcs that did fine in this season. The rest is a disaster, because Endless Eight repeated more than 8 times which is completely unnecessary. I would rather watch K-ON! than watch this piece of s$%^ Endless Eight and that is my feeling on Endless Eight. Endless Eight in my opinion is a middle finger from Kadokawa saying, “HA! Do you want Disappearance, but you aren’t getting it!” Every time Endless Eight repeated, It makes my blood boil and want me to rage about Kadokawa again.
I found that the repeating of Endless Eight 8 times was completely unnecessary, it should have been at most 3 episodes and one loop. The light novel does not repeat it more than 3 times, so why should it repeat 8 times in the Anime. Thats because, Kadokawa is the biggest trolls on the planet.
Sighs was okay, but it’s nothing that hits home because some of the content was already presented in “The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina, Episode 00” in the first season. Sighs is just behind the scenes making of the movie, which some people may not find that interesting until towards the end of Sighs when Kyon finally blows up at Haruhi for smacking Mikuru around. Otherwise, Sighs is good and faithful to the original (hopefully) and also the same case with Rhapsody.
Theres not much to say, but the Sighs arc made me hate Haruhi forever… because she is a absolute b%$#& and why would anyone be around her if she is going to act that way… but she atleast shaped up…
The scene where Kyon flips out is probably a reason to admire the other character for taking Haruhi as being a jerk. Also, love the talking cat, which only talked briefly.
The animation was a disappointment just like Endless Eight. The animation and art style in Suzumiya Haruhi 2009 was mediocre/below average, mainly because, someone in Kadokawa decided… Hey, why not make it look like K-ON! The K-ON! art style works only with K-ON!, put it anywhere else and it surely won’t be well received… it would just be like using Lucky Star art style in something like Kanon… You sure get the fans raging…
The K-ONification of Haruhi was pretty much another debate that was happening throughout the whole season… Some may notice that the first episode had this treatment as well… If they going to use that art style, they should just rename the show, Haruhi-ON! and have the SOS-brigade eat cake and crumpets all day long and do moe stuff and of course, play music… oh wait… Thankfully it improved towards the end of the season, although there were faint elements from K-ON!
The music was not great… Tomare was okay, but Super Driver is the WORST OP I ever heard (Yes, this tells you why it’s not good) and made my ears bleed. Personally, I’m not to fond with Hirano Aya’s singing, except the first season songs since most of her songs aren’t that great and she isn’t a great singer compared to other J-Pop artists.
Although Sighs and Rhapsody was good, Endless Eight, poor sounding OP, average to not good art style and the trolling of Kadokawa is what made the season downfall like a hubristic hero. Kadokawa’s arrogance with the amount of trolling they have done to the fans (for example, Second Season announcement in Newtype and showing the Nice Boat parody video) and hubris with the handling of the Haruhi Franchise after it became highly successful caused the franchise’s downfall as a whole with Endless Eight and Haruhi Franchise as a whole will never be at the height as it was three years ago ever again. It’s such a shame, really since I expected this season to be great, but it ended up to be a total disaster after Endless Eight repeated 8 times and I felt it was a waste of time repeating and reanimating Endless Eight because the resources can be used on adapting other interesting arcs, but Kadokawa had to blew it and give Kyoto Animation a bad rep because of it. If there is ever a third season, I will still watch it, but I won’t be expecting much after this disaster of a season.
This is why Haruhi 2009 got a big F, merely because it’s a big disappointment. If Endless Eight haven’t repeated so much and the art style was a bit better than what they shown, I would have give it a better or at-least a passing grade.
5.93/10, F
Finally, a episode where Haruhi doesn’t act like a complete jerk. The conclusion of Sighs is pretty good, but still there was a few things that bothered me about it.
As the SOS-Brigade wants to complete the movie, something happened the night while Kyon falls asleep while editing.
Episode 7 is a filler, obviously, but unlike all fillers which are highly repetitive in nature, this one is actually good… and also have good comedy values as well.
In this episode, Nagi locks herself in the closet because of something Jin did that made her not to forgive him.
This episode pretty much made me hate Haruhi so much because of her despicable and outrageous actions, I should of rename this arc: “Everyone hates Suzumiya Haruhi” because she is being the biggest b-word in the world… but that would offend some fans…
During the filming of the film, Kyon starts to get annoyed and eventually flips out at Haruhi for mistreating Mikuru.
Here comes the obligatory Maid Cafe episode… and is currently the funniest episode and filled with moe overload, otaku references and etc.
Nagi and Tsugumi decides to get a part time job and…
This episode continue’s Haruhi’s quest to make a movie with the SOS-dan. The SOS-Dan continues to film in the park and Mikuru-chan does her famous Mikuru beam…
In this episode, Kanna and others decide to go on a adventure to find her mother. On the way there, Kanna discovers the outside word for the first time.
This episode is probably the most light-hearted episode in the series… and we learn about more about Kanna, but yes… more Tsundere moments…