It doesn’t matter how tsuntsun Aria is, she is determined to activate Kinji’s hidden power… Sadly, her attempt to do so kind of fails in the process.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
It doesn’t matter how tsuntsun Aria is, she is determined to activate Kinji’s hidden power… Sadly, her attempt to do so kind of fails in the process.
While I wait for the live watching of Madoka Magica Episodes 11-12, I decided to watch a more ordinary slice of life comedy of Nichijou.
With the taste testing of Spring Anime is coming to a close, I want to share my thoughts wrapped up into one sentence for every show I taste tested. For shows that debuted last week, it will be updated once I watch the second episode. (Image Source)
Watching A Channel after a rough day has definitely put a smile back on my face.
Oh J.C. Staff and your tsundere girls… I can never get tired of them.
Episode 2 of Nichijou is more of the same with the addition of very familiar gaming consoles shown in some of the scenes.
A Channel is yet another “girls doing cute things” show, but just with different girls and a loli that makes things rather interesting.
Nichijou is Kyoani’s third coming of a slice of life story involving a group of girls and more slapstick comedy.
With the middle of the Winter Anime Season upon us, the season was mixed. There are some really great shows that I really enjoyed like Madoka Magica and Hourou Musuko. On the other hand, Gosick and Fractale left me with a weird feeling with the way the show is heading. (Image Source)
With everyone raving about Fractale despite the mess that Yamakan cause with the disruption of the simulcast, I actually enjoyed it. The first three episodes impressed me with the animation and of course, the story. (Image Source)
It makes me wonder, was there an Anime that focused on sadomasochism with comedy and romance? Not until MM! started to air that featured it. When I watched the first episode, I wondered if MM! would be painful to watch since it’s about masochism. After a few episodes, I was proven wrong since the comedy is rather entertaining and the girls are cute. (Image Source)
Shinryaku! Ika Musume is the second most enjoyable comedy show besides Milky Holmes from the fall 2010 season. The show involves a squid in human form with the desire to invade human kind. Popular culture depicts squids as villains and typically uses their tentacles in a naughty manner. On the other hand, a human form of a squid is really cute and seems so harmless that everyone abuses him/her. Humanity in the past and present continues to be a big jerk to mother nature. This is proven with the BP Oil Spill, the biggest man-made environmental disasters that most people have already forgotten. Regardless, I really enjoyed the show with the character driven comedy and watching Ika do really funny things that it gave me a smile. (Image Source)
Many people in the blogosphere have been talking about Rio: Rainbow Gate, one of the shows some consider to be “so bad it’s good”. Do I agree with them? Not really since I watched the show with Roghek from the SCCSAV over Skype. Overall, my impressions about the show went south. The show was so bad it was terrible because there are so many fundamental problems with it, which I want to share.
Just to be clear, I am criticizing the show based on the two episodes I have seen, not bashing it.
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes is probably one of the most unexpected gems in the Fall 2010 season. While the first episode gave me a mediocre impression, it only got better with every episode. On top of that, you have these wacky heroes that do really funny cute things. In addition, you got the absolutely hilarious villains, especially Twenty who can’t keep off his shirt. Besides from that, I want to share my thoughts about Milky Holmes as a complete season. (Image Source)
This is the battle between Milky Holmes vs. Aresené that everyone waited for. It’s going to be epic.
It seems that Ika still can’t figure out how to take over mankind. Instead, she has nightmares about a really grotesque old doll. Also, the scientist whack jobs make reappearance and the crew takes a hike to the summit.
The future looks pretty grim with Milky Holmes disbanded and with Aresené making an empire of Phantom thieves. It’s the end for Yokohama, right… Or is it?
In the 7th Anime Moment for this year, I will be focusing on Ookami-san. While I have some mixed feelings about the show, it was rather entertaining since it had a really violent tsundere named Ookami Ryoko. While not too different from other tsundere stories that JC Staff makes, it has fairy tale characters as its cast, which made it pretty interesting. (Image Source)
Besides the second season of K-ON, which I will be covering in a future Anime Moments post, there was an OVA that released in the first season. Basically, the Light Music Club decides to do a live house performance, which they are very excited about. They met many girl bands they haven’t heard before and had lots of pleasurable time with them. (Image Source)
In our second moment of Anime in 2010, we are going to take a look at Sola and the fanservice/pool episode (Image Source).
Since Ika unable to invade mankind, she plays baseball instead to help her best friend’s softball team. Also Teru Teru Bozu and Mini Ika make an appearance again.