This battle is full of lard, all thanks to Mori Arty and Milky Holmes’s stupidity.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Apparently, Kokoro-chan hates being alone while the rest of the girls go on vacation…
As the girls saw the academy get decimated, only a tiny glimmer of hope remains.
Apparently, Yuuta left his phone on the TV stand wen he rushed to work. This sets us up for an important flashback about what happened to Sora.
After picketing over the rich, Milky Holmes boards a train with the G4 to solve another mystery.
As Junichi and Kaoru miss the bus, they find themselves alone in the service plaza. Thankfully, someone came to help them find a place to stay for the night.
In the last two weeks, I have mentioned about having to put Milky Holmes Second Season on hiatus due to lack of subs with the stream being two episodes behind. Since niconico has finally caught up a bit more and gave us Episode 5, it’s even crazier than what happened in the last episode.
It’s now Kaoru’s time to take the spotlight and damn, that segment in the beginning was amazing!
I have to admit that while the first season of Working had some flaws, it was one of the most enjoyable comedies because every worker had a quirk that contributed to it. With the second season completed back in December, it improved a lot while showing more of what I liked about the whole show. (Image Source)
If you thought the second season of Milky Holmes can’t possibly get any crazier, wait until you see their dreams!
I hope you like sea cucumbers because there are lots of them in this episode.
During the fall of 2010, Ika Musume had become a wild success in Japan and overseas. It was so popular that it got another season, which contains more of same squid girl antics. Since it’s over, how does it compare with the prequel? That answer lies below. (Image Source)
Endless supply of Sushi is everyone’s dream, but there is a catch. They have to earn it through some ridiculous chase!
Since the second season of Amagami SS started airing last week, I may as well celebrate it by covering two of the specials from the first season. In this particular special, it’s big as it reveals why Junichi was so down during Christmas Eve after being heartbroken by a girl two years ago… Apparently, the can of worms gets opened several months after Risa confesses to him in secret.
After Milky Holmes lost their powers for the second time, the second season starts right where they left off. The only problem now is that they completely forgot what they intended to become in the first place.
Our lovable male lead is finally back as the sequel to Amagami SS starts. It covers the after stories of each girl’s arcs backwards, which consists of two episodes. For that, the focus is on Tsukasa, right where we left off in the last season if you ignore the two specials from the last season.
Popura is leaving forever? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
The second season of Ika Musume finally comes to a close… but what dramatic moments they have this time?
Did you notice the lack of Inami punching in the past few episodes? This episode shows why…
First off, for those who celebrate Christmas, I hope you enjoy the holidays. Just like last year, I have decided to participate in a Secret Santa Anime project hosted by Reverse Thieves. In this project, you give a list of what you watched to a person, which is randomly selected. Then, they suggest three shows to watch. After receiving suggestions, you pick one or more to review. In this review, I will focus on a 2010 Josei Anime called Kuragehime (海月姫, lit Jellyfish Princess). (Image Source)
Oh man, The Three Stooges’ inventions were really effective this time around. The only problem, it ends up failing as usual.