With Himeno hard at work at making something special worthy for the shelf, I wonder what she came up with?
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
With Himeno hard at work at making something special worthy for the shelf, I wonder what she came up with?
Believe it or not, Gakkou Gurashi was popular enough to receive a live action movie. You might be wondering, aren’t anime live actions usually bad? When the west tries to adapt Japanese manga/anime into a live action, the result ends up disastrous. Still, I didn’t expect too much from this since the live action movie of Gakkou Gurashi is an abridged version of the anime. What I saw was surprising.
Note: This review contains anime/manga spoilers for the school arc. I highly suggest watching the anime or read the school arc first before reading this review.
Now that Druj and Jahy confronts the strange being of light, how does the battle turn out?
After Touko managed to reconcile with her grandfather, Himeno continues her search for inspiration.
With Saurva receiving new superpowers from a mysterious light, is it enough for her to defeat Jahy? Given her track record, I’m not having much hope.
It seems that Druj seems to miss the old Jahy where she punishes her minions. Also, Jahy starts having trouble sleeping for some reason.
You might be wondering, how did Touko’s outing with her grandfather turned out. Touko decides to tell Himeno how it went after inviting her to talk with her.
It’s bound to happen, but we finally witnessing the start of Druj’s rivalry with Kyoko to win Jahy’s heart.
While Touko didn’t hear that her grandfather came by to see her exhibit, a certain someone might provide a hint to her.
Now that Jahy made Kyoko her minion, she is starting to regret her decision. It becomes obvious why.
The cultural festival is finally here. You might be wondering, how well did Touko’s piece turn out? We’ll find out soon.
Now that Jahy collected enough mana crystals to gain enough strength, she decides to fight the magical girl. However, it appears that she might not even want to fight.
Now that Himeno accepted Jimena’s request to solve the mystery of the mysterious tool. I wonder, what is the tool she is looking for.
One night, Touko is feeling a bit down. I wonder what is the thing that causing her to feel sad.
It seems that the fortunes are changing for Jahy for the better as she sees a mana crystal on a manhole cover. Is this too good to be true? Also, Saurva is apparently making a potion to turn Jahy into a dog. It’s obvious how that turns out.
It’s fall and on the way home, Mika talks to a flowerpot statue shaped like a god. Since it’s talking, it’s obvious that we are getting a backstory.
Since Halloween is coming, I decided that it’s probably a great time to review Gakkou Gurashi. Despite being a Manga Time Kirara title and a schoolgirl series, it’s not your typical one. Sure, the first episode seems deceiving, but it throws a zombie apocalypse into the mix.
While there is also a live action movie, which I will review later, I wonder how the anime turns out.
Believe it or not, after Jahy sees the Owner, growing her own garden, she decides to give it a try. Of course, she gives it a try as Ryou decides to crash at her place eventually.
Himeno, Naoko, and Mika decides to look around town, they run into a certain tourist.
While Jahy’s attempt to buy weapons to face off the Magical Girl is a flop, she forges ahead. Of course, the Magical Girl appears in front of Kokoro. The Magical Girl probably stole Kokoro’s heart.
Nao seems to have a fight with her mother. She decides to stay over at Himeno’s place for one night. Of course, they had a nostalgia trip.
From last time, Jahy finally relaxed at the public bath and partied. Meanwhile, a certain someone was at the same public bath. It’s obvious who.
While Himeno didn’t win an award, she moves on as Fall arrives. Of course, one of Touko’s rivals decides to issue a challenge.
It seems that Dojima invited Jahy to visit her company. It’s obvious how it went.