Back in 2011, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai was popular, but I didn’t get a chance to see it. With that, I finished watching the first season and really enjoyed it. (Image Source)
Amagami SS Plus – Final Review
In the summer of 2010 when I was on vacation, I had some urge to watch Amagami SS, which is an adaption based off a romance visual novel by Enterbrain, which only got a Japanese release. While Haruka’s, Karou’s and Tsukasa’s arcs were good, the others just disappointed me, Rihoko especially since the writer decided to become a jerk-ass and Friendzoned her! That conclusion just ruined it for me, which is one of the reasons I never finished the first season until days before the sequel airing.
Amagami SS Plus is a continuation of the girls’ arcs from the first season. Will Junichi live up to his interactions with them? Let’s find out, shall we? (Image Source)
Amagami SS Plus – Episode 13 (END) – Hot Springs without Nii-Nii
Amagami SS Plus – Haruka’s After Part II – The Epic Proposal
Amagami SS Plus – Haruka After Part I – Arrival of Jessica “Sexy” Morishima
Amagami SS+ Plus – Sae’s After Story Part II – Time to Record a Documentary!
Amagami SS+ Plus – Episode 9 – Sae’s After Part I – The Big Misunderstanding
Amagami SS+ Plus – Episode 8 – Kaoru’s After Part II – Arguments and Hot Springs
Amagami SS+ Plus – Kaoru After Story Part I – Return of Sexhair
Amagami SS+ Plus – Nanasaki Ai’s After Story Part II – The Surprise Christmas Eve Date
Amagami SS+ Plus – Nanasaki Ai’s After Story Part I – Cram School Dilemma
Amagami SS+ Plus – Episode 4 (Rihoko After Part 2 END) – The Moment of Truth…
Amagami SS+ Plus – Rihoko After Part I – Her Second Chance for Love…
Amagami SS – Special II – Miya’s Arc – Little Sister and Big Brother Family Bonding
Amagami SS+ Plus – Tsukasa After Part 2 (END) – The Dream that Came True…
Amagami SS – Special I – Risa’s Arc – The Inconvenient Truth about What Happened Two Years Ago

Since the second season of Amagami SS started airing last week, I may as well celebrate it by covering two of the specials from the first season. In this particular special, it’s big as it reveals why Junichi was so down during Christmas Eve after being heartbroken by a girl two years ago… Apparently, the can of worms gets opened several months after Risa confesses to him in secret.
Amagami SS+ Plus – Episode 1 (Tsukasa After Part 1) – When Elections and Love Collides…

Our lovable male lead is finally back as the sequel to Amagami SS starts. It covers the after stories of each girl’s arcs backwards, which consists of two episodes. For that, the focus is on Tsukasa, right where we left off in the last season if you ignore the two specials from the last season.
Obligatory and Early Winter 2012 Anime Season Preview
As the New Year fall upon us in another month and I have no anime to blog about due to delayed releases, I suppose I can work on the brief Winter Preview and plans for a Let’s Play of a certain game. (Image Source)
Hourou Musuko – Episode 12 (END)
Hourou Musuko – Episode 10+11 (Better Half) – Brief Thoughts

If you recall the last episode of Hourou Musuko, the reactions from other students are unfortunate and expected. As I mentioned in my editorial, society has a double standard when it comes to crossdressing. This resulted in unwanted attention when Nitori decides to dress as a girl for school.
Hourou Musuko – Innocence, Acceptance and Betrayal… (Editorial)
Preface: Hourou Musuko besides Madoka Magica has been one of few shows out of the winter season, which are considered very good. The reason why I have not blogged much about this show since the content in the episodes is hard to explain in episodic posts. So, I thought it would be best to share my thoughts on the events that were important in editorial form.
In the most recent episodes of Hourou Musuko, the story focuses more on the issues Nitori faces in his life that wants to be a girl. Since he is delicate, anything that happens to him will impact him emotionally. This happens when Dori urges him to come out of the closet that causes the whole student body to become shocked. In addition, the play and Anna plays an important role of adding self-confidence for Nitori’s transgenderism.
Winter 2011 Midseason Impressions
With the middle of the Winter Anime Season upon us, the season was mixed. There are some really great shows that I really enjoyed like Madoka Magica and Hourou Musuko. On the other hand, Gosick and Fractale left me with a weird feeling with the way the show is heading. (Image Source)
Taste Test Part II – Hourou Musuko

In the last episode of Hourou Musuko, we are introduced to Nitori and Takatsuki, which entered middle school. They have gender identity issues, which results in wearing clothes of the opposite gender. The first episode primarily focused on Nitori, a male crosdresser that felt accepted by people in the past. Unfortunately, things don’t stay the same since his sister bullies him when he crossdressed and everyone thinks that he’s sick. In this episode, the focus is on Takatsuki and her friends… in particular on Chiba Saori, which feels seemingly upset.
Taste Test Part I – Hourou Musuko (Wandering Son)

In some shows, most notably Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, they use crossdressing as comedy. This mostly involves a male dressing as a female to make it really difficult to tell the real gender of the person. However, in Hourou Musuko (aka Wandering Son), the show takes a more serious and realistic approach. They focus on the issues of transgender people similar to what transgendered people faces and growing up through two people, Nitori and Takatsuki.