I have been reading the Top 5 overrated anime thread at AnimeSuki Forums, and now coming to the realization of people listing anime they don’t like “overrated” without any real justification which is the most of the people who list overrated anime with no reason or a reason which is not justified enough.
Let’s say calling any anime series “overrated” is overrated because simply, it’s just another way to say you hate the series you watched… Why not just say dislike or hate instead of using overrated?
Why am I calling anime series “overrated” overrated… I feel that most fans are missing the point of calling a series overrated just the reason for not liking it. Overrated means something is overhyped, overcredited, and usually very popular. It’s just like calling a series like “Clannad” with a small fanbase overrated just because you don’t like that genre or not in your taste… it’s completely asinine. However, calling a series like Bleach or Naruto overrated due to it’s popular and very high fanbase is justified. (maybe not Haruhi since it’s overhyped…)
Before posting your list of overrated anime… think to yourself first… Are you doing it because you hate/dislike a series that have a small fanbase and is regarded as a masterpiece by most due to it’s good storyline, character development, animation, etc? or you watched a popular series which is highly rated and you don’t think it’s that good (in a case of Naruto).