Well, we finally reveal Aono’s secret… well, not so much of a secret, but still.
Kobato – Episode 22 Thoughts and Impressions

Well, this is near the end of the journey of Kobato. In the beginning, we see Kobato as a child with dolls and someone looks vastly like Fujimoto. Well, this is obviously a happy dream that Kobato was having, but her chest hurts that indicate a feeling of love of some sort. As decided in Episode 21, we go more in depth on why Sayaka decides to close the nursery. She says it’s because Fujimoto seems to be too attached to that place, and now with the Nursery gone, Fujimoto still continues to work despite this because he is a perfectionist.
Fujimoto goes to the nursery for the last time and look at the organ and went back to work. Soon, all the belongings are hauled away and the former nursery children, Sayaka and Kobato watches the nursery being demolished. Meanwhile, Fujimoto was in a gaze and got into an accident while driving, making one of his arms unusable. Domoto was there with Kobato and while Fujimoto and Kobato walking, Fujimoto finally snaps and saying that all Kobato is doing is annoying her. This causes Kobato be upset. Ushagi-san then comes down from the sky giving a flower that indicates that Kobato only have until the next moon as Ioryogi said and if she fails to fill the bottle up, her fate will be sealed. He tries to beg for an extension, but Ushagi doesn’t allow it and leaves.
Overall, this episode was better than the last episode, although we know already the manga will definitely have a different ending compared to the Anime. Yes, some typical fetish fuel in a scene where Kobato and Ioryogi meets (and Kobato was, well… you know…). Also, the dream suggests something that Kobato desires (well, at least in the Anime), which is some type of relationship with Fujimoto. Anyways, we find out in the two part finale if Kobato succeeds or not… Stay tuned…
Sora no Woto – Episode 11 Thoughts and Impressions

Some Les Yay! Moments going around here including some serious stuff.
Pokemon Heart Gold First Impressions
Well, yes, it’s another game that is terribly addictive. This is a remake of the Pokemon Gold and Silver games that came out nearly 10 years ago on the Gameboy Color. I remembered playing this on the Gameboy Color and well, nostalgia will hit again once I start playing this remake on my Nintendo DSi.
Alot have changed during the last 10 years with game mechanics and also the capabilities the Nintendo system had. Back in 2000 with the Gameboy Color, it could only show a certain amount of colors and there was no wireless features except the IR censor on the top of the system, but now with the Nintendo DS or the DSi, alot of change, thus more features were added.
Inside the box reveals instructions for the PokeWalker, which allows you to send a Pokemon over for something and use it without needing a DS and well, the game that comes in a separate package from the box.
Inside the game package is obviously the game and instruction manuals. So that is pretty much it. Anyways, if you are interested in my progress, I will write entries over at my Sideblog, Shiori’s Diary with some screenshots. For now, I’m just going to get started with the game, so I will post a little later. :p
Anyways, what do you think about the remakes?
Also, I will still continue to blog about Anime despite playing this game…
Kobato Episode 21 – Thoughts and Impressions
Well, things come full circle…
Sora no Woto – Episode 10 Thoughts and Impressions

More on Rio and her family connections…
Kobato Episode 20 Thoughts and Impressions

It’s Valentines Day and Kobato wants a Valentines Day party…
Fanservice and Nogizaka Haruka, What the hell happened?
A while back in June 2009, I wrote a lengthy editorial on how fanservice can ruin the overall story of an anime. Well, this becomes a reality with Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu.
I have watch both seasons and the first season was far better besides a few panty shots is that they focused on the over lining purpose of the story. Yuuto and Haruka sweet romance and also her Otaku interest. However, the second season lost it’s purpose completely. Like Kimagure said on Melative, “sweetness replaced by pointless fanservice.” The second season of Nogizaka Haruka just proved what I have said in my editorial I wrote in June of 2009 that adding lots of fanservice makes the over lining story alot worse than it would without the fanservice. All I got from this is more pantyshots, boob groping and other stuff that shouldn’t be in the anime. If I want to watch a fanservice-oriented anime, I would of watched titles like Ladies vs Butlers, Kampfer or even Chu-Bra! I bet one minute that 90% of the fanservice seen in the second season is not in the Nogizaka Haruka light novels (yes, the Anime is adapted from the light novel…)
The problem with the route they taken is that it’s completely unnecessary and the story can do better without it, besides the other flaws besides fanservice. I felt that Diomedea is trying to use fanservice to try to attract more audience to the show, at the same time, alienating its viewers who liked the first season and be constantly let down by every episode. If there is ever a third season, Diomedea better shape up and not add the fanservice and bring it back to what the story is intended to be in the first place because viewers aren’t going to take this excessive, overdone and redundant fanservice and panty shots anymore. There are already enough fanservice laden titles out there already, Nogizaka Haruka is a series that doesn’t need to go down that path too. We already have other anime that does that.