In our second moment of Anime in 2010, we are going to take a look at Sola and the fanservice/pool episode (Image Source).
Anime Adaptation of sola manga
sola – Episode 7 and 8 – Aono vs Matsuri… over Yorito
After Matsuri’s disappearance caused by Aono’s promise to Matsuri, she finally gets her chance to win over Yorito and start life over again as she did in the past. However, Yorito does not like this and tries to find Matsuri…
Given Aono’s past of being forced to live forever because of Matsuri, it’s no surprise that Aono wants Yorito back. So, why not do some sleazy trick to persuade Matsuri to leave forever so she would have Yorito for herself? It’s a genius plan and she even goes on a date with him.
Like in Episode 5, Aono gets a chance to go out with Yorito and make him forget about Matsuri. She goes to some places such as the plush shop and riding the rails. In a later scene, she loses her umbrella like Matsuri did in the first episode and gets really wet. Yorito tries to buy a towel, but he finds Matsuri and chases after her. Aono tries to prevent him, but couldn’t. She weeps while Yorito finds Matsuri in an abandoned building and reminded her of the promise she made. While kissing, he mindlessly stabs Matsuri and it gets into his dreams (and of course, Matsuri self-heals from that stabbing).
How about brainwashing Yorito to make him forget about Matsuri and tell her that she is gone? This is Aono’s plan all along. We knew that she was up to no good by hiding everything away from Mana… Mana eventually gets back into the house and bring him back to his senses with a picture of Matsuri that one of her friends took and sent.
I never knew that Aono would be that malicious. She was always seen as a very quiet girl that doesn’t talk often. After I seen the actions from her, I was proven completely wrong. Probably there is reason she wanted to get rid of Matsuri. If Aono gets rid of Matsuri successfully, she would be cured from her “Yaka” status and could stay with Yorito forever. Or maybe, she is jealous of Matsuri since Yorito spends way too much time with Matsuri and not with herself? Whatever the reason, Aono seems to be serious in achieving her goals…
From the two episodes, I have noticed that the pacing of the story sped up in a tenfold like CCY mentioned in his comparison post:
While both are pretty slow through the first episodes and only kick in about halfway, sola feels a lot faster and feels a lot more breakneck with the plot twists.
Although plot twists like shown in episodes 7 and 8 aren’t so bad, it’s definitely not the smoothest as the excitement ends suddenly at the end of the episode. It was shown with episode 8 when Aono and Matsuri started to have their battle against each other. It makes people wonder, who will win? We will have to find out in the next episode.
And this isn’t the last plot twist, there are more plot twists coming where that came from.
Sola – Episode 6 Thoughts and Impressions
Well, we finally reveal Aono’s secret… well, not so much of a secret, but still.
sola – Special Episode 1 Thoughts and Impressions
Sola – Episode 4 Thoughts and Impressions
sola – Episode 3 Thoughts and Impressions
sola – Episode 2
sola – Episode 1
Kannagi Volume 2/sola Unboxing and First Impressions
Well, while I was at college learning, the final two DVDs I have preordered have finally arrived in the mail and yes, sola seems to finally materialize instead of being delayed indefinitely…
Like with the first Kannagi volume, Kannagi second volume have the same format as the first, but now featuring Zange-chan/Hakua. The DVD features extras like a creditless Opening/Ending and also trailers. The DVD Menu is the same format with some background changes. The only problem right now is that Kannagi is only available at Rightstuf at the moment (talking about monopoly), but I hope it changes in the future.
Another surprise is that sola have finally came in after the many times raging about how many times they delayed it. Given how many times they delayed it, they seem to got it right this time. As you see, there is nothing special with the case, but the series came on 3 seperate discs and features a creditless Opening/Ending themes. There is nothing special with the DVD menu and looks plain, but the picture quality is good enough. sola should be available in other retailers today.
I’m expecting to start at least one episode of sola this week, but the exams that is going on, it’s going to take awhile… I can’t wait. (click Continue Reading to see the pics)
Bandai Entertainment does not care about the fans, delays Sola again

After looking through the rightstuf orders again, Bandai Entertainment yet again delays sola again for another 23 days. Now it’s being released on September 29, 2009… That’s great since I have absolutely a lack of anime to watch in Fall 2009 since none of them interests me and there is no Key Adaptation… What am I supposed to do, bang my head on the wall several times and make sure it’s not a dream?

Unfortunately, it’s not a dream and I’m really angry on how Bandai Entertainment is handling the release, which is so ADV Films like… What R1 Licensors should learn from ADV Film’s shutdown is not to excessively delay the releases of the anime series or you may get loyally paying fans angry or even complain about it on the blog. I know Bandai Entertainment is far from becoming another ADV Films, but this continual mistake that ADV Films made so many time is just damaging their credibility. How simple is it to just translate, add the subtitles, press the DVDs and package them. The way they are handling it, they are having a hard time…
Until they ever release it, I’m never buying any more releases from Bandai Entertainment, except the ones I have already preorder anyways… If you actually read this, I want a formal apology once you release it to the fans for screwing with the fans so many times…
To people who want to buy these series: If Bandai Ent. never materialize these releases, I suggest complaining via written letter. The address is:
5551 Katella Ave
Cypress, CA, USA ,90630
By Email:
or mention them on Twitter with @bandaient
Okay, I’m done raging about them for now…
Like always, Bandai Entertainment yet again delay the release of sola again.
Yes, this is facepalm worthy, but yet again, Bandai Entertainment yet again delayed sola another month, which now releases on September 15, 2009 from the orginally posted date, August 18, 2009 (found out on rightstuf. Is Bandai Entertainment pulling another ADV since they have delayed prerelease due to financial trouble? I’m 100% positive that Bandai Entertainment is not in any financial trouble in contrast of ADV which is was due to a big fiasco. Reguardless, Bandai Entertainment should have released sola by now.
Was it necessary to delay the release another month? How hard is it to just subtitle the whole series, author them onto DVDs, press the DVDs and package them? As mentioned in a few posts back almost about a week ago, I was asking, what is going on here? This latest delay make me ask the same questions over again, when it will ever come out? At the rate they going, sola will never materialize which is sad because I’m interested in watching that show and there isn’t really that much to see in the Fall season because it’s so lackluster… so, if they delay or cancel it one more time, I’m canceling my order completely along with my second volume of Kannagi as a punishment and they won’t get any more money until they formally apologizes for the delays.
To people who want to buy these series: If Bandai Ent. never materialize these releases, I suggest complaining via written letter. The address is:
5551 Katella Ave
Cypress, CA, USA ,90630
By Email:
or mention them on Twitter with @bandaient
Also, I suggest boycotting any of their releases if they don’t release them. Delaying it 3 times is more than enough… This will probably be enough to have them listen
Fall 2009 Season.. Not Impressed at all.
Not impressed at all with the Fall 2009 season lineup… since there is nothing that interests me or worth watching… That’s because Kyoto Animation is still wasting their time animating Endless Eight garbage instead of working on another Key adaptation (Little Busters!, Tomoyo after, or Planetarian) which is worth watching, but it could change since there is one month left.
I guess we have to watch older anime again… This is what I will be covering in Fall 2009 (Starting September)
Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Madiens: I only completed 5 episodes, but since the licensed DVDs are releasing (the first volume atleast), it will probably take awhile until the second release comes out so I can finally complete the series once and for all. (and also had trouble finding good subs for the DVD special, but it should be on the second volume).
Air/Air in Summer: Yes, I was busy all this summer and the rate I’m going, it’s probably will be completed in late September… and I probably be watching the Air in Summer OVA before watching Episodes 8-9 since it’s basically the same thing anyways.
sola: Well, I got interested into watching it since it have similar themes like in Air like reincarnation and also another drama series I would like to watch. Sola is made by former writer who worked with Key on Kanon, Naoki Hisaya. I will watch if Bandi Ent doesn’t mess up the release like last time…
Ef ~ Tales of Memories: Well, I can’t watch melodies yet unless I finish the first season first… but I never got the time to start watching it…. maybe a lack of new anime will help me start.
Editorial: How to screw up a licensed anime release.
Everyone might be wondering, what ever happen to the True Tears and sola anime releases? Originally Bandai Ent., the licensor of both anime series licensed both series early 2008 with selling volumes that are singles which are expensive without a dub… until they scrap it and instead decide to make it a full box set mid/late summer of last year. Ever since, the release date kept getting delayed and never face a release. Recently, True Tears supposed to release on July 21st, which is this month, but yet pushed back to August 18, 2009, the same date sola boxset supposed to be release.
What is going on here? I know the economy is not in the greatest shape, but it’s gradually improving, Bandi Ent., this is no excuse to keep delaying the release on end so people expect that it would never materialize… You already messed up the Lucky Star OVA release without a dub when it’s a very popular series… Next you are going to disappoint us on August 18 by delaying the release of both anime series again by another month? I am posting this because I am interested in watching sola and want to buy the DVDs, but keep messing with the release dates… If it gets delayed or even canceled, people are going to go into a RAGE somewhat like we have experienced with Endless Eight. There is absolutely NO EXCUSES why it shouldn’t release on August 18, 2009… but I am going to be very upset if it gets delayed or even canceled…
To people who want to buy these series: If Bandai Ent. never materialize these releases, I suggest complaining via written letter. The address is:
5551 Katella Ave
Cypress, CA, USA ,90630
By Email:
or mention them on Twitter with @bandaient
Also, I suggest boycotting any of their releases if they don’t release them. Delaying it 2 times is more than enough… This will probably be enough to have them listen.