Since Aoi collapses as she is about to chip in, you would think Eve’s and Aoi’s dream was shattered there. Think again as Aoi does something that nobody expected. But is it enough for Eve to win against Juha?
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
Since Aoi collapses as she is about to chip in, you would think Eve’s and Aoi’s dream was shattered there. Think again as Aoi does something that nobody expected. But is it enough for Eve to win against Juha?
The big day has come as Aoi and Eve face off in the Woman’s All British Open golf tournament. However, Juha Hamilail stands in the way of a final match between Aoi and Eve.
Eve has finally gone pro, but it comes at a cost, as her whole body is injured. Also, Amame finds out that Aoi has the same disease as her father. Are their dream of facing off each other over?
Now that Eve had come up with her new bullet, the Rainbow Bullet Burst, it gave her an advantage. But, little did she know using this move several times in one day pushed Eve to her limits.
Now that Aoi won the tournament with a nice comeback, she discovers the truth Reiya was hiding all along. Meanwhile, Eve struggles as Aoi did due to her “Happy Gilmore” golfing style against Aisha, who has a more powered-up version.
Now that Aoi overcome the shock that Reiya might be her father, with Ayame by her side, can she win the tournament and go pro?
Now that Eve managed to get Catherine off her back, it’s obvious what she does. Also, Aoi has an important tournament, but an unfortunate event happens. She also believes that Reiya is her father, something that Seira desperately wants to hide from her.
Now that Eve is back in Europe and learns more about her mother, she discovers that her mother came from a mafia family. Now that she has beaten her grandfather’s golfer, she wants to go pro. First, however, she needs to deal with Catherine, who is out to kill her, so Eve has to settle that before going pro.
Now that Aoi’s mother knows who Eve is, she plans to kick her out of Japan. Of course, Aoi doesn’t react well to this news.
Aoi and Eve finally won the tournament, but what is the truth about Aoi’s and Eve’s relations. Are they actually blood-related sisters, or are they not?
As Aoi and Eve heads to the final round, what exactly happen to Aoi. Also, what were those memories that Eve had?
With the golf tournament underway, how do Eve and Aoi fare as they head to the semi-finals?
Like every year, I always do the 12 days of Christmas thing. Of course, I couldn’t finish it on time since I procrastinated during the holidays. Also, I needed a break after the chaos on that site. With that, while this came out very late, at least
With spring being halfway over and since this week’s episode of Machikado Mazoku 2-Choume is delayed until next week due to golf for some reason, I want to share my short mid-season impressions of the other two shows I’m currently not covering. They are Birdie Wing and Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasaretai. Also, I will be sharing some thoughts on the state of the blog, which has been a bit rough.
Of course, the spring season is so packed with shows that I can’t possibly cover them all. With that, it’s time to share my short impressions on the remaining shows that I do not plan to cover.