In the past, Kyoto Animation has made a few notable slice of life shows involving a bunch of schoolgirls. Particularly, Lucky Star and K-ON is their most popular works in the genre. With the production of Nichijou, it takes a slightly different take of the genre opposed to gradual character development and references from the Otaku subculture. Instead, it focuses mostly on slapstick comedy sketches that place characters in wacky situations. (Image Source)
Nichijou – Episodes 25-26 (END) – Short Reflection
In the final two episodes, Nichijou ends off with a bang. Given the heartwarming and the exciting ending, it gave me some positive aspects I want to reflect about. (Image Source)
Nichijou and Kyoto Animation’s take on Creativity
In the past few years, the Slice of Life genre gained a lot of popularity. Many of these shows while similar have unique stories. As I explained in my editorial about the genre back in 2010, there is really no defined definition of what makes a show a Slice of Life.
In particular, Kyoto Animation has pushed few of the most popular shows of this genre. Lucky Star and K-On has a huge following for cute characters, but both of them have two different premises. The former focuses on the anime subculture and the latter, the true essence of friendship. On the other hand, Nichijou takes a spin of the genre with less emphasis on characters and more on ingenious comedy (Image Source).
Summer 2011 Anime Midseason Impressions
Believe it or not, summer is more than half way done. Although I haven’t watched much from the summer lineup since I went on a two-week vacation late last month, the shows that I watched were very enjoyable. Out of the show from this season’s lineup, I have watched Ikoku Meiro no Croisèe and The iDOLM@STER along with two shows from last season. (Image Source)
Nichijou – Second Half (Episodes 11-16) Brief Thoughts
It has been a very long time since I have written about Nichijou since I decided not blog the series and watch it only for enjoyment. Since I last written about it in April, I felt that it’s necessary to share my thoughts briefly on the second half while focusing on a few favorite moments I watched so far. (Image Source)
Spring 2011 Midseason Impressions
We are finally at the midway point of the spring season and so far, the shows airing for the most part are very enjoyable. (Image Source)
Taste Test Part III – Nichijou
While I wait for the live watching of Madoka Magica Episodes 11-12, I decided to watch a more ordinary slice of life comedy of Nichijou.
Spring 2011 Season Taste Test Score Card
With the taste testing of Spring Anime is coming to a close, I want to share my thoughts wrapped up into one sentence for every show I taste tested. For shows that debuted last week, it will be updated once I watch the second episode. (Image Source)
Taste Test Part II – Nichijou
Episode 2 of Nichijou is more of the same with the addition of very familiar gaming consoles shown in some of the scenes.
Taste Test Part I – Nichijou
Nichijou is Kyoani’s third coming of a slice of life story involving a group of girls and more slapstick comedy.