With 12 days remaining until Christmas and since I don’t want to write a post on Christmas Day, its time to get started as I write about some highlights on Anime in addition to fandom stuff in 12 separate short posts. For the first day, I’m going to focus on a show that fits the mood a bit named Amagami SS Plus. (Image Source)
Amagami SS
Amagami SS Plus – Final Review
In the summer of 2010 when I was on vacation, I had some urge to watch Amagami SS, which is an adaption based off a romance visual novel by Enterbrain, which only got a Japanese release. While Haruka’s, Karou’s and Tsukasa’s arcs were good, the others just disappointed me, Rihoko especially since the writer decided to become a jerk-ass and Friendzoned her! That conclusion just ruined it for me, which is one of the reasons I never finished the first season until days before the sequel airing.
Amagami SS Plus is a continuation of the girls’ arcs from the first season. Will Junichi live up to his interactions with them? Let’s find out, shall we? (Image Source)
Amagami SS Plus – Episode 13 (END) – Hot Springs without Nii-Nii
Amagami SS Plus – Haruka’s After Part II – The Epic Proposal
Amagami SS Plus – Haruka After Part I – Arrival of Jessica “Sexy” Morishima
Amagami SS+ Plus – Sae’s After Story Part II – Time to Record a Documentary!
Amagami SS+ Plus – Episode 9 – Sae’s After Part I – The Big Misunderstanding
Amagami SS+ Plus – Episode 8 – Kaoru’s After Part II – Arguments and Hot Springs
Amagami SS+ Plus – Kaoru After Story Part I – Return of Sexhair
Winter 2012 Anime Midseason Impressions
If you notice the lack of weekly Anime Digests, it’s mostly because I didn’t have much to say for the past two weeks. Therefore, I’m won’t be doing them until the spring season. For now, the focus is now on the midseason impressions for the current season.
Compared to last year, this year has been pretty underwhelming season considering that we had two great shows (Madoka Magica and Hourou Musuko), which you may already have fresh in your mind. Nevertheless, I managed to find shows that entertained me for the season, so it’s not that big of a deal. (Image Source)
Amagami SS+ Plus – Nanasaki Ai’s After Story Part II – The Surprise Christmas Eve Date
Amagami SS+ Plus – Nanasaki Ai’s After Story Part I – Cram School Dilemma
Weekly Anime Rankings & Digest – January 23rd-30th
This week in general was rather quiet. On the other hand, ACTA, a disastrous treaty similar to SOPA/PIPA had picked up steam last week as people in Europe started protesting against it. As you noticed, I changed the announcement to reflect this and everyone should fight this treaty since it will affect everyone globally, not just in the United States.
Also, I decided to watch Mouretsu Pirates since I got bored of not having enough stuff to watch (Image Source).
Amagami SS+ Plus – Episode 4 (Rihoko After Part 2 END) – The Moment of Truth…
Weekly Anime Rankings & Digest – January 16th-22th
Knowing that Milky Holmes Second Season Episode 3 won’t get released until after I published this digest, I may as well write it now.
If you heard the big news about the Internet last week, SOPA has been officially killed off for good with PIPA getting delayed indefinitely. Congress has finally listened after the unprecedented SOPA blackouts/protests by Wikipedia, Google, Reddit and the Aniblogosphere. Although the battle isn’t over yet, these achievements are great and we should continue putting the pressure on everyone so the Internet stays open.
Also during the weekend, I worked on tweaking the theme even more and made a new header on my test site (featuring Miki Hoshii). I decided not to change the color scheme since I couldn’t come up with a better one and I felt that there is no reason to fix what’s not broken. The good news is that the header will celebrate my three years of Anime Blogging, which started back in February 17, 2009. I plan to have this up by the first day of that month. Despite these developments, you should have noticed the apparent tweaks I made to the theme such as the inclusion of number of comments/trackback in the headers. (Image Source)
Amagami SS+ Plus – Rihoko After Part I – Her Second Chance for Love…
Weekly Anime Rankings & Digest – January 9th-15th
Considering how quiet it is since I’m only watching two shows this season, I spent majority of my time playing more Idolmaster 2 last week. Just yesterday, I wrapped up my 5th play through before the spring semester starts. I had lots of fun conquering all of Japan with my idols in that produce (except the capital region as there is no reward). Aside from that, it’s back to college studies and studying more Japanese so I can expand my knowledge of the language with the hope of understanding more of the story later.
Also happening this week, I will write reviews for the Fall Anime, write more editorials and the Japanese Self Study Progress Part III. So, look forward to that. (In addition, some stuff about SOPA/PIPA after the jump) (Image Source).
Amagami SS – Special II – Miya’s Arc – Little Sister and Big Brother Family Bonding
Amagami SS+ Plus – Tsukasa After Part 2 (END) – The Dream that Came True…
Amagami SS – Special I – Risa’s Arc – The Inconvenient Truth about What Happened Two Years Ago

Since the second season of Amagami SS started airing last week, I may as well celebrate it by covering two of the specials from the first season. In this particular special, it’s big as it reveals why Junichi was so down during Christmas Eve after being heartbroken by a girl two years ago… Apparently, the can of worms gets opened several months after Risa confesses to him in secret.
Weekly Anime Rankings & Digest – January 1st-8th
As the Winter Anime Season starts, I may as well resume my weekly digests since the Power Rankings restarted shortly after the New Year’s break. Since I’m only covering two shows presently, I will resume finishing my backlog to fill in the remaining stuff I can blog during the week. Starting next week, I’ll continue where I left off with True Tears and Tears to Tiara. These titles will not appear in the ranked episodes since they aren’t current shows. In addition, I will come up with a redesign for the third anniversary before February. Don’t worry though, I will modify one of the old banners and change from the Christmas one as a placeholder until February begins.
In addition, I’m planning to post the third Japanese Self-Study progress later this week and thoughts about Idolmaster 2. I just got sidetracked with video games and winter break that I haven’t been updating lately. With the spring semester happening pretty soon, hopefully I can restore my regular blogging patterns (Image Source).
Amagami SS+ Plus – Episode 1 (Tsukasa After Part 1) – When Elections and Love Collides…

Our lovable male lead is finally back as the sequel to Amagami SS starts. It covers the after stories of each girl’s arcs backwards, which consists of two episodes. For that, the focus is on Tsukasa, right where we left off in the last season if you ignore the two specials from the last season.
Obligatory and Early Winter 2012 Anime Season Preview
As the New Year fall upon us in another month and I have no anime to blog about due to delayed releases, I suppose I can work on the brief Winter Preview and plans for a Let’s Play of a certain game. (Image Source)
Amagami SS – Rihoko Sakuri’s Arc – Final Impressions
Basically this is the reaction from all the viewers after the concusion of Rihoko’s arc. In my opinion, Rihoko deserved better. How come all the other girls win Junichi over and childhood friends lose most of the time? Why can’t it be like Kanon where the childhood friend wins all the time? It’s really sad since she had a really good friends and a cute personality… I feel sorry for her since she would probably be lonely for the rest of her life since her relationship will be nothing more than just friends.
Overall, Rihoko’s arc was okay, but the ending seems more like a melancholic ending more than a happy ending seen with the other girls. Sure it was enjoyable with loli Miya, Rihoko’s clumsiness and Junichi’s perverseness. Sadly, she didn’t succeed and I think Junichi doesn’t deserve her because of it. Shame on him!
Hopefully Tsukasa’s arc will make the show redeem itself from its poorly executed arcs… Otherwise, I have nothing else to say.
Overall Rating
7.5/10. C