The final round of Love Live is finally here. Will they win? Also, what special surprise Honoka has for the graduates?
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
The final round of Love Live is finally here. Will they win? Also, what special surprise Honoka has for the graduates?
Last year, I have shared my thoughts about my Anime Backlog. While I haven’t backlogged many shows in the past year, I admit that it’s a bad habit. Besides Anime, this habit also extends to video games since many people like myself want to play the latest games, particularly Japanese RPGs despite not beating a game at least once. This makes me wonder, why do people continue to build up a big backlog of video games by buying new ones despite not making an attempt to finish them?
Did Izuna actually beat Sora and Shiro with the help of her “Blood Destruction” ability? Well…
Since summer started a few days ago, it’s time to share what will happen in the next 11 days (June 26 to July 7th). As mentioned in a Summer Anime Preview post I made earlier this month, I will be going on vacation to the Midwest yet again. Since this month as been rough for me with my blog having traffic woes and such, which cause my motivation to write posts to go down slightly. It’s probably best to take a short break to prevent myself from burning out completely. Hopefully, I will come up with more ideas for future editorial posts once I come back. (Image Source)
Logy’s dark past finally got revealed as the R&D Division finds a way to reach the ruins. Also, what is the mystery behind the ruins?
After watching the first episode of No Game No Life, it intrigued me because I play a lot of video games. Sure, I enjoy the various references they make to Anime and Video Games along with the characters. What interested me more is how Blank manages to win every game despite coming close to losing. While the games are not necessarily deep, there are many aspects in gaming that contribute to their victory, which is not noticeable by most viewers. (Image Source)
Finally, we get to see what Izuna is capable of.
It has been a while since I have done anything with the Idolmaster franchise. When I discovered that Bandai Namco released a 2nd idol producing game under the 2nd vision series of games called The Idolmaster One for All. Since this game is not story oriented compared to the previous games and is more akin to a slice of life, I will be giving my final impressions of the gameplay. (Image Source)
Since Sora finally got Clammy and Feel on his side, what role they will have in the actual game against the werebeasts?
It seems that Colland has a lot of bad news to share that will most certainly upset Escha.
Since summer starts in a few weeks, it’s time to share my thoughts on what shows I plan on watching for the next season along with some plans and updates regarding this blog. (Image Source)
Apparently, Sora’s disappearance was not a coincidence at all.
This episode may look like your typical hot springs episode, but it’s not since Wilbell is after something.
Back in 2012 when I regained my interest in Japanese RPGs, I eventually discovered the Atelier games, which focuses more on item crafting rather than saving the world. While I have played all the games from the Arland trilogyand enjoyed them, Ayesha is the first game in the Dusk trilogy, which overhauled the synthesizing and battling systems while giving a slightly darker story. I choose not to play this game at first for the fact that Tecmo-Koei thought it was a good idea to remove the Japanese voices from the localized release.
At first, I thought of getting a Japanese copy. However, they eventually announced a Vita version several months later. Therefore, I waited to get that instead. With that, here are my initial thoughts of the game after playing for 30 hours. (Image Source)
As Sora and Shiro finally gets all the information they need, they issue a challenge to the werebeasts.
Since Raku and Chitoge finally resolved their differences, it’s time to see them perform.
As the preliminaries come closer, something seems to be on Nozomi’s mind.
Like most fans, not everyone gain an interest in Anime overnight. With that, I have been wondering what kind of shows will catch a person’s attention for people who haven’t watched Anime. Of course, people have different tastes, which makes it somewhat difficult to pick what show you should recommend. (Image Source)
From the looks of it, Steph’s grandfather might not be that foolish after all.