After Yuu managed to cure post dramatic stress disorder thanks to Nao’s help, a certain special person finally shows up.
Anime blog that focuses on Yuri and School Girl Slice of Life Anime and Editorials
After Yuu managed to cure post dramatic stress disorder thanks to Nao’s help, a certain special person finally shows up.
It seems that Riina seems uneasy about something and it’s about being a rock idol.
I have to admit that I never finished Studio Deen’s adaptation of Fate/stay night, namely the Fate arc. It is not because I was side tracked, but Fate/zero instantly wowed me, which is the prequel of that said visual novel. Despite not writing a review for that said show, I was very impressed with Ufotable’s production values since Deen’s in comparison were questionable at best.
Since Ufotable have done Fate/zero, it is expected that Fate/stay night will get the same treatment and it did. While the Fate arc did not get a do over, they decided to make an anime adaptation of Unlimited Blade Works arc in addition to making a movie for the Heaven’s Feel arc possibly next year. With that, it is time to share my overall thoughts on their version of Unlimited Blade Works.
Sadly, the unthinkable has happened, which causes Yuu to go down a path that nobody should be going.
Poor Aoi. It seems that she revealed the reason why she ran away from home.
Since Nisekoi became very popular, it is expected that a second season will eventually be made, especially since three original video animations got released since then. With that, does the sequel lives up to the original? Somewhat.
As Ayumi comes down with a cold, it seems that things are finally getting serious.
Today I turn 26 years old and it feels like I’m not getting any younger. Last year, besides winter being cold like the year before, I finally finished my master’s degree and completed studying the Advanced Japanese Textbook. While the job search was rough and at times, which made me felt discouraged at times, luckily found a job within 5 months after graduating in the Federal Government, although I had to relocate.
I started working on the 27th of July and so far, it has been a good experience so far. I will be learning more on various database tools, data warehouses, database administration and more on security (yes, I will be getting a Security+ certification, which is being paid by my employer at the end of this month). Not only that, the transition to living on my own has been going well so far as I finally got used to driving and doing chores own my own. It took some time adjusting to this new life, but I can admit that the future looks bright, providing I do not screw up. I highly doubt I would since I worked so hard to get here. Still, I have to admit that I was lucky.
With that, what does the future holds as I turn 26. Well, a lot of things. While I have to pay for living expenses and student loans while living within my means, I plan on going to at least one convention next year and hopefully start saving up on that soon once I strengthen out my budget. I will announce it in the near future which one I will be going to. In addition, I plan on studying for the N3 next year as I focus more on actual Japanese media and start writing some posts in Japanese only for practice.
To celebrate the occasion, it’s time to share my new place where I will be writing posts and yes, it is clean compared to my previous location. While my setup will change as I earn and save more money, I’m hoping to add another monitor to have a dual or even triple monitor setup (which includes the laptop display), a bigger network attached storage, a server of some sort and solid-state disk upgrades. My new setup consists of a Mid-2012 15” Core i7 2.6 GHz Macbook Pro, 24 inch Apple LED Cinema Display, an old 22 inch Samsung LCD monitor, Surface Pro 2, Mid-2010 2.4 GHz Core i5 Macbook Pro, Bose Speakers, Blue Snowball, 3 TB WD MyCloud NAS and 2 external hard drives.
With that, feel free to say Happy Birthday in the comments below. I will be going out for lunch and dinner alone for my birthday (my parents will be coming to visit this coming Friday), although it will not be anything fancy.
Also, this site’s domain turns 5 years old on the 11th… Yep, time flies.
After a long and hard decision, I decided to stop covering Illya 2wei Herz, at least separately. It will now be covered on a weekly basis to make things a bit easier for me since it’s becoming somewhat difficult to cover three shows at once, especially now that I am working full-time, eight hours a week.
Also, an open forum for this blog is now up. Now you can share any feedback, any suggestions for future editorial topics for my blog or ask me any questions there. While you have to register in order to make new threads, you can respond to existing threads without registering. Also, please do not comment or send any message through Facebook or Google Plus. I do not check those often, meaning that you most likely not get a response. It’s mostly there to syndicate content.
It seems that the Jougasaki sisters have some soul-searching to do as Bain Capital’s Executive Director Mishiro goes on with her potentially destructive plans.
Since the late 1990s, Anime has grown tremendously popular mostly due to globalization and the Internet becoming widespread. When I read Moonlitasteria’s take on the topic on whether or not Anime as a whole have become mainstream in the West, I wanted to share my own thoughts on it.
Unless you are a big Idolmaster fan, which I am, most people probably have not heard about Gravure For You. This is a bonus mini game that comes bundled with the Blu-ray packs that allows you to take pictures of idols wearing different outfits with different poses. There are nine different volumes for the main series and Cinderella Girls. With that, I will share my overall thoughts on these mini games, mainly focusing more on the Cinderella Girls Gravure For You, which introduces more features.
Yep, it’s another episodic episode. This time, the student council goes camping to search for a teenaged boy who can fly.
The beach party is finally here and of course, Illya can’t catch a break from being teased.
As expected, Executive Director Mishiro like a true vulture capitalist decides to break more dreams as she aims to emulate 765 Production’s success.
Initially, I did not plan to watch Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka (ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか, lit. Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?) until pictures of a main heroine, Hestia exploded on my Twitter timeline. Does it live up to the hype and the title? Not quite.
After spending time arranging things, I’m finally settled down and ready to start my first day of work, which is today. Also, I want to share a special announcement as well.
At last, Illya that we know and love is finally back as the girls prepare for summer birthday beach party.
From the start, I was right about Executive Director Mishiro taking the sleazy businesswoman route and screwing over the girls’ dreams for profits. Of course, the Producer is not going to let the girls’ dreams get broken because of her after the amount of effort he and the girls put into the project to make it successful.
Since I am busy settling down, I may as well share my thoughts about something that I’m curious about: Who does Anime reviews better, the Anime Blogging community or ones done by professional reviewers like Anime News Network? I have wanted to share my thoughts about this after reading an infamous review from a certain famous Anime news website.
Since I have played the piano and clarinet during my childhood up until my senior year of high school, Hibike! Euphonium instantly caught my eye when I saw it was a story of a high school concert band working with a new advisor in order to competing in nationals. Since it is Kyoto Animation, does it live up to expectations? Lets find out.