Chizuko is a middle school girl who stays at her grandfather’s place for a week. Yep, her mother is on a business trip. Besides noticing something strange while on the way there, she finds something she has been looking for all along. Yep, a certain magical girl.

Date Chizuko seems unsatisfied with her life as she never gets to stay in the same place and make friends. However, she was at a mall and accidentally sat on a cat-like creature, making a strange noise. Eventually, a pink-haired girl found it, her pet cat. She still wonders about the noise it gave out.

As Chizuko headed home, a siren came off, and she witnessed a feminine-looking man, who Chizuko thought was a cosplayer, fighting against a magical girl. Of course, the magical girl finally appears to fight the Fossa Magna leader. As expected, the magical girl defeats the blonde-haired villain and his minions. After seeing the sight of the magical girl, Chizuko falls in love with her as her number one Oshi. At that moment, she decides to settle down at her grandfather’s place without knowing a secret.

She eventually finds out that the magical girl is Berry Blossom. Berry Blossom looks familiar to the girl trying to find her cat. You can compare Chizuko’s intense obsession over Berry Blossom to another middle school girl who also obsesses over magical girls, except she went to the evil side against her will. It’s interesting how people make a comparison of Acro Trip being the “magical girl show but without the BDSM.” The thing is, the source material for this show came out first.

While Chizuko sees the viewer submissions on the news for Berry Blossom against the pretty arch-villain, Chrome, every day, Chizuko seems unsatisfied by the submissions. Yes, Chrome is Team Rocket, who gets easily defeated by Berry Blossom. Gone are the days of fierce fights between Berry Blossom.

Shortly after, Chizuko runs into Chrome. As expected, he tries to recruit Chizuko after Chizuko mentions how dull the battles between Berry Blossom and Chrome have become. Of course, he seems desperate for help since he is a terrible villain besides being weak and lacking ambition as if he is not trying, as seen with flipping the store mats, which eventually gets him into a conflict with Berry Blossom.

The funny thing is that Chrome wants Chizuko to help him become a better villain. After all, as Berry Blossom grows up, she becomes more powerful. I find it in how he attempts to get Chizuko to go to the dark side by telling her that a magical girl needs a good villain for her to exist and that a strong villain means a more exciting fight than now.

Even so, Chizuko resists the urge, even when Chrome tries to convince her when he rings her up at a convenience store. Even when a robber comes and holds him and Chizuko hostage, Chrome can’t beat down a robber, and he convinces the robber to hold them hostage.

Of course, Chizuko discovers that Chrome is at her grandfather’s house. He might be hiding something as Chrome teleported her to his lair and even managed to get accidentally locked in a storage closet. He even tries to get Chizuko to sign a contract to join his evil organization in exchange for bringing the magic. Since Chizuko decides to sign it, which is a bad idea, she tries to use her “new” powers.

The funny thing is that it does nothing except her grandfather shows up. It makes me wonder if the contract was fake all along. Still, it’s a bit sleazy for Chrome to trick her to get her to join the evil side. Then again, she is still defiant, even if she finds out that her grandfather found Chrome and let him stay in the basement. So yes, her grandfather is the boss all along or a witting participant.
I admit, Chrome is the worst villain who doesn’t even try and is also weird. The funny thing is that while Berry Blossom, in her civilian form, was inside the convenience store as the robber held them hostage, she eventually transformed to deal with the robber. The funny thing is that she uses pure strength to apprehend a guy like Chiyoda Momo instead of magic.
She admits she can’t use magic on ordinary people, only on Chrome and his minions. Additionally, she doesn’t get along with the police either. Is she like Batman? With her and Chrome’s battle damaging parts of the city, the police might have trouble with this.
That said, the premiere is, as expected, funny for the most part. It’s thanks to Chizuko gushing over Berry Blossom and not wanting to do anything with Chrome. The question is, can she resist the evil side, even after signing that dubious contract? I wonder if there is a clause she can evoke to get out of it. Still, I wonder when Chizuko will find out Berry Blossom’s identity. Also, what does the girl calling for Chizuko do when she leaves the classroom? I guess we’ll find out soon.
@chikorita157@chikorita157.com I have a feeling that @anianimalsmoe might find Berry Blossom’s mascot likable, for obvious reasons.
So far our main heroine and her beloved mahou shoujo are great. While I don’t mind Kuroma/Chrome, I am sad our main girl and him are the focus of the show. I am not worries about het crap but I would like more Gushing and less inept evilness. It is admittedly funny though.