After the Calamity returns after Lailaps goes on stage and ruins Yohane’s party, Yohane feels really down. She starts to doubt her self-worth.
Last time, Lailaps went on stage to tell everyone to take shelter over the Calamity. While the deer nearly threatens Hanamaru, her boar, and Yohane, Million Dollar comes in time to drive that deer away. When Chika tells Yohane to come, she doesn’t want to fight. I wonder why.

Yohane ran away as she was at the bridge. Lailaps tells her that she needs to go home for safety. Of course, Yohane doesn’t plan to do the audition as she beats herself over the Calamity. She thought she had gotten rid of the Calamity by fighting it and performing a song with her friends. She felt that she could help everyone.

With the Calamity returning, Yohane feels helpless as what she did meant absolutely nothing in the end. Of course, Lailaps saying she wouldn’t accompany Yohane to the audition didn’t help. That is when Yohane throws her staff over the bridge. When Lailaps tried to fetch it, it was too late. You might wonder why Yohane did this. She thinks that by doing this, things will return to normal. Sadly, it doesn’t.

In short, Yohane becomes a hikkomori as she shuts herself in the house lying in bed. When Lailaps approached Yohane’s room after You and Hanamaru went by, Yohane brushes her off. She doesn’t want to hear anyone. When Yohane asked about how Lailaps felt when she saw Yohane. Of course, Lailaps said she doesn’t remember, and Yohane calls her a liar. Things aren’t off to a great start, given that Lailaps said she won’t come to Yohane’s audition and the party while crashing it.

Of course, Dia sees this as a problem as they need to face off against the Calamity again. While Dia and Ruby forces on defeating the Calamity. There was a rogue animal on the bridge. Still, Dia faces difficulties, even with her power suit, until Lailaps comes to help her. As expected, Lailaps needed to bring back Yohane’s magical powers, and she jumped into the river to fetch the staff.

Meanwhile, Yohane has strange dreams as Lailaps walks away. Yohane woke up looking for her until she went to the front door. Yep, it’s Chika and her sisters planning to pick her up. They dragged Yohane against her will as they arrived at the inn. Hanamaru, You, Riko, Mari, and Kanan was there. I find it funny how Yohane doesn’t know what is happening as she goes along with all the festivities, such as a massage, food, and entertainment. I admit the entertainment is quite funny, although it’s clear that the girls tried their best but ended up messing up one way or another. I find Riko drinking all the cups of drinks that she is supposed to pull off the tablecloth without spilling it quite funny.

In the end, while Yohane is grateful for her friends trying to cheer her up, she doesn’t deserve it. After all, she blames the return of the Calamity on herself, and she has nothing special as a result. Of course, her friends don’t think so, as Yohane was shining with her unique style while performing with them during the summer festival. In short, they want Yohane to stop blaming herself for the return of the Calamity as they cared about her. With that, they want her to ask for help when needed. It’s good that Yohane returned to her senses as she wants to make it so everyone can have fun in town and fill it with singing.

As Yohane tries to find Lailaps to apologize to her, she finds Dia and Ruby. Yohane finds Lailaps unconscious. With the title of Farewell Lailaps, is Yohane really saying goodbye to her for good? That title doesn’t seem that positive, but we’ll find out next time.