Now that Yohane has done her summer festival performance with her friends, she feels satisfied finishing the assignment her mother assigned her. Of course, Lailaps doesn’t think Yohane has found the extremely fun thing yet.
At least, we take a glimpse of Yohane’s dream this time. She was apparently trying to do a spell, making Lailaps her older sister and having her talk. That was before Yohane woke up. It’s probably an indication of something. Given the title of the episode, it’s focused on Lailaps.

Lailaps try to wake Yohane up, but she wants to rest after finishing her summer festival episode. It’s funny how Lailaps is becoming uneasy that Yohane hasn’t done anything for a week since the Summer Festival. This is not surprising since she arranged a girls’ night out and a musical performance during the summer festival.
Still, Lailaps questioned if this was what Yohane wanted to do as she tried to stay in Numazu. After all, wasn’t she gung-ho in leaving Numazu to return to the city where the excitement was? It’s unsurprising that she doesn’t want to go since she made many friends in Numazu. She tells Lailaps to leave her alone as Yohane wants time for herself.

Either way, Lailaps decides to go out, as Yohane told her. The funny thing is that Yohane stealthily followed her. Lailaps basically spend time having fun with children, helping people, and even having her pictures taken. Yohane noticed that Lailaps seemed happier. It was funny how Riko joined Yohane in spying on following Lailaps.

Sadly, they lost sight of Lailaps after the photo-taking lady and the children had no idea where she went. Yep, Yohane asked for help from everyone to find Lailaps. The funny thing is that after Dia drove Yohane to where Lailaps might be in the north, Yohane eventually got off to a very familiar spot in town. After following a path, she discovers where she first met Lilaps. The funny thing is that Lailaps is looking at her.

We find out that Lailaps came to her as a small wolf after Yohane cried for some reason. It immediately created a bond with her as she was lost too. Yohane discovers a kitten stuck in a tree and tries to rescue it. Sadly, it got startled as Yohane fell as a result. Thankfully Lailaps jumped in to save her until they helped save the kitten. Thankfully, they managed to rescue it.

Of course, the area they are in is special. The special day Lailaps mentioned is the special day is indeed the day Yohane met Lailaps. When Yohane’s mother found her daughter, she allowed her to keep Lailaps. That is, as long she never forgets to love her, make up with each other if they fight, and doesn’t forget to smile even if something terrible happens. Thanks to that promise, Yohane was able to get along with Lailaps. Not only that, Yohane’s mother made a promise to Lailaps to stay by Yohane’s side until she was all grown up. Still, I wonder why she didn’t tag along when Yohane went to the city.

Either way, at least we learn about Yohane’s relationship with Lailaps and how they met. Yohane seems grateful for Lailaps preparing the town for her until her eventual return. Still, Yohane is grateful to be what she is now, thanks to her. Of course, Lailaps wants to ask her something as her magic didn’t actually start that day, That is, until Yohane got interrupted by her friends. I guess we won’t find out until next time. So, when did Yohane actually get her ability to use magic? We have to wait and find out next time.