It seems that Komichi isn’t the only person who likes observing living things. It becomes obvious who is it.
Minoru is obviously a tomboy as she seems interested in things from nature. Yes, things like insects that girls usually get freaked out over. While in the forest, she saw Komichi and her little sister, Kao playing near the lake nearby. Of course, she never knew that she will be in the same class with her.
After observing Komichi with Erika playing a weevil, Minoru heard a girl scream. It’s because they become freaked out by a Japanese rat snake. Of course, Minoru decides to pick it up, which causes the other girls to become worried. Komichi comes by and pets it. That is where Minoru saw Komichi’s eyes and thinks it came from a seal.
Thankfully, Minoru captured it and released it in the forest with Komichi tagging along. Komichi becomes amazed by how much Minoru know about the snake. She also writes down information about the snake in the notebook. Of course, Komichi also show her notebook filled with information on her classmates and sharing why she is doing it. Yep, since she never had classmates during elementary school, thus no friends. This is why she wants to make friends with everyone in her class.
With that, Minoru teaches Komichi how to observe someone without getting detected. The funny thing is that Komichi intervenes. It becomes apparent when Hotaru given how smol she is and having difficulty reaching a button on a vending machine. I must admit that it’s adorable. Of course, Komichi can’t help seeing her struggle and decides to help her. We do find out later that Touko set her up for the challenge. Yep, Touko is quite the trickster.
Yep, Komichi isn’t good at not getting at being stealthy. Eventually, she and Minoru got found out when Hitomi is talking to a girl, Tanabe. Yep, it’s feeling like a girl trying to confess to another girl or something, but we don’t know. Komichi and Minoru can’t hear them as someone came up to her. Yep, Nawashiro blew their cover and Hitomi found them out.
Also, they hid in the locker to observe Riona failed as Komichi couldn’t hold in her sneeze. Apparently Riona had a sandwich since she didn’t have the chance to eat breakfast. Komichi is terrible at being stealthy. Of course, Minoru fell face first on Riona’s big chest. The funny thing is that she seems to enjoy how soft it was and mentions it in her notebook. Of course, Minoru got to see Komichi’s style of drawing during art class outdoors.
In the last part, Tougeguchi has Komichi’s hanerchef. However, she is having difficulty finding Komichi. She seems jealous that Komichi hang out with other girls beside other things. Yep, she ends up calling her a traitor into an empty bucket, which is funny. Yes, this part reminds me of that well that horse girls use to vent out their defeat. The funny thing is that Komichi heard it and finds the handkerchief.
You might be wondering, why Tougeguchi had the handkerchief. Apparently, she had a bad stomachache and becomes worried about her middle school debut. She forgot the handkerchief to dry her hand, which adds to her bad luck. This is when she saw Komichi lending hers. Of course, when the intercom went on, she couldn’t hand it back. Of course, Komichi tells her to bring it back when she sees her next time.
As expected, she expected Tougeguchi to pass the exam. I guess the reason it took Komichi so long to recognize her is that Tougeguchi looks different with her uniform on. Either way, she is happy to see her again.
It’s obvious that Minoru is happy to talk to Komichi, although it’s obvious she wants to do the same back. Of course, she knows all that Minoru is observing her, but she is happy to learn more about her at the same time. When Minoru asks Komichi if she wants to observe insects next time, she is happy to do so. Either way, it’s interesting that Komichi is not the only one doing the observation thing.
Minoru and Ayumi are welcome additions to Komichi’s harem. Looking forward to more.
Still holding out hope for Hitomi X Yasuko.
It’s always nice to see Komichi’s harem grow. Just need some more development time with Erika I guess. But it’s good that Ayumi brought back Komichi’s handkerchief.
I guess one can only hope.