After the magical girl stole Jahy’s mana crystal, she is not giving up. She decides to do some physical training. The question is, is enough to defeat the magical girl?
As expected, when Jahy heads to work, she sees the Owner exercising. Yep, it’s obvious that she is trying to lose weight. She asks Jahy to become her workout buddy since Ryou doesn’t want to. The Owner of course bribes her with food and requests. Then again, seeing Jahy work out may be a good thing as she can build some strength. Strength that she can use to defeat the magical girl.

Of course, Jahy goes along with it and doesn’t know what she is in for. I find it funny how she can barely do one push up and sit up. In comparison, the Owner can do a few as she struggles. There is no wonder why she can’t beat the magical girl. Moreover, she also struggles at other exercising activities such as the hoop, dancing, and jump roping.

After struggling through all the activities, she was about to give up. Thankfully, the Owner still encourages Jahy not to give up and keep trying. Eventually, Jahy got a hang of it little by little. After several days of exercise, they managed to do 30 push-ups.

Jahy seems happy that she is getting stronger without realizing the Owner gave up on exercising. Yes, she only did it to lose weight, which she will eventually put back on. After all, exercising is a long game, not a sprint. The same can be said for having a proper diet.

With the Owner ditching Jahy on the workouts, she simply went home to rest. Yep, someone started to play loud music, which gets Jahy upset. I find it funny how she bangs on the wall telling the person to stop. While I never experience this since I never rented, I think most people in my generation can relate to this.

Eventually, she resorts to using pots and pans and making noise. Isn’t this a bit hypocritical? The funny thing is that when Ryou came by, she sees Jahy yelling at her next-door neighbor. Yep, nobody is living next door, which makes me wonder where the noise is coming from? Still, I’m surprised that other neighbors didn’t become upset at Jahy making all that noise in the middle of the night.

In the last segment, Jahy continues her mana crystal search. She is not having much luck until she sees a boy that might have one. She demands it, but he won’t hand it over since Jahy is younger than him. The funny thing is that when she transforms, she freaks out the boy as she runs away. The funny thing is the rock that he had was not a mana crystal. Yep, it’s karma catching up to Jahy again. After all, it’s not good to bully children to get their items.

Jahy continues her search, a little girl notices Jahy. She asks what Jahy is doing and decides to help her out. Her name is Kokoro and she doesn’t seem to have a problem when Jahy. She reveals that she is a demon collecting mana crystals to rebuild a demon realm. I find it interesting that Kokoro didn’t become startled when Jahy reveal this.

While Jahy seems disappointed that they couldn’t find anything. Jahy becomes upset and runs after Kokoro mentions asking the police. That is a bad idea given Jahy’s troubles with the police. Jahy manages to injure herself.

Thankfully, Kokoro came to help bandage the area. Kokoro also finds something, but it’s not a mana crystal. It’s a four-leaf clover. Perhaps this will give jahy some more luck since she lacked some lately. Still, it’s nice to see Jahy soften up thanks to Kokoro. Yep, it looks like Jahy made a new friend. Hopefully, they will find a mana crystal together someday.

As for that diet and exercise Jahy and Owner did. Well, they ate a bunch of sweets for four days. Yep, Jahy ate a lot. What I find funny is that when the Owner got back on the scale, she put on more pounds before she started her diet and exercise. I guess eating all those sweets without exercise isn’t going to do any good.
I found Kokoro to be really sweet and kind girl. Let’s hope we see more of her in the following episodes. I also get the feeling Kokoro will make Jahy a kinder, gentler girl. Off course Jahy is too proud to admit anyone could change her!
Cute and sexy anime ladies exercising makes me yearn another anime like Dumbbell or a 2nd season.
Kokoro is precious indeed. Hopefully we’ll see her again.